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At A resturant, on a luxurious table a woman and a man were talking as they waited for the food. The man did not seem too much interested with the conversation, neither did he ignore her. The woman on the other hand seemed to be enthusiastic and was the one talking and initiating the whole conversation.

It was Jun Kai and Xue Li who were sitting at the table. Xue Li asked the waiter to pour them some red wine and began talking about their business companies.

"I heard that our parents are trying to match us together. These old folks seriously can't stop."

"Hmm.I don't suppose you'd like to marry me."

With that her eyes had a hint of sadness before it quickly disappeared without Jun Kai knowing.

"Ke ke, you must be joking. However, back at the hospital, it seems Qing Qing has had some kind of 'influence' from her roommate."


"I wonder what you're going to do with her. You wouldn't want her to know more information about you and Qing Qing would you."

With that Jun Kai gave her a stare that made her shuddered softly but covered it by lifting her wine to drink. He then averted his eyes to look around, checking the surroundings. Jun Kai slowly opened his mouth to inquire something, "Exactly a week ago, I heard you went on a trip, you just came back today?"

Xue Li thought for a moment and answered, "Yeah, it was a business trip for my company, why?"

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"Hmm, I was just wondering."

Xue Li became a little nervous as she felt something was not right, so she decided to change the topic "Hey, I know it must have been hard on both you and Qing Qing. It is very sad for me too as Fei Ling had been one of my best friend."

"Oh. Xue Li, apologies I must go now. Enjoy your dinner." Jun Kai got up and left.

Xue Li couldn't believe he would just leave, slowly stood up to stop him, "Jun Kai, wait." But it was too late. Jun Kai, with his long stride, had already walked far away. As his figure was slowly disappearing, Xue Li intensely stared at Jun Kai's back with clenched hands.

When Jun Kai's shadow disappeared, she beckoned in mid air and a black figure came out. "Did you clear all of my traces when I met Fei Ling a week ago?"

"Yes, young miss."

"Hmm, check out the CCTV cameras once again, before Jun Kai gets to it."

"I will do as you order."

"Also, what happened to the men you sent to follow Jun Kai?"

"Miss, they all disappeared, we can't contact them."

"Great, they really wasted my money feeding them. This time I want you to find out about the girl who's with Qing Qing. Give me the details within today, you know I don't like to wait."

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"Yes, I understand."

On the other side. Jun Kai who had walked out of the restuarant and got on his car, took out his phone and dailed a number. Once, he got through, "Lin Cheng, Xue Li had lied about her business trip like I predicted, confirm her whereabouts exactly a week ago. One more thing, scan through the CCTV cameras of where Fei Ling had been before the explosion that happened exactly a week ago as well."

"Yes boss."

After he had done all he wanted, he drove out of the restaurant. Jun Kai didn't head straight back to the hospital, but decided to go to Z bar instead. He drove with lightening speed as his mood became gloomier as the time flew. Fei Ling's death was becoming more and more mysterious. However, the culprit was still loose.

At the Bar, he ordered his usual drink and began drinking like it was water. He would often come here to calm himself, so he had bought his own bar room just to drink. Jun Kai looked outside the large windows; at the city and his eyes darkened simultaneously gripping his cup tightly.

On the other side of the city. At the hospital rooftop, there was a silhouette of a young woman standing tall and proud. In front of her was a tall man who had his hands inside his pocket. The young woman was Mi Rong who had come out alone after Qing Qing went to bed. She had came out to meet Xiao Bai but had found the doctor on the rooftop instead. Xiao Bai must be hiding somewhere.

"Doctor, I'm surprised to see you here."

"Ah, Mi Rong. Feeling bored?"

"Hmm, how are you?"

"As far as I know, I'm alright, are you?"

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"I remembered, we haven't finished with the conversation a week ago. I believe you were going to tell me something."

Mi Rong had remembered that a week ago, on the day of the accident, she had a conversation with the doctor in the morning. She actually nearly slipped her tongue about her special medical treatments from her time to him. "Sorry doctor, I can't recall what I was going to say." She decided to lie as she must keep it a secret.

However, it seemed the doctor was not going to let it go. "Mi Rong, why do I feel like you're lying to me." With this he slowly step closer to Mi Rong.

Although, he was spot on, her expression didn't change, but she gave out a big bright smile. Her smile had stopped the doctor in his track, he was only three steps away from her. Her smile was the brightest thing he had ever seen. He had never seen her smile this brightly before as he never really observed her much but since last week he began to notice something about her. Mi Rong's looks made him stunned.

Mi Rong didn't knew she gave that kind of expression to the doctor, but she was only trying to fake her lie better. "Doctor, I seriously can't remember a thing."

The rooftop door opened once again. This time it was a nurse who came to fetch the doctor for the scheduled operation. "Mi Rong, I must go now. I'll catch up with you later."

"Okay, I'll see you around doctor."

As soon as the doctor went out, Xiao Bai came out from hiding. "Mi Rong, you really good at lying without feeling any guilt."

"My experience and instinct to survive is strong. I'm only trying to avoid anyone doubting my identity. Especially that kind of smart guy, it'll be a nightmare."

Xiao Bai couldn't really do anything with his master, as he knew even with Mi Rong's own parents; she would lie at them without thinking if she had to cover up her mischievous acts "Aiyo, it already seems he suspect something about you."

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"Oh." Mi Rong had some thoughts and decided to say, "Xiao Bai, with all the people and fund that we have been collecting over the years, we should be able to start a company of our own and be legally searching for the spell book. I think it's time we should leave this place. In two days time, we shall set off to Shanghai!"


"Alright, now what have you found about Qing Qing's family?"

"Well, Jun Kai is the son of the Feng family's trading company's CEO. He became a superstar since he was very young. He was a very spoiled rich man; however once he got married he had matured and been aloof to the world ever since. He was married to the Shen family's eldest miss, Shen Fei Ling. Her family is one of the top fashion designing company, Shen Fang company along with the Li family's company, Li Fei company. Jun Kai's relationship with his father had never been good and also with his cousin, Feng Min who is the successor to the another branch of the Feng's family trading company. His grandparents are the chairman and chairwoman of the whole company, but their sons, Jun Kai's father and Feng Min's father are the CEO of their two branch."

"Hmm, these people have such good backgrounds, but there's nothing to envy about. What about the accident?"

"I hacked the CCTVs and found that the explosion was ignited by a bullet that was shot at the gas from the bus. The direction of the shot came from this hospital."


"It doesn't stop here, I looked closer at the bullet and it seemed to have some spells carved onto the bullet. I have saved the screenshots back at home."

"Hmm, it seems they weren't targeting Mrs Shen or Qing Qing, but it must have been me."

This made the two of their faces turned gravely dark. They were being targeted from the dark, but who is the culprit was the question. The two exchanged some more thoughts on what to do, but could only conclude that they must grow stronger and be alert at all times for the time being.

After they had finished, Mi Rong waved good bye to Xiao Bai and watched it jump over the rooftop. But before Mi Rong could turn around to leave, she was pulled by her waist and ended up into someone's embrace.

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