Phoenix Hairpin

Chapter 130

On the day of Lu Fei’s marriage, both Lu and Shen’s families were very lively.

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  Lu Lin was forthright and righteous, with a witty and humorous speech, and was very popular among generals. Today, the adopted son was getting married, and all the generals in the capital came to congratulate him.

  Emperor Yongjia ordered the Second Prince Li Jing to send a heavy congratulatory gift.

  After Li Jing came, he stayed naturally. He greeted the guests with Zhèng Zhòng and Zhou Li. Li Jing was so sweet, and the guests who were greeted were a little flattered.

  Zheng Zheng had met Li Jing a few times and was familiar with Li Jing’s temper. He joked with a smile, “Your Highness is so attentive, he will definitely be his father-in-law’s favorite son-in-law in the future. As the eldest son-in-law, I have to abdicate.”

Zhou Li answered with a smile: “What the Eldest Jiěfū[1] said is true.”

Li Jing and Zheng talked with ease and humor, but when it came to Zhou Li, they became much more indifferent. Li Jing casually smiled and said, “In terms of being attentive, I really can’t compare to Zhou Hanlin. He visits every few days.”

Zhou Li: “…”

Why did this compliment sound a little weird?   

Zhou Li coughed and laughed and said, “Your Highness is busy listening to the government every day. In my first year at the Imperial Academy, I am doing things like compiling books. It is fairly free, so I came here more often.”

Li Jing glanced at Zhou Li meaningfully.   

Zhou Li indeed possessed knowledge and was skilled in social maneuvering. Having secured a marital alliance with the prestigious Lu family, his ambition and desire for status burned fiercely. Whenever there was anything concerning the Lu family, be it big or small, Zhou Li would always be there to offer his assistance. He used his status as the future son-in-law of the Lu family to make connections and friendships with various people.

With this kind of enthusiasm, Zhou Li had a smooth career in his previous life, and he became the minister of the Ministry of Industry when he was in his twenties.   

Regardless of the fact that the Ministry of Industry was ranked last among the six departments, it was actually rich in oil and water. After Zhou Li stayed in the Ministry of Industry for a few years, the Zhou family had thousands of acres of fertile land and several farms, and the family was rich.   

Lu Mingyu clearly disliked Zhou Li, but she was still willing to tolerate it. In the end, all she saw was Lu Minghua’s face.

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  There was also an advantage to being a snob. As long as there was light to gain, as long as the Lu family did not fall, Zhou Li will never let Lu Minghua down.

  Li Jing’s eyes were as sharp as a candle, and he seemed to be able to see through the most secret thoughts in people’s hearts at a glance.

  Zhou Li’s heart shuddered, and he quickly shut up.

  At this moment, the Lu siblings walked over, surrounded by today’s groom, Lu Fei.

  Lu Fei was born tall and brave, with a handsome face. Today he was wearing a bright red wedding gown, and the joy that danced between his brows and eyes dimmed the red gown.

  Today is the big day for Lu Fei to get married, Lu Mingyu was still wearing a vermilion dress, and she dressed up deliberately, she was looking more dazzling than usual.

  Li Jing’s heart felt hot, he took two steps forward, and called softly: “Xiaoyu.”

  Lu Mingyu responded with a smile.

  The two made eye contact.

  For some reason, the clean and slightly cool air became warmer.

  Lu Fei coughed: “Today is my wedding day, keep a low profile, and don’t try to steal the limelight from me, the bridegroom.”

  Everyone laughed together.

  Li Jing was thick-skinned and didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He took the initiative to smile and said: “I will accompany you to the Shen family to welcome the bride.”

  Lu Fei was overjoyed and nodded repeatedly: “Okay, thank you, Your Highness. ” 

Lu Xuan was too young, Lu Fei had already invited two generals in the army, and his eldest brother-in-law Zheng Zheng. Zhou Li volunteered himself to be one of the groomsmen.

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  Shen Shilang was famous as a Jinshi[2], and the children of the Shen family were all scholars. When welcoming relatives, they really had to bring Zhou Li, who was good at reciting poems and making couplets.

  Now that the distinguished Second Prince was also in the bride’s welcoming party, it was the icing on the cake.

  Lu Mingyu couldn’t help smiling when she saw her second brother’s happy face.

