Chapter 34: Dance Competition Between the Four Miss Beauties

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This private room, located at the utmost middle of the pavilion, was indeed the best one. From here, one can get a very clear view of the stage below. Excluding the private rooms, there were still a multitude of people in other areas. Even the street outside were filled with people standing, making these places more lively than usual.

Zi Haoran saw that Zi Moyan sat down calmly in spite of everything and even Yue Ran was casual as the wind and tranquil as the cloud. What’s more was that they were both neat and tidy, unlike him, looking battered and exhausted with no few tears in his clothes. With such disparities, he depressingly spoke: “Little Brother Mo, Brother Yue, there were no fewer people surrounding you, why the hell am I in the most sorry state?”Yue Ran lightly laughed but didn’t speak.Zi Moyan thought for a bit and answered with a deadly earnest face. “Big Brother, maybe you’re just more popular.”Hearing that, Zi Haoran’s depression changed to indignation. It was them that took him here, but it was sure something now. He was the one who suffered the most! Looking at such heartless people as these two, his anger blew over his head. Hmph, he won’t bother with these two anymore! They truly infuriate him to death.The reason Zi Moyan could evade those thorny attacks was because of her profound martial skills and exceptional qinggong[1]. Only when she was constantly dodging during the entire course of events did she prevent those women from touching a single hair on her body.

Turning her head and glancing at a faintly smiling Yue Ran watching somewhere in the distance, a harsh glint flickered across her eyes. This man was not simple at all!With music sounding on the the the humongous, circular stage, the brothel keeper walked up with a cajoling smile and announced loudly: “Welcome one and all to the competition between our four famous beauties! First, we will showcase a short dance to help liven things up for everyone!”There was a roar of commotion from below. “Brothel keeper, don’t be like that. Hurry up and invite the four beauties to come out. We have already been impatient from waiting!”“That’s right! Brothel keeper, aren’t you making it too troublesome? Hurry up and invite the little beauties out! What I don’t lack is money!”The brothel keep laughed gently. “These beauties now, fellow guests, are beautiful enough for you all to wish to always have them pressed under you and shaft, right?”

“Alright, alright! Hurry up and start already!” There were many people who were starting to become impatient.The Brothel Keeper smiled servilely as she nodded her head. “Alright then, I hereby announce that the competition will officially begin! We will first welcome our Lingering Fragrance Pavilion’s Miss Beauty numbered fourth — Feng Ying to provide us with her performance, Windy Ring Dance!The light on the stage started to darken and a woman donned in clothing decorated with golden goose feathers slowly rise. She gracefully started to dance, appearing to be like the fluttering butterflies among the flowers, both beautiful and stirring people’s affection.Evidently, Zi Haoran hadn’t seen a woman dance so beautifully before. Usually, with him being stationed at the border, he would see the lonesome bright moon when he raised his head and a desolated border city with no signs of human activities when he lowered his head.

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He didn’t know how many days and nights he had spent in this kind of life, but he had spent enough that he was numbed to it. It was only now did he realized that things like singing and dancing was actually so enthralling, enough to let people enter a soul-inducing trance. Compared to Zi Haoran with regards to these theatrical performances, Zi Moyan did not have much of a reaction. In her past life, she had seen no few dance performances on modern television. Hence, her reaction wasn’t as exaggerated as her half-sibling.And Yue Ran was even more so, with not so much as a glance towards the stage below. Both of his eyes were closed, with a bit of the implication that he was resting his mind. Once the dance was over, the entire audience boiled in fervor. There were no few people shouting crazily: “Miss Feng, Miss Feng……” The voices were like tidal waves, surging again and again one after the other.Yue Ran pried over his eyes, his gentle voice resounded: “There famous beauties are rather interesting.”“What does Brother Yue mean by this?” Zi Haoran inquired strangely after hearing Yue Ran’s comment.Yue Ran didn’t respond to Zi Haroan, choosing to continue to close his eyes and rest.After the Miss Beauty placed third — Hua Xiangrong, and the second ranked Miss Beauty — Xue Jie both gave their corresponding dances, the Brothel Keeper hurriedly came out and smiled mysteriously. “Fellow guests, to express our gratitude to everyone’s constant support up until now, the first placed Miss Beauty – Yue Lengxin decided to give you all a showcase of her talent.” Upon hearing the Miss Beauty ranked first was about to perform, everyone was riled up. She was someone who never greet anyone, but of the people who once caught a glimpse of the first ranked Miss Beauty, they henceforth spellbound to the point of being senseless — so much so that they completely depleted their family wealth!Every month, the number one Miss Beauty will greet one person, handpicked that person as the guest of honor. However, the people who saw her were all mesmerized stupidly by her. Their mouths would speak nothing but the kinds of words like: “So beautiful…… immortal fairies were only so-so……”  

The final outcome for these people was that they were all infatuated until their deaths.

