Phoenix's fated half

Chapter 128

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The Xuan leader!?

"How is this possible!?" With all the strength he had left, Sparrow tried fighting back the sleepiness. Thinking about it again, his heart was in alarm, "I've already used my master's sleeping powder that was the strongest of all. How are you not asleep?"

Mi Rong could not help but chuckle, "Well, I's not strong enough." She leaned closer and whispered into Sparrow's ears while slowly injecting the last few drops of her white fluid into him, "Tut tut, you'll never find out if you're not the best if you haven't tried the best. Here's a taste of it. You should feel honoured since it's mine. Now, goodnight, sleep tight."

Straight after Mi Rong had finished her sentence, Sparrow's eyes became drowsy and his eyes gradually closed. His body then became floppy and finally, his whole body dropped to the floor.

"Oh, poor thing. I was too slow and couldn't catch your body in time." Mi Rong looked at Sparrow pitifully, but her lips were hooked up in a satisfied smile.

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Infuriated, but was too weak to make any fuss, "You!" and puff, Sparrow said his farewells.

Xiao Bai finally walked out from his hiding place, "Nice one."
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"Hm." Mi Rong turned around but almost tripped on her own legs. Her legs were slightly sluggish, but she was able to hold onto the closest rail, "It was indeed a strong sleeping pill, tsk, but was not strong enough."

Xiao Bai shook his head, "Not strong enough to make you fall asleep?" He admired her fighting spirit. This girl was able to hold onto her consciousness even through that dose of sleeping powder. He did not know if it was due to her strong will or her stubbornness, tut tut.

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"Nevermind. I'm fine." Mi Rong brushed it off.

"I know your condition young lady. You need some rest." Xiao Bai advised. He then turned from his regular size wolf to his actual size which was almost taller than Mi Rong.

Seeing the fluffy soft white fur, "Sigh, fine." Mi Rong leaned onto Xiao Bai and was supported towards her bed.

As they walked over to her bed, Mi Rong could not help but speak out what was in her mind, "I really don't understand this mastermind. How is it that he was able to gather all these precious ancient things. Could it be...that he is also like me? It's just, what problem does he have with Jun Kai?" As her consciousness was slowly drifting away, she did not keep anything in.

However, Xiao Bai only looked straight ahead and listened to Mi Rong. His face showed many signs of reluctance and then became solemn. If it was not for that rules, then he would have, no, he could have been able to help Mi Rong more. Sigh, if Mi Rong knew anything more, those higher up people would not leave her be. They'll surely collect her and take her away.

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Mi Rong was gently placed on her bed. Xiao Bai slowly tucked her in the bed and pulled the blanket over with his mouth. He was rewarded with Mi Rong's pat on his head.

Xiao Bai felt slightly bad deep inside, so he could only walk away miserably.

"Xiao Bai? Where are you going?" Mi Rong sluggishly called out to Xiao Bai.

Without turning around, Xiao Bai answered, "I'll take Sparrow to our headquarters."

"Hmm, I'll come over to interrogate him. Keep him safe, and be safe." Although Mi Rong felt slightly weak, she still had the heart to care for others. Xiao Bai could not help growl moodily. This was unlike him at all. He had never felt this so connected to any of the candidates chosen to do these tasks! Maybe it was because they both went through rough waters together...sigh.

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Xiao Bai did not linger around any longer. In his disguise mode and with Sparrow given the invisible pill, Xiao Bai and Sparrow vanished. They were no longer seen.

Not long after Xiao Bai had left, the door once again was open. A tall black figure walked inside and straight between Mi Rong and Qing Qing's bed. He watched as she slept peacefully. Slowly his hand reached out to caress her face. From being stroked, Mi Rong's head slightly moved and her eyes slowly opened.

Her eyes meet with the other person. Mi Rong's brows became knitted and she could not help but muttered, "I must be dreaming but why am I dreaming of you?" She shook her head and weakly turned her body around and was sound asleep again.

Seeing how Mi Rong was slightly weak, he could not help but clench his fist.

When he could finally calm down his emotions, he could only sigh.

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