  A happy event, indeed, the more lively the better.


  According to the current custom, the man goes to greet the bride in the morning and takes the bride back to the house to pay homage in the afternoon. The auspicious time was in the evening, and you can enter the bridal chamber after worshiping the hall.

  The Lu family didn’t have a hostess, but fortunately, Lu Mingyu was used to battles and managed the marriage affairs in an orderly manner. The female relatives who came to the door to congratulate must say a few words of praise.

  ”There are so many guests today, and the Lu family’s greetings are thoughtful. It shows that Miss Lu is really capable.”

“Isn’t it? No wonder the Empress chose Miss Lu to be her daughter-in-law.”

“I heard that His Highness the Second Prince had a deep love for Miss Lu and insisted on marrying her. King Xingyang originally wanted to find a son-in-law for his beloved daughter, but after seeing the enthusiasm of the Second Prince, he changed his mind.”

“At present, it may not be much, but in a few years’ time, when the Crown Prince is established, the glorious days of the Lu family are yet to come.”

“How can you talk nonsense! Don’t you know discussing matters of the Crown Prince’s succession casually could lead to unnecessary gossip and trouble if it falls into the ears of ill-intentioned people!”

All the female relatives whispered a few words and quickly changed the topic.   

Emperor Yongjia was in his prime, and in the eyes of everyone, it would not be a problem to sit on the dragon chair for another 20 or 30 years. It was still very early to establish a Crown Prince. The princes are still young, let’s wait and see in the future!   

The welcoming team left early and didn’t return in the afternoon. Seeing that the auspicious time was about to be delayed, Lu Mingfang and the others were a little anxious.   

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Lu Mingyu was also a little uneasy and was about to send someone to have a look outside the mansion when she heard a burst of loud and noisy firecrackers.   

Finally back!   

Lu Mingyu breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and went out with everyone.   

The lively scene during the wedding ceremony doesn’t need to be described in detail.

Lu Mingyu smiled and asked Zheng Zhong: “Eldest Jiěfū, did you get harassed to welcome the relatives today? Why did you come back so late?”

Zheng Zheng said with a smile: “The Shen family has many relatives, especially among scholars. My second brother was stopped at the courtyard door, composing couplets in a hurry, and his face was covered in sweat. Today, thanks to the Second Prince and your third mèifū[3], things went smoothly.”

   Zhou Li was a newly appointed top scholar, highly knowledgeable and talented. However, even with his abilities, he couldn’t handle so many people from the Shen family alone. It was fortunate that Li Jing also attended the event to offer his support.

  Zhou Li also smiled and praised, “If Your Highness were to participate in the imperial examination, this top scholar position of mine would have to be handed over to you.”

  Li Jing was very modest: “I am so honored and rewarded, I am very pleased to be able to do something for my jiù xiōng[4].”

Zheng Zhong laughed and continued the banter, “Gratitude is one thing, but let me say this in advance. When Your Highness comes to marry my little sister, we won’t hold back or be courteous!”

Li Jing: “…”

Everyone roared with laughter.

  Such laughter had a strong appeal.

  Lu Mingyu didn’t have the shyness of a girl to be married and laughed along with everyone.

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  Li Jing stared at Lu Mingyu with a smile in his black eyes.

  After the worship ceremony, the couple entered the bridal chamber. Young military generals who loved to join in the fun, rushed into the bridal chamber together, clamoring to see the bride.

  Lu Fei was not willing to let them see, he smiled and drove everyone out. Then he went to lift the bride’s veil.

  The red veil fell lightly to the ground.

  Shen Lan’s beautiful face was full of shyness and joy.

  Lu Fei’s heart was filled with excitement, and he sat beside Shen Lan, reaching out to embrace her slender waist, intending to get closer. However, their intimate moment was interrupted by Lu Xuan’s voice from outside the door, calling out, “Second brother, everyone is waiting for you to start the banquet. Enjoy your drink and come back to the bridal chamber later!”

  Lu Fei: “…”


↑1 older sister’s husband. In this case, wife’s elder sister’s husband
↑2 candidates who pass the triannual palace exam
↑3 husband of the younger sister, in this case, wife’s younger sister
↑4 wife’s elder brother

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