Phoenix's fated half

Chapter 171

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His thumb couldn't help but trace her eyes that were still closed and wiped the tear off of her face, but his movement was not as soft and Mi Rong's lashes fluttered before slowly opening.

Mi Rong furrowed her brows almost immediately. She blinked a few times to check if she was not dreaming. This time she was more than sure that she was not dreaming.

For Jun Kai, he watched as Mi Rong's expression changed. Finally, her big bright eyes were staring at him with questions. Since she had just slept, her eyes were still dreamy. Jun Kai was still pondering what she had dreamt of that had made her so sad. His pitless eyes were observing her clear bright eyes. 

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On the thought of her having a lover, he had an urge that was pressing on him. He leaned closer and closer to her. Soon, his face drew nearer to her.

Mi Rong was completely stiff and could not move. Her clear eyes were shining with what little light there was from the window. With each inch that Jun Kai approached closer, she held her breath in and her poor heart was beating like madly. She could feel his hot breath grow closer to her. 

Slowly but surely, Jun Kai pressed his lips on her soft lips. Mi Rong's eyes widened from her wave of shock. He then, gradually withdrew from her lips, but only to look at her face before drawing back to her again.

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This time, he did not only press his lips on hers but had begun to advance with the sweet taste from her. 

Jun Kai had passed on the taste of liquor that he had drunk to her; slowly intoxicating Mi Rong with his kiss. Mi Rong's eyes could not help but flutter before slowly closing. 

Her face grew redder as time passed and she simply laid still on the bed. Some time had passed and they had been in the same position. Jun Kai could feel his body temperature rising and left her lips, but he did not stop there. He kissed her cheek softly then her chin and moved down to her neck. As he drew to her neck, he moved down to her elegant collarbones and back to her neck. Mi Rong could not help but feel more sensitive and flimsy under him. 

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As Jun Kai kissed her on the neck, he then took a cheeky nip on her neck. However, from the small pain, it was as if he had caused a shock to her body. Mi Rong was almost immediately awakened from the intoxication. 

She placed her hand on his chest and pushed it away, but it was as if her strength was drained away. Despite Mi Rong's actions, Jun Kai did not take any notice to it. Mi was now fully awoken and began struggling some more underneath him. 

Jun Kai could feel the resistance from her and swiftly moved his hand to hold her arm and raised it above her head. Now, both were looking at each other again. Mi Rong was breathing heavily underneath him. Her cheeks were both all rosy and her lips had naturally red. Jun Kai returned to her lips and they kissed again. This time it was for a very long time.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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More time had passed and Mi Rong felt like she was losing her breath. When he could feel that she was almost out of breath, Jun Kai left her lips. Mi Rong immediately gasped for some air. Her cheeks were flushing red. Not long after, her lips were covered again. She laid there like a docile doll.

Slowly he left her lips and returned to her neck. As he kissed her neck more and more, her skin began to turn pink. Jun Kai took another nip on one of the sensitive parts on between her neck and shoulder. Mi Rong felt the pain on her neck and was completely awoken. She used all her force to push him away. 

With the force, Jun Kai had flown away onto the floor. Mi Rong got up and was shocked. She felt slightly guilty, maybe she had used too much strength.

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