My Little Girl (41)

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Sheng Qianmo pushed her messy hair behind her ear, and whispered, “You stay here and rest well. This Prince will request your absence at the academy.”

Shu Nuan was a little frustrated about this topic. After a long silence, she uttered, “Master won’t let me come to the academy.”

“What?” Sheng Qianmo frowned a little, having no clue of what had transpired there with Sheng Gu.

Shu Nuan peeked at him. Seeing his frosty expression, she dared not hide the truth from him about what had happened the other day with the princess.

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Shu Nuan didn’t say the exact vulgarities Sheng Gu had thrown at her in front of everyone. But knowing that Master Gao had said that her reputation would be damaged, Sheng Qianmo could guess at the contents of the argument.

Sheng Qianmo’s frown intensified, and he said, “Take a good rest first. When you are ready, This Prince will take you to the academy.”

To Shu Nuan, Sheng Qianmo’s word was infallible, so without the slightest doubt, she nodded like an obedient girl.

During those days of recuperation in the Sheng Courtyard, Shu Nuan was keyed up. First, the Yuanyang Festival was approaching. And second, there was that assessment after Yuanyang Festival. She didn’t know if she could still take the stage after all that happened, so she focused on her studies instead.

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Everytime Sheng Qianmo came back those days, she would be reading a book on the couch. With her injuries,  it wasn’t convenient for her to serve him upon his return like usual. On the contrary, he would have to take away the book from her hands to apply the medicine.

Ashamed at first, Shu Nuan got used to it after a few more times.

The ointment given by the Imperial Physician was quite effective. From rubbing it on Shu Nuan’s injury, the scar faded over time.

After Sheng Qianmo was done, he looked down and saw that the little girl wasn’t very shy this time around. In fact, she was using this time to go through her book. Sheng Qianmo frowned and hit twice on her behind. It was soft yet elastic and firm, just as he had thought.

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Shu Nuan cried cried out in a whimper because of the sudden smacking she got. It made her blush for a while. Unable to concentrate on the book, she turned around and, with her eyes moist, whimpered, “Your Highness, you..”

She wanted to say something but didn’t have the courage to speak out.

Sheng Qianmo saw the little girl facing him with eyes moist with tears, bewilderness written all over her face. He could see that she dared not look angry or voice her grievance, which made his heart turn soft. 

He lifted up the waist of her skirt and seated her on his lap. Shu Nuan was now used to sitting in his lap, so she just lowered her head into the book in her hands. Sheng Qianmo didn’t disturb her either. After all, he had some government affairs to deal with.

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Sheng Qianmo held the little girl while reading the documents. And from time to time he pinched her hands in a playful gesture. In the end, he did not realise that it was already dark, and the little girl on his lap was asleep against him, holding the book in her hand with feeble strength. He touched Shu Nuan’s hand, and the book slipped down and fell…

Sheng Qianmo knitted his brows. He picked up the girl and went to bed.

The day after, the prince took a half-day leave from the military camp to visit the academy.

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