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He gave in his form and sat back down, there were about two other people here trying to cram in as much as possible before entering. He had suddenly got a notification from his system.

[Would host like to wait until 6:30 pm?]

Something like this... He didn't actually have to wait the few hours and find himself any entertainment for the time being. 'If I were to wait, would I be... umm... Awoken? If someone were to talk to me?'

[Whenever something interacts with the host, the host shall be notified and be put back to consciousness.]

'Alright then, let me wait until 6:15 pm then!'

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He had chosen to awaken a bit prior, he knew that the exam started at half past, so he should enter a bit prior to that.

His eyes started to close without him doing anything, he was in darkness for about three seconds until his eyes had finally opened.

[The current time is 6:15 pm.]

Milo looked around him, he noticed that the room was packed with people waiting. Everyone was waiting impatiently, he looked around further and outside of the door there were people huddled up, the sun was lowering down as he noticed flashing lights outside. This was from different vehicles and the lights shining from buildings, be it billboards or even just people's room lights.

"Everyone participating in the exam, please follow me to the exam hall." The person behind the reception finally stood up and spoke out. A lot of people suddenly jumped up and got awoken, these must have been like Milo who had come prior and just waited. He had stood up calmly and proceeded to follow the crowd of people swarming in. He didn't understand why people did this, it was like when people lined up to board an aeroplane and stood for half an hour, everyone had designated seats, they weren't going to just run away.

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First of all, they walked through a modern hallway, this contrasted with the rustic style from the outside. It felt as if they entered into a different building than they were in before. They finally reached a grand hall. It was a hall covered in white paint and basic desks, each desk had a pen and pencil along with a ruler.

"You may sit anywhere you see fit, the exam will start within five minutes. If you do not have a seat you will be disqualified."

This was some harsh school Milo thought. Since he was waiting inside he was one of the first people to enter and he took one of the first seats he could see. He watched as people poured in and eventually everyone was seated.

The time had just ended as the last person sat down, but someone suddenly came running in. "Sorry, but you can't enter anymore. I ask you to leave, you can try again the next term."

Just like that the door locked and nobody was allowed to enter. A person came around and started to give out papers, they got to Milo and gave him the same one obviously. Around the hall, there were actually many people doing this to accommodate the hundreds of people who had come in. After just a moment the same person went to the front. "We will be commencing with the exam. You are not allowed to know the time limit and there are no rules in this exam. You are free to do whatever you wish."

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Milo was truly surprised, no rules? That meant that people could just use their phones or notes they brought in. But the most important thing was the time limit, nobody who was taking the exam knew how long they had. Nobody would have known how long to spend on each question.

Milo opened the booklet they had been given, the first question was nothing like he wanted. Maths was the first thing that came up. "What is the quotient rule?" He was already baffled. He could about now just load his first save and restart his day, he hadn't actually done a lot and he could just look through the answers and come back.

[Would host like to use his past life's codex?]

His face suddenly lifted, he had done maths before and he had probably come across something like this. 'Yes! Definitely yes!!!'

[The quotient rule is: if y=u/v then:]

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The system carried on going as Milo was writing down everything for the following questions. Starting from maths and then going to physics, chemistry, biology and then finally English. 'System, fetch me all of my memories of English writing techniques!'

The system had once again came in clutch and Milo write a piece of work comparable to an award-winning piece of writing. He had finished everything and looked around. Some people were wandering around trying to scavenge answers. Most people used their phones and gathered answered there. Finally, there were some hard at work trying to remember everything. Upon inspecting the room you could find that the windows at the top had people watching in over them, these people wouldn't be noticeable to normal people, but with Milo's new person he could see everything clearly. There were also small cameras everywhere which tracked every movement of everyone.

Luckily Milo didn't try and reach out for anything or talk to anyone. Suddenly a bell rung, everyone stopped doing and looked at the door where people entered. Everyone suddenly threw everything they were doing and put their phones and such back in their pockets. The people who were walking around trying to get answers gave up and chucked their papers on the floor and walked out one by one.

The people started to collect the papers, however, they missed out some people involving Milo. He didn't know what was going on. After a few moments, they got all of the papers they collected and started to put the papers into different shredders that they had brought along. Some people stood up to look and some started to shout. "Silence! Those papers which are being ripped are those which belong to people who had cheated. Just because you have an option to cheat, doesn't mean that you should take it and follow through with it. Legitimacy is the way to go forward, and we certainly don't wish for people like you in our academy!"

The person who spoke up was old, he had grey hair and walked with a slouched back while stroking his beard. It was seen that he was somebody in a high position.

"Those of you who still possess your papers, we shall collect those now and mark them. By tomorrow morning you will know if you have been accepted into the academy."

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