Phoenix's fated half

Chapter 153: 153

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The moving process was fast and it did not take long before grandma Feng was safely back home. The Feng family's car had just arrived at the Feng's household and slowly grandma Feng was being transferred into her room. The big mansion of the Feng family that had been left behind was now occupied with its masters again.

The housekeeper Hai had come out to welcome his masters joyfully. He was glad to finally see his masters back home. The old man was smiling kindly that his eyes were almost invisible.

Jun Kai's air of indifference was surrounding him as he got off from the car. He had already changed back into a black usual suit and his medium length hair was also slightly gloomed to almost perfect. He watched as grandma Feng was being sent to her room.

The moving procedure was all quick and was kept quiet. The only news that was sent out to the public was that grandma Feng was healthy enough and had left to recuperate back home. No one would have a clue that grandma Feng was still lying in her bed and had yet to open her eyes, but knowing too much would only cause more concern. Hence, everything was all hush hush.

Mi Rong too got out from the car and was holding onto Qing Qing who was fast asleep in her arms. The little had fallen asleep in the car drive and was all safely resting herself in Mi Rong's embrace. Seeing the familiar house that she had not seen for a while, she felt some longing. It was good to be back again.

When Mi Rong had got out from the car, Jun Kai had turned his attention to Mi Rong. He looked at her from some distance away, but he could see her clearly. He could even see the longing in her eyes as she looked to his house.

Jun Kai felt a warm rush of feeling inside his heart. Was she happy to be back?

He watched as she took Qing Qing inside the house until there were no signs of her any longer.  Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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Once Lin Cheng saw that the way was clear and his boss was not occupied, he walked up to Jun Kai, "Boss."

Jun Kai did not leave his eyes away from the house, but responded, "Is everything prepared?"

"Yes, sir." Lin Cheng replied.

"How about the Xuan group?"

"They're also prepared, sir." 

There was some satisfaction in his eyes, "Hm, good. We attack tonight."

"Yes, sir! I'll notify everyone." Then, Lin Cheng retreated. 

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Tonight they'll take down the third headquarters of the culprit. This time, he would go with his confidants and would give that clad in purple the last warning before he wipes down the last. Jun Kai had left preparing for their ambush. 


It was not long before the night had come and the time was ripe.

On one of the top towers of Shang Hai. A weak and slim body of a lady was running inside an invisible barrier hurriedly. Her face was full of tears and her body tense from fear. When she had gotten inside the big grand room, she called out with all her might, "Lord Li Ye! Please! Please help me!"

She kept crying and crying out for the owner of the place. Her legs began giving way and her whole body kneeled down with a plop. The young lady was weeping her eyes out.

Only when she heard footsteps drawing nearing from the floor above did she wake from her crying. She quickly looked above and waited for the person she wanted to see the most.

Soon his figure came into light, he hovered over the rails and asked indifferently, "What is it that has brought you here, Li Li?" He was rather satisfied when she had called him 'Lord' hence he had called her name affectionately.

"My Lord, the girl, she knows. She knows that I pushed that old lady. What should I do?" Her eyes were full of nervousness and she could only lean onto the mighty person above.

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"Tut tut, well, if you had not had done it in the first place and kept on your route, then things would not end up like this?" The other figure told the young lady off indifferently.

"Please." She pleaded, "If not, I won't be able to get him!" She cried.

The clad in purple felt slightly annoyed. Yes, then the boy would not be out of his sight, sigh. This girl could not keep her temper in, "Well, where are your brains? Why not make something up? And push the blame to someone else?"

With that, her eyes that were tearing up came to a halt. A few sparks of light came in her eyes, and she looked up to the other person gratefully, "Thank you, my Lord." 

"Well, get out of my face now." He sent her off in irritation. 

She bowed and left quietly, unlike when she had come in. She was now smiling like an entirely different person. Hmph! So what if that girl had evidence? She'll make up her own.

Seeing the lady leaving, he was in a foul mood. However, all the news were yet to be delivered to him.

One of his men quickly came up to report an urgent matter, "Master! They... the Ke group..and the Xuan group..they...they're attacking our third base!"

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The clad in purple turned around in swift. His eyes were fuming with fury, "What!?"

"We believe we have caught sight that the young master Feng is among them as well." His messenger reported.

"Jun Kai..." The clad in purple was erupting with murderous air. 

An alarming cry called out in the big room. The source of the voice was none other than a Wan Hei, now in the form of a big black falcon, "Master." The bird called out and landed on the clad in purple's shoulder.

"Wan Hei, how's the situation?"

"Master, they have just started and we have been holding them on for now."

The clad in purple was emitting viciousness around him. Again and again, this boy has been annoying him. Maybe it's time to drop the bomb? The idea made him smile in a cold chilly smile, "Wan Hei, why not let him know of his dear mother? Where is she now? Oh, I forgot, she was kidnapped and her son had given her a cold back the entire time."

Jun Kai had yet to know about his mother's disappearance. If he did, how much would his spirit be tattered? If he knew he had not taken care of her well enough.

Both master and pet laughed in a mocking tune and together they flew to their base that was being attacked. We should see how you cope with the news, Feng Jun Kai.

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