Phoenix Hairpin

Chapter 48

Lu Mingfang was amused, reached out and patted Lu Xuan's head: "Don't talk nonsense."

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   Actually, she didn't worry about Fourth Sister.


   "Big sister and third sister, hurry up, the new scholars are here." Lu Mingyue looked down, her big eyes full of excitement.


  Lu Mingfang immediately looked out the window.


  The gentle, introverted and somewhat shy Lu Minghua also looked over shyly.


  The officials of the Ministry of Rites held the imperial decree and sounded the gong to clear the way.


   Three hundred new scholars, each wearing red robes and hats with palace flowers, and riding tall white horses. The two sides of imperial street were crowded with people watching the fun.



   "Quickly take a look at what Duke Zhuangyuan looks like?"(1)


   "Zhuang Yuanlang this year is old, at least he is more than forty years old. The folds on his face can catch flies. What's so beautiful."


   "The second place is younger and looks like he is in his thirties. However, his complexion is slightly darker and his appearance is ordinary."


   "Tanhualang is still the most handsome."(2)


   "Isn't it? There are so many new scholars, some of them are young, and they look good. But compared with Tanhualang, it's like candlelight and bright moon vying for glory..."


  The beauty is walking on the road, and everyone has to take a few more glances.


  The man's appearance is good, and he is also eye-catching.


   Three hundred new scholars, the most outstanding one today, is none other than Tanhualang.


  The shining red robe, the spring breeze between the corners of his eyes and his brows, and the handsome face that seemed to glow attracted everyone's attention.

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  Lu Minghua's beautiful face flushed slightly, and her body unconsciously leaned towards the window.


   Lu Mingyue, a clever ghost, gave up her seat with a smile: "Third sister, you can see more clearly when you sit closer."


  Lu Minghua did not refuse and sat on the chair closest to the window.


  The jinshi (3) rode on horses and marched slowly amid the noisy cries of the people. Tanhua Lang, who had all eyes on him, had a smile on his mouth, and his eyes swept over casually.


  Occasionally, a daring girl sitting in the private room on the second floor pushes open the window and throws out the flowers in her hand. Some were thrown on the road and smashed by horses' hooves. Some thrown on someone else.


   Only one flower was thrown onto Tanhualang's body by accident.


  Tanhua Lang responded quickly, holding the flower in his hand, then raised his head, glanced at it, and his eyes landed on the second-floor window of a restaurant.


   A young girl sat by the window with a beautiful face and gentle eyebrows.


  The eyes of the two met in the air.


   That beautiful girl's cheeks were flushed, and she was a little shy, but she couldn't bear to look away.



  Tanhualang's heart skipped a beat, he picked up the flowers in his hand and waved at the girl. The girl became even more shy and quickly shrank her head back.


   Tanhualang suddenly felt a little remorse. The action just now was indeed a little frivolous.


   The second place on the list, riding a horse and boasting on the street, rushed to Tanhua Lang and said with a smile: "Today Zhou Tanhua is really beautiful, no one can match it!"


Duke Zhuang Yuan is a grandfather, and he doesn't care that he is robbed of the limelight. They laughed and joked together: "I don't know how many beautiful ladies are in the capital today, but a heart was sent to Zhou Tanhua. By the way, Zhou Tanhua has not married yet, right? Maybe, after today, someone will come to propose."


   Zhou Tanhua smiled slightly and said a few words in his mouth: "I have been immersed in my studies, and I have never thought about marriage. I am lucky to be in this class."

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   Eighteen-year-old young men who have not been engaged are indeed rare.


   Zhou's family is a small family, and his whole family was devoted to his studies. He has been studying hard since he was a child, with no distractions.


Two years ago, the family wanted to take care of his marriage, but he discouraged him: "When I pass the jinshi examination, it will not be too late to discuss the marriage. Otherwise, the girl who can marry now will only be the daughter of a scholar's family or a businessman's family's girl."


