My Little Girl (38)

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“Do you dare to know for sure?” Sheng Qianmo’s gaze was cold, and his voice indifferent. “You have no right to question This Prince. However, if you truly dare to take liberties with me… The fighting in Northern Xinjiang is not yet over, and I can take you there to have some fun.”

On hearing that Sheng Qianmo was going to send him to the battlefield to fight, Sheng Lingyun was so scared that he couldn’t even hold the cup. He clarified without pause, “Fourth Brother, stop joking. You can rest assured that I will not put my mind to what you just said.”

Sheng Qianmo face remained expressionless as he looked on. How could Sheng Lingyun dare to stay after this exchange? He said some words about his innocence, and then quickly took his leave.

After Sheng Lingyun left, Sheng Qianmo twisted his brows and asked the Imperial Physician to go to the Qin Hall.[1] As for himself, Sheng Qianmo stayed all night at the Shu Pavilion to study some documents. During this period, the physician went to treat Shu Nuan’s injury. After reporting his diagnosis, he then left a bottle of ointment with the prince.

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“On some parts, it is inconvenient for me to treat her. Please find a maid to apply the medicine to the girl.”

Sheng Qianmo agreed but didn’t say much else. After the physician left, he stared at the bottle of ointment in his hand, before getting up and leaving the library.

Sheng Qianmo pushed open the door to the bedroom. The lamp was still on but, as it was quiet, it didn’t seem like anyone was inside.

Shen Qianmo closed the door and went in. Behind the screen, Shu Nuan was seated on a bed, with her arms hugging her legs, and her white toes curled on the soft bedding.

She had been changed into a clean set of night clothes. But he could see that in just a few days, the little girl had lost weight. At this moment, she lowered her head, and was about to bury her face between her knees.

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Hearing the deep and familiar footsteps coming into the screen[2], Shu Nuan raised her head with slow deliberation. As her gaze fell upon Sheng Qianmo, her eyes quickly filled with tears. Short of breath, she stared at him as her eyes turned redder within a few moments. Dew fell from the peach blossom eyes. In her vision the prince’s figure turned hazy, and as he came closer big tears fell more.

They wet the tear mole, and they wet her whole face.

Her small mouth trembled a little, but she clenched her lips tightly and managed not to cry out.

Sheng Qianmo frowned and strode over. “What’s the matter?”

He thought there was something wrong with her, that she was crying in pain.

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But Shu Nuan didn’t speak. Still holding her legs, she looked up at the man who had walked over. The trails of tears were all over her face and the ones in her eyes wouldn’t stop falling off.

Silent grievance and uneasiness were evident in her every action.

She didn’t speak, but Sheng Qianmo felt it clearly.

“Don’t cry. Does it hurt a lot?” Sheng Qianmo had never seen Shu Nuan so sad, sobbing with such quiet, before. He did not know how much she had suffered.

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He came closer to the bed and raised her little face to wipe her tears. But after a while, her tears fell even more numerous. The next moment, she finally could not help rushing into his arms. Her small trembling hands grabbed his waist, and her big tears soon wet his clothes.

The pain she felt with each movement was still severe. But the fear of losing him hurt more.

Sheng Qianmo finally seemed to understand why she was crying.

He bowed his head and rubbed the little girl’s hair. Finally, his voice became softer. “Come now, don’t cry. I didn’t intend to send you away.”

[1] – Remember, Qin Hall is where Shu Nuan usually stays. And Imperial Physician will be shortened to ‘the physician’ after its first occurence in a chapter.

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