Now that this Miss Beauty was willing to display her skills, everyone all had similar thoughts of how big this opportunity was. To be able to see this Miss Beauty, they would have no remorse even if they were to die……Yue Ran chuckled lightly, an obscure light flickered through his eyes. “Number one Miss Beauty? I have heard that this Miss Beauty possessed a peculiar charm. Those who had seen her before all fell in love with her, even to the point of insanity. I’m curious to see if she is really as beautiful as they say.”


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Chapter 35 – Number One Miss Beauty — Yue Lengxin

After the brothel keeper left the stage, snowflakes started to fall everywhere. The stage dimmed slightly, just like the falling snow on a winter night, bringing about a trace of loneliness.

Right at this moment, music started to play as a white robed woman descended from the air. With her cotton white clothing dancing beautifully with the wind, it was as though a fairy had descended. Snowflakes fell around the woman and they had yet to land on the ground before they thereupon started to dance.

Following that, the woman’s slender, lily-white hands started to fabricate into different kinds of beautiful shapes and forms such as the proud yet beautiful peacock and the sky-soaring phoenix! She moved her slender waist and legs, dancing elegantly. This dance brought a light sense of quiet solitude, resembling the imprisonment of Change’e[1] in that vast cold palace. Every movement brought along a thick longing and desolation.This wasn’t a secular dance, but one that only existed in the Heavens — its every movement was able to stun the hearts of the people! Even the Jing Hong dance[2] was not enough of a use to describe the beauty of this dance!Everyone all watched to the point of being dazed. The woman’s faze was being hidden by a white veil, yet just based on that captivating figure and those dance steps that arouse one’s soul alone were sufficient for the audience to go crazy!The Number One Miss Beauty’s reputation was indeed well-deserved!After the dance was finished, the entire room fell into an unusual silence. All people present were dumbfounded, staring blankly at the white robed woman on stage. They had completely forgotten to react, because their senses have yet to wake up from her performance. The brothel keeper came up with a smile, “Next, our Miss Yue Lengxin will handpick a young master to be her privileged guest. I wonder who will have this kind of honor?”“Miss Yue will be mine tonight!” A young master donned in luxurious clothing exclaimed, his eyes were of disdain as he looked towards other people. “I’m the son of the Left Prime Minister, Wo Buyi! If any of you dare to compete with me, my father will let you die a painful death!”When they heard this name, everyone restrained back to the point their faces were red. They wanted to laugh, but couldn’t. They all had this thought through their heads: To think I, Malevolence’s son is, in fact, Injustice! [3]

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At long last, they finally understood that, as it turns out, malevolence and injustice belong to the same family!Zi Moyan stared at that arrogant and despotic young man and coldly inquired: “He’s Wo Buren’s son?”Zi Haoran nodded his head, answering, “That’s right. I’ve seen Wo Buyi before. He is indeed the person himself. I have only heard that this Wo Buren’s character is lecherous and avaricious. Moreover, he considers everyone else to be beneath him. Sure enough, it’s indeed so from the looks of it.”After Zi Haoran came to, they seemed to have come here to conduct formal business, so why were they watching this dance performance?“Little Brother Mo, we have already wasted enough time. What are we supposed to do next?”“Wait.” Zi Moyan answered impassively.“Ah? Why the heck do we have to wait?” Zi Haoran didn’t understand. Just what does this lil’ bro of his want to do?Yue Ran waved the fan back and forth in his hand, his expression carrying a trace of praise. “This Number One Miss Beauty’s title is indeed well-deserved!”Although he had complimented this Yue Lengxin, yet his gentle eyes were ice-cold with its depth a bottomless pit.

Yue Lengxin didn’t bother with Wo Buyi, who was currently making a fuss out of nothing. She slightly raised her head, looking towards the private room where Zi Moyan and co. were in. She raised her jade-like hand and pointed, “I want him to be my privileged guest!”

