My Little Girl Part 2 (83)

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Before the carriage left, Su Huang opened a corner of the curtain and smiled at Sheng Qianmo, who was standing outside the Moon Pavilion. He said, “Take me to have a look at the little girl, if you ever get the chance.”

Without waiting for an answer from Sheng Qianmo, Su Huang put down the curtain, and the carriage departed.

Upon returning to Su Manor, Su Huang wanted to meet his son, but considering how drunk he was, he asked the servants to cook him a bowl of Hangover Soup. After drinking it, he changed his clothes and went to the child’s room. 

The little fellow was curled up in his quilt, sleeping soundly,. His small mouth looked like he was eating something delicious in his dreams. Su Huang’s heart felt soft. He hooked a corner of his lip upwards and kissed his son on the forehead, and then he tucked in the quilt. Finally, he got up and left. 

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Shu Nuan was sitting in the middle of her books and waiting for Sheng Qianmo to return, when she heard a knock on the door.

Thinking it was Sheng Qianmo who’d come back, she rubbed her eyes and got up to open the door. Just then, she heard Li Yuan’s voice come from the outside, saying, “Miss Shu, His Highness asked you to go pick him up at the Moon Pavilion.”

Shu Nuan was in a daze for a while, but it was too late to think about anything, so she went back and changed her clothes. Then she left with Li Yuan in the carriage.

When Shu Nuan arrived at the Moon Pavilion, she got out of the carriage and saw Sheng Qianmo sitting on the stone steps. His eyes were half closed, and the faint red of drunkenness was on his cold, hard face. Nevertheless, one couldn’t ignore his natural noble bearing.

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When she walked over, Sheng Qianmo heard the footsteps and lifted his eyes in a lazy way, fixing them upon her.

Shu Nuan wore very thin clothes. Her petite body seemed as if it could be blown away by the cold wind at any moment. Sheng Qianmo wrinkled his brows, annoyed that he’d troubled her to come to him. Without waiting for her to finish walking over, he got up and moved towards her. He untied his coat and wrapped it over her thin body. But he also scolded, “You didn’t wear any thick clothes. Are you that worried about This Prince?”

Shu Nuan was silent. Without a doubt, Sheng Qianmo was completely drunk.  

But she hadn’t expected that Sheng Qianmo would act like this under the influence of wine. 

He was… like a childish teen.

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 But Shu Nuan understood his intent and helped him onto the carriage, and  Li Yuan set out.

However, after getting into the carriage, Sheng Qianmo didn’t act in an honest manner. He grabbed her soft little hands, but he didn’t seem to think it was enough, so he pulled her over and kissed her.

After being bullied for a long time, Shu Nuan was finally able to gasp for breath. Her eyes were damp, and she reminded him softly, “Li Yuan is outside…”

“It’s all right,” he responded in a low voice, and he kissed her again. Shu Nuan’s cheeks were crimson and beneath the brow was a faint red.

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She clutched his arm tightly, but could not hold it, and soon fell softly.with a soft thud.

After returning to his manor, Sheng Qianmo put his outer robe on her body and carried her back to the bedroom. 

Sheng Qianmo was so drunk that he held such a little girl in his arms and laid her on the couch.

He grabbed Shu Nuan’s little hand and intended to continue, but suddenly he realised that Shu Nuan was shivering all over .

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