My Little Girl 90

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Sheng Qianmo had just finished taking a bath, and he was wearing white clothes. He looked more aloof than usual. Shu Nuan gazed at him for a while, and then addressed, “Your Highness.”

“You waited for This Prince until you fell asleep?”

Shu Nuan shook her head in pretense and whispered, “No.”

Sheng Qianmo sat down beside her and looked at the half-eaten cake she was holding. Shu Nuan stared at his eyes for a long time, hesitant to give him a piece of cake she hadn’t eaten yet. But Sheng Qianmo just grabbed her little hand and bit the cake she’d eaten. The warm tip of his tongue swept her delicate fingers, which she pulled back, the base of her ears turning red.

Sheng Qianmo liked to watch her blush and get flustered. He couldn’t help pinching her face lightly. 

“Say, what reward do you want?”

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In his opinion, she’d waited in the library all night because she was eager to get her promised reward.

Shu Nuan looked distracted for a while. She understood his meaning, and so she asked, “How does Your Highness know…”

Sheng Qianmo held out his hand and rubbed the tip of her nose. 

“This Prince naturally needs to know such an important thing in advance.”

He’d asked his subordinates to come and report the results to him when they would’ve come out.

When Sheng Qianmo had said the words, “an important thing,” the tone of his voice had seemed to say that he cared a lot for Shu Nuan and her results… Yes.

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Shu Nuan clasped her hands with her head down, saying nothing.

Sheng Qianmo saw her silent look and stretched out his arm to bring her onto his lap. “What’s the problem?”

Shu Nuan shook her head and dared to lie against his neck. As she breathed softly upon his neck, she said, “Last time I went to the Wangyue Forest with my classmates, I heard the deep lake there would shine at night. But the Wangyue Forest is dark during the day.”

Sheng Qianmo thought the little girl was cute and funny — she wouldn’t directly put forward what she wanted. She clearly wanted him to accompany her to the Wangyue Forest, but didn’t dare to say it. Instead, she put up the matter in a roundabout way, thinking she was very clever.

Sheng Qianmo was determined to tease her. After he listened to her whispers, he replied, “Then we won’t go there.”

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Shu Nuan pursed her lips.

When Sheng Qianmo looked down, he saw Shu Nuan’s long eyelashes hanging and half-covering her tear mole, and her small mouth was sealed tightly.

Sheng Qianmo couldn’t help touching her tear mole. His warm hand was against her belly, as if wanting to comfort her. He said, “Look at your reaction. This Prince made a joke, and I won’t allow you to act like you’ve been wronged.”

With her small hands, she firmly held his neck, clearly annoyed but with not much strength behind it. In spite of her grip, Sheng Qianmo only felt a little tickle. 

Shu Nuan bit her lip and complained, “I don’t feel wronged. If Your Highness doesn’t care, I won’t care either.”

“Of course I’ll go. You did so well this time. I promise to go anywhere you ask,” Sheng Qianmo said, looking down at her pitch black eyes up close. “Are you afraid of the dark?”

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Shu Nuan nodded.

She wanted to make sure he’d accompany her.

“What are you afraid of?” Sheng Qianmo asked, and then he kissed her on her closed eyes.


At his remark, her gaze trembled a little.

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