Pet Charm

Chapter 7

Pet Charm – Chapter 7

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Translator: Levi

Chapter 7: A Creature Surpassing Stage 9

“Creak creak”

Chu Mu crouched and, using of the flexibility of the branch, abruptly leaped and slashed at the low flying Blue Bird!

He’s nearly there!

Chu Mu’s prediction is very accurate, and the slash landed right in the path of the Blue Bird!!

“Yi!!!” The Blue Bird let out a sharp cry, and just as the blade was about to reach it, it flapped its wings and suddenly sped up!

A blue flash sped past, and Chu Mu’s slash could only land on the tail of the Blue Bird, cutting only a bunch of feathers!

“Extreme Shadow, what an incredible Blue Bird!” Chu Mu’s expression changed, not expecting the Blue Bird to possess a technique which increases speed in an instant!

Missing his attack, Chu Mu fell from a height of ten metres. Fortunately he landed on soft grass, and he rolled to absorb the impact.

Raising his head, Chu Mu looked at the Blue Bird regretfully.

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Generally, Blue Bird can only learn a difficult flying technique like Extreme Shadow at stage 6.

This Blue Bird’s crest show that it is only at stage 4, but it is able to use a stage 6 technique. This means that this is a very high quality Blue Bird!

High grade, high quality, this is a perfect battle soul pet. If captured, it can definitely defeat everyone else on the island!


Suddenly, the Blue Bird let out a cry, and its magnificent blue figure dived from the sky!

“Oh no!” Chu Mu quickly realised he has angered the Blue Bird. Picking up his knife, he ran madly towards the dense bushes!

“Hu hu hu hu!!!!!” Violent winds beat on Chu Mu’s back, making it difficult for Chu Mu to breathe. The strong winds cause loose rocks on the grass to scatter everywhere.

“Whirlwind……my god!” Chu Mu turned and took a peek. What he saw was a three metre tall whirlwind coming towards him, ripping the grass and trees from the ground, and throwing them towards Chu Mu!

The three metre tall whirlwind can lift a hundred kilograms object five to six metres into the air, causing a fatal fall!

The surrounding air currents became as sharp as knives, and when the whirlwind is only ten metres from Chu Mu, he felt himself getting sucked in!


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Suddenly, a sound like that of a cow sounded in the forest, and an armoured creature appeared between Chu Mu and the whirlwind!

The whirlwind swept past the armoured creature, slightly lifting it a few centimetres off the ground.

As the soul pet has a huge body, the whirlwind is not able to cause much of an effect, and can only spin it around harmlessly.

After it has spun a few rounds, it slowly landed, and the whirlwind, having met such a heavy obstacle, slowly dissipated.

“Nido Beast, what a timely appearance!” Chu Mu looked at the thickly armoured rhino-like soul pet, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The Nido Beast is a high grade, pure strength and defence type soul pet. Judging from the features on this Nido Beast, it is definitely at stage 8 or higher.


The Nido Beast was apparently angered by the Blue Bird’s attack. It opened its mouth, and let out a sonic boom towards the Blue Bird!

The sonic boom exploded on the left wing of the Blue Bird, knocking it over!

“Pu pu” The Blue Bird landed on a tree branch, shaking its head.

Seemingly aware of how dangerous the Nido Beast is, the Blue Bird dare not get closer. After throwing Chu Mu a ferocious glance, it flapped its wings and left.

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“I guess a high grade soul pet is not that easy to capture.” Looking at the leaving Blue Bird, Chu Mu shook his head helplessly, feeling a sense of regret.

Due to the whirlwind, this part of the woods is now a mess. Worried that the Blue Bird might come back, Chu Mu started searching for a new spot to lay his trap.

Fortunately, he did not meet any savage soul pets or other dangers along the way. After successfully finding a new hiding spot and laying the trap, Chu Mu started another round of waiting.

“Those guys should have already started training their soul pets I think……” Chu Mu can’t help but mumble to himself. To obtain a good soul pet, Chu Mu also needs to have the matching courage and patience.

One day of waiting did not produce any result. As Chu Mu leaned on the branch, eyes gazing at the bright moon, his expression darkened, and subconsciously touched his chest.

The devil in his body is still there, causing Chu Mu’s every breath to feel oppressed. Moreover, Chu Mu can already faintly feel that the devil is about to grow to the third stage, bringing him one step closer to his death.

“I don’t know how much longer I can live……” muttering to himself, Chu Mu closed his eyes and fell asleep.

On the tree branch, the sleeping Chu Mu seemed to be shrouded in a layer of haze, as if a ghost is lying on his head, causing him to look lonely and helpless……

Yet another three days of waiting.

Early in the morning, Chu Mu opened his eyes and was shocked, his hazy eyes shot wide open!

“Gela Monster!!”

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His heart pounded heavily!

Facing the two metres tall, four metres long creature which is at least at stage 9, Chu Mu’s breath almost stopped!

The Gela Monster, commonly known as Fire Lizard, belongs to the Demon Beast circle, Beast type, Lizard family, and possesses the fire element and fire type techniques. The flame it breathes from its mouth is able to instantly kill the enforcers’ Hunting Wolves!

In addition, the defence of the Gela Monster is great as well. It is covered in a shell which can withstand ten Hunting Wolves attacks for an hour without any damage!

For this kind of soul pets, Chu Mu dare not even think about it. After all, it has a grade surpassing high, and even its stage is above 9!

The huge body crawled below Chu Mu, ignoring the trap and the bait, leisurely but imposingly crawling past the tree.

A surge of hot air swept past, and even though Chu Mu is already covered in sweat, he dared not move!

The Gela Monster paused for a moment, before continuing to move forward.

Looking at the leaving Gela Monster, Chu Mu breathed a sigh of relief. Gazing at the four metre tall soul pet, Chu Mu was secretly envious. If he can capture it, not just can he defeat all competition, he can even escape the clutches of those people……

Unfortunately, things are not that easy……

“Suo suo”

Suddenly, as he was sighing, Chu Mu heard a faint noise.

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