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On a misty evening, a boy was sitting in front of his computer as he was trying to waste some time before he went to bed. He mostly played RPG's, however, recently there were no new games to play and if there were, he normally didn't like their style.

He stumbled upon a random website '", at first it was really intriguing to him, it promised a world unlike any others, this was since it was modern and was based on the world. Along with that, it included the ability to restart life inside a game and being able to live out your dream life.

All of this was promised in a single player world, this wasn't considered to be anything like the current games. A game map the size of the actual Earth? Billions of custom made NPCs? A fully dynamic world? Miles in front of the current gaming industry.

The most shocking thing was the missing price tag, it straight away leads to a 'download' option where you can start playing. He quickly pressed the button and saw the download going up. 1%, 5%, 30%, 50%, 90%, 100%. The game downloaded instantly.

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He didn't really have amazing internet or anything, and the file seemed to take up about 500gb, which was shocking as it filled up nearly all of the space on his computer. He quickly opened the launcher. The screen turned black as he was staring into it. The light behind him seemed to turn off, he was in eternal darkness which scared him, he couldn't see anything or feel anything anymore.

Out of nowhere faded in a reflection of him, on the pitch back background, it stood out brightly without any light needed. Next to it were a few options, you could change the hairstyle, face shape, body shape, eye colour and everything else he needed.

The current character had a slightly chubby body and round face. It was an average person you would see on the street. The hairstyle was messy and in dire need of a haircut. He reached out with his hand he couldn't see, but somehow still felt it and interacted with a button which opened a menu for hairstyles. There was a basic choice at first; short, medium or long. He clicked on medium hair as he had always imagined himself with a haircut, in turn, would expose his face and attract attention. He found one which he always liked, faded sides and back which lead to an undercut of hair being directed backwards causing a waving motion.

Now that he looked at his character, the hair looked awesome but didn't fit the face. He quickly adjusted everything and sharpened the face to make it more handsome. He currently possessed the most common eye colour which was brown, he had changed this to the rarest colour of green which stood out on the face.

He was satisfied with the face, he now went onto the body where he removed the fat it had and added as much muscle mass as possible. The character was already fairly tall and he left it like that. The character would now be something you would see at a model show, getting all the girls who saw it be attracted immediately.

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He finally pressed the next option, the choice was now given to give out points to specific characteristics of the person, the current stats were: Strength - 15, Intelligence - 18, Wisdom - 6, Consitution - 12, Dexterity - 10, Charisma - 14. He could deduct or add any points he wanted as long as they added up to 75, however, he decided not to change anything.

Now came the final part, he had to select a name. At first, he inputted his real name, "Milo Sosnowski" but quickly changed it since he wanted a cooler sounding name. He liked his first name, he didn't want to change the short yet simple name. He thought of different second names which sounded cool. Doombringer, Emperor, King, Silverblade and so on. He couldn't figure out anything cool. He finally decided to use his favourite character's surname, Dawnblade.

He clicked confirm and was met by a message by a robotic voice in his mind [Welcome to Nova Aeries, the rising city of the people in the world of Altinova. You will be placed in a single apartment on the outskirts of the city, you will be left with a new world to explore, you can interact with anyone and anything. The world is yours for whatever you wish.] Shortly after his vision started to appear back to normal, he was in a strange room.

The floor was made of white tiles all along the whole place, the walls were painted grey and everything was modern. There were four rooms: A living room, kitchen, bedroom and toilet. All the furniture was modern and aesthetic to view.

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The voice came back to Milo, [If you require any help, you can think about and I will reply.]

Milo was excited about this game, he didn't know how this happened but it seemed like he was transported to another world. "How do I log off? I was meant to go down and eat dinner with my family?" He really didn't know what he should do.

The robotic voice replied straight away. [Leave? There is no such option. You are now directly in a different world with a new body.]

Milo was looking around, he looked into the mirror and saw the character he created just a moment ago. He walked up the mirror weirdly as he wasn't used to the muscles but they weren't a big problem. He grabbed his face and noticed that everything seemed real. "Well then, what happened to my other body?"

[The host's soul has been split, and there will be no problem. Your current half is in this world without the other not even knowing what just happened.]

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Milo carried on walking around and looking at everything. "So this new world, I'm now stuck here? Do I have any benefits of staying here or anything of the sorts?"

The robotic voice started to speak in its monotone voice. [The host now lives here, the world is for his taking like said before, your body is currently equipped with the 'RPG System', loading welcome message for the 'RPG System'.]

A beep sounded and the same voice started going off again. [Welcome! This is a short introduction on how to use the 'RPG System'. The system has all the abilities of a normal RPG for the host to utilize in his new life. They will be given multiple features such as gaining quests, changing host's stats, world utilities, other people's affection rating of host and being able to save and load at different points of host's life.] Another beep sounded, ['RPG System' introduction finished, would you like for it to repeat?]

"No, that's enough."

Milo looked into the mirror with a smirk.

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