   Parents were quickly convinced.


   This year, he passed the Imperial exam in one fell swoop. It's a pity that his family is ordinary, and he can't climb up to a real high-ranking lady, but the daughter of an ordinary official has some opportunities.


  The horse did not stop, and soon reached the bottom of the tea house.


   Zhou Tanhua raised his head and kept staring at the window on the second floor, silently counting three times in his heart.


   Sure enough, that shy and gentle beautiful girl quietly stuck out her head again and met his eyes.



  Today, it is definitely not an ordinary family who can hire a private room on the second floor.


   Zhou Tanhua smiled at the girl.


   He was smiling at her.


   He knew that she was looking at him.


   He was also looking at her.


  Lu Minghua's heart beat fast and her cheeks were on fire. Lu Minghua took her eyes back only after the steed had gone all the way.


  She turned her head, three pairs of eyes looked at her with a smile.


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  Lu Minghua pretended to be calm: "Eldest sister, fifth sister, sixth brother, what are you doing looking at me like this?" Lu Mingyu was brought into the palace, and Lu Fei went to the military camp. The four brothers and sisters came to the teahouse together today.


  Lu Xuan rolled his eyes, winked and smiled: "Third sister, Jinke Tanhualang is so handsome!"


  Lu Mingyue covered her face with a handkerchief and laughed softly: "Yeah, third sister was staring at Tanhualang just now, and she couldn't bear to blink."


  Lu Minghua's pretty face turned into a big red cloth, and she said, "What nonsense. I just glanced at random, who said I couldn't bear to blink."


  Lu Mingfang held back a smile: "Fifth sisters and sixth brothers, don't talk nonsense. Okay, we have seen the parade, let's go back now!"


   After going back, she had to tell her adoptive father that the third sister had fallen in love with Jinke Tan Hwarang. First, privately inquire whether Tanhua Lang is married or not, and then plan the next step.




   At this time, Lu Mingyu was walking slowly into Donghua Gate.


  Yesterday, Cailan, the maid in Jiaofang Hall, went to the Lu Mansion to pass an edict from Queen Qiao, calling her to the palace for an interview.


  Suddenly came such a verbal order, and Lu Mingyu was quite surprised. Lu Lin has already stated that he wants to recruit a son-in-law, and the selection of concubines for several princes in the palace has nothing to do with her.


Why did Queen Qiao suddenly want to see her?


   Could it be that Li Hao begged Queen Qiao in private to change her mind?


  However, with Queen Qiao as a person, how could she be willing to do so much for her concubine-born son?



   As for Su Zhaorong, seeing her is almost like seeing a ghost. She will only block it in every possible way. With Su Zhaorong's "stalking", Li Hao had no chance to go to Jiaofang Palace at all...


   What is there that she doesn't know about?


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  Lu Mingyu did not have trouble sleeping or eating. As usual, she ate well and slept soundly. She woke up in the morning and practised the sword for half an hour. Then she showered and changed her clothes and went to the palace to meet Queen Qiao.


   "Fourth Miss Lu, please wait here for a while," Cai Lan led Lu Mingyu into a side hall, very politely: "This servant will go to pass the message."


  This side hall, located behind Jiaofang Hall, is not used much on weekdays and is quite quiet.


  Lu Mingyu nodded slightly: "You have to work."


After Cailan withdrew, the side hall returned to silence. The palace maid who was originally guarding the palace did not know when they retreated.


  Lu Mingyu calmly glanced at the empty side hall, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.


   You cannot bring sharp weapons into the palace. With Lu Mingyu's divine power, there is no need for weapons.


So there is always a solution to a problem.


   Whoever dares to provoke her will go down with a punch.


   After waiting for a while, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the side hall.







T/N Note

1. The first placed rank holder in an Imperial exam

2. The third-placed rank holder who was often the most handsome one. 

3. Selected scholars.


Woo hoo the first meeting coming up.

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