My Little Girl (52)

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Sheng Qianmo didn’t take long to find it. He bought the little girl several packs of the dragon’s beard candy to eat.

Eating while walking in the streets, Shu Nuan had to divide her attention between the rough road and the candy.

Sheng Qianmo looked down at her from time to time. He would find her nibbling at the candy with her painted eyebrows raised, resembling a greedy little fox. He stared at her eating as if her mouth was enticing.

In the midst of talking he glanced around at her, only to find himself being ignored, until, he took a piece of the candy she was holding. Only then did Shu Nuan look up at him. Handing over one of the candies, she asked, “Does Your Highness want to eat?”

Her voice was soft and seemed to be tinged with something sweet.

What made the look convincing was her warm and cute eyes.

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Shu Nuan knew he wanted to please her. Sheng Qianmo gave her a stern look and said, “No, you eat.”

After hearing his response, she wasn’t unhappy at all and continued to eat.

Sheng Qianmo didn’t take her to buy anything else until she had finished eating a pack of the candy.

He then took Shu Nuan around to shop for her. As long as he thought it was right for her, he would buy it without a second thought.

The prince then took her to the famous Shui Jing Garden in the capital for a stroll, but as she was leaving the garden, she did not pay heed to the road. She tripped and began to fall down but Sheng Qianmo held her before she could. However, she still ended up with a sprained ankle.

Although it was just a sprain, with her delicate skin she developed a swelling on the right ankle that looked serious.

 Although Shu Nuan didn’t complain about the pain, Sheng Qianmo was unwilling to let her walk back on her own. He carried her on his back.

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Shu Nuan was light to the point he felt as if she carried no weight. Her soft body against his back felt comfortable as the little girl’s small arms went around his neck.

With her head buried in his neck, the breathing felt soft. It felt itchy.

Sheng Qianmo walked down the road. He grabbed the little feet hanging near his waist. Shu Nuan cried out in pain, and the prince began to criticise her.

Sheng Qianmo’s voice wasn’t harsh, but deep and stern.

Yet without his intention, it was sexy and provocative.

It made Shu Nuan blush.

She arched her neck without saying a word, then cast a pleading and coquettish look at him.

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Sheng Qianmo closed his mouth, but still muttered with an even tone, “You have to pay attention to the road in the future, okay?”

Shu Nuan hugged his neck and whispered, “I know.”

When had Sheng Qianmo ever walked back home like this, carrying a little girl on his back?

“This Prince saw you playing the guiqin on the stage. Did you learn it?”

Shu Nuan looked at the distant Wulan Lake under the full moon, lost in a trance. For a long time she didn’t answer, until Sheng Qianmo brought her back to the present by touching the full curve beneath her waist. Her face reddened as she replied in a halting voice, “Yes, I learned.”

   “Did you learn all the four arts?” [1]

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Shu Nuan had been leaning on his neck. The redness hadn’t left her face yet, when she muttered, “Yes.”

Her mind was focused on what Sheng Qianmo had done.

He… had felt her backside.

All of a sudden, she heard Sheng Qianmo mutter a few words. “It’s quite soft.”

The grip of her arms tightening, Shu Nuan blushed harder, and said, “Your Highness, you’re doing this again…”


[1] Four arts – zither, Go, calligraphy, painting

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