Everyone’s gazed followed the direction where Yue Lenxin’s finger had pointed and saw one beautiful youth wearing a face of indifference.This youth’s beauty, that had emitted from the depth of ‘his’ soul, were not in the least bit inferior to Yue Lengxin. With a cold temperament from head to toe expressing ‘his’ grace and dignity, that exceedingly refined countenance, both peerless physique and appearance (respectively) that left the world in its wake were imprinted into people’s memories after a glance, making them hard to forget.Zi Haoran was looking to where Yue Lengxin was pointed as well, but this seemed to be referring to Little Brother Mo! What was going on? Why did the Miss Beauty took a fancy to ‘him’?!Seeing this scene, Yue Ran’s expression didn’t falter, though the eyes he used to look at Zi Moyan added a hint of scrutiny and curiosity.


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Chapter 36 – The Guest of HonorOn stage, Yue Lengxin curtsied towards Zi Moyan. “Will the young master please follow this humble girl to the third floor. This humble girl wants to show the young master her specialized talent.” Zi Moyan slowly got up, leisurely heading up towards the third floor.Zi Haoran wanted to chase after her, to stop Zi Moyan from going to the third floor, but he was halted by Yue Ran. Zi Haoran anxiously told him, “Brother Yue, Little Brother Mo is still young. If he was to go see that Miss Beauty just like that and be bewitched by chance, then that’s going to be dangerous!”“There’s no need to worry, Brother Zi,” Yue gently consoled with a smile that reached his phoenix eyes. “I believe in Little Brother Mo. He isn’t someone who can be easily bewitched by a little girl.”“This……” Zi Haoran faltered. He did actually believe in Little Brother Mo’s character. Except, he was still somewhat worried that Zi Moyan would become like those people who had once seen the First Miss Beauty — losing the family’s fortune because of her!Yue Ran found a comfortable spot to continue to relax and drink tea. “Brother Zi should just be at ease and wait for Little Brother Mo to come back down. Who knows, Little Brother Mo might bring us some useful information in no time soon.”Wo Buyi saw that he, the awe-inspiring young master of the Prime Minister’s residence, actually lost to a pretty face, so he was utterly furious! “Yue Lengxin, you damn whore. Just you wait, I’ll let you regret this! Hmph……”Hearing his remark, Yue Lengxin’s admirers’ faces all blackened. They sent Wo Buyi a cutthroat glare with a look that said they wanted to go up and skin Wo Buyi alive. Just when Wo Buyi was about to swagger out, his face smug, he was tripped by a foot that extended out all of a sudden. He tumbled to the ground, falling flat on his face. He then immediately picked himself up, and with his face all twisted, he cursed loudly. “Which bastard tripped this Young Master?! Come out, I’m going to give you a piece of my mind!”A moment’s silence later, the entire Linger Fragrance Pavilion erupted in a burst of laughter. “HAHAHAHA!”

Each and every one of them were all looking at this hedonistic son of the rich with complete disdain.Listening to these people that actually dared to jeer at him, Wo Buyi’s complexion turned a dark redish-purple. He fiercely locked his gaze on the surrounding people and threatened: “Just you all wait, I will let you all regret your actions very soon!” He then spat in contempt, leaving with his face covered in dirt.Other people left as well, but with disappointment. Since the four Miss Beauties all have picked their respective honored guests, what was the point of them staying her? It would be better for them to go back and save money to come next time.“Where’s the brothel keeper? After the First Miss Beauty disappeared, this brothel disappeared as well?” It was only now that Zi Haoran realized that that sycophant of a brothel keeper was nowhere to be seen. At a time like this, where did she run off to if she didn’t come out to control the situation?

……On the third floor of Lingering Fragrance Pavilion, it was entirely silent. It wasn’t in the least bit affected by the ruckus below.Zi Moyan reached the First Mist Beauty’s room on the third floor. On the outside, it looked to be garnished with the utmost care, unusual but it doesn’t lose any of its refined tastes. She pushed open the door and entered, seeing Yue Lengxin donned in her snow white cotton garments, making her beautiful figure faintly discernible. She rested on the chaise longue, observing the entering Zo Moyan with a faint chill in her eyes.“What has brought the great Prime Minister to the Lingering Fragrance Pavilion?” Yue inquired coldly.“You guys are the force under Father’s subordinate?” Zi Moyan coolly replied with a question.“No!” Yue Lengxin denied flatly. “Our Master is already dead, so this force naturally belongs to I, Yue Lengxin.”“I only want to ask you one question. Who’s the one that bought ‘Saffron’?”Yue Lengxin’s beautiful eyes turned frosty as she sneered, “And why should I tell you?”

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