My Little Girl (22)

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Sheng Qianmo held out his hand to touch her dimple but paused on the way.

Shu Nuan looked at him with uncertainty and at a loss.    
After a long time, Sheng Qianmo pinched her cute dimple and said, “Smile more in the future.” 

The tone of his voice seemed different than the one he used normally.

Sheng Qianmo was accustomed to ordering others whenever he wanted something done, and he was this way towards Shu Nuan as well. However, from the way he spoke this time, he was not telling her to laugh more, but wishing instead.

Although Sheng Qianmo let go of her cheeks quickly, Shu Nuan could still feel a hot sensation where his fingers had pinched her.

She blinked her eyes and promptly looked down.

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Sheng Qianmo smiled without being aware of it.

He felt a surge of desire at the bottom of his heart.

Sheng Qianmo left off Shu Nuan at the Yulin Academy before leaving himself. And not too long after Shu Nuan had reached the hall of the Tenth Class, Master Gao arrived as well.

Su Hai, who was sitting right in front of Master Gao, turned around secretly toward Shu Nuan and asked her, “Shu Nuan, the man who dropped you off just now, is he really your uncle?”

Shu Nuan lifted her head and knitted her brows at Su Hai.


Su Hai wore a mischievous smile, as he continued, “I’ve also heard that your Uncle came to pick you up yesterday…”

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“Yeah,” Shu Nuan answered vaguely.


Master Gao slapped his ruler on the desk. “Su Hai, go out and catch ten cicadas and then come back!”

Su Hai’s back turned cold and he shouted, “Master, you bully people. What kind of cicadas can be found in this season?”

But Master Gao kept an aloof expression in face of his protests. “Then go to the Ninth class and say to everyone, ‘Su Hai is really stupid.’”

The whole class burst into laughter immediately.

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“You all!”


Su Hai pointed at his classmates and left the hall with indignance.

After class, Master Gao mentioned the Mid-Autumn Festival, saying that he wanted to start an election to choose for the leading male-female roles  from the class for the play. So everyone wrote down the candidate they found suitable and handed the sheets at his table.

In the end, based on Master Gao’s calculations, the one who came in first was without a doubt Shu Nuan. He was not surprised at all. The young newcomer was bright, beautiful, and clever. Most importantly, she was intelligent. How could such a young girl not be liked?

As for the male lead, a boy named Jing Fei was chosen. He sat at the back of the class and usually didn’t talk much. Jing Fei had always been a quiet one. It was heard that his ancestors once had a generation of officials, but his family later fell down in reputation.

However, Jing Fei had gained admission to the Yulin Academy by his own ability, and had been doing well in the Tenth Class.

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Master Gao was very optimistic about him. If there would be no mishap, in the upcoming assessment the following month, Jing Fei would be promoted as long as he performed as regular. Besides, he was also good-looking, so Master Gao was not surprised to find that the male protagonist would be him.

However, after Master Gao announced the results, Su Hai was the first to oppose them.

“How could the hero not be me? Teacher, you are unfair!”

Master Gao pointed his right hand towards the door. “Su Hai, go to the other class.”

Ah’Bi was waiting ill at ease outside of Teacher Li’s room, where Sheng Gu was taking her exam.

There she had a coincidental meeting with Sheng Lingyun, who had come over looking for Teacher Li.

“This humble servant pays respect to the Seventh Prince.”

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