Phoenix's fated half

Chapter 175

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Jun Kai moved his face closer to hers. With the tip of his nose touching hers, he spoke a few soft words.

"Mi Rong, I think, I…"

However, his words were muffled when Mi Rong placed her hand on his lips. She looked away from his eyes for she was uncertain. Was this the sober Jun Kai or was it just the effect of the alcohol?

Jun Kai lifted his hand to hold onto hers and gently pulled it away from his lips. A soft smiled was replaced on his handsome face, "Mi Rong." He called her name in his low deep voice.

But she did not raise her eyes to face him.

Hence, his hand gently lifted her chin to face him for this was important, "Mi Rong."

Slowly, Mi Rong looked up towards the person calling her. Her eyes were showing her concern, her questions, and her uncertainty.

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"I think I've fallen into you." This time, Jun Kai did not keep it in and opened his heart out. His eyes were full of sincere feelings. He had kept this on his mind for a very long time. Before, whenever he had to leave his family, the first person he would turn to would be none other than her. It seemed at his lowest, she was the first person he would seek for without thinking twice.

He had thought he would not have fallen for anyone else but his wife, but it was not the case. This person, in front of his eyes, slowly and calmly crept inside his heart without knowing. Maybe it was because of the effect of the alcohol that made him express what he was thinking, but for sure, this was not a lie or a mistake.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

On the other hand, Mi Rong's heart almost skipped its beat. She was rendered speechless. Did she just hear correctly? However, without knowing, her heart was beating faster and her cheeks began to flush a rosy red under the semi dark room.

Jun Kai watched as Mi Rong's eyes widened and closed her eyes again. He began to wonder what she was thinking right now, "Mi Rong." He called with his deep voice and caressed her face gently, "What are you thinking?" Though he was not sure if Mi Rong felt the same way as he did, he was ready for any answers from her. But in the end, he would not let her go easily.

Mi Rong reopened her eyes again. She was in a dilemma. This world, was she not to leave after she had finished her mission, whatever it was? If her mission was done, would she not have to leave everything behind? Then, what would become of this?

"Jun Kai, I…" Mi Rong felt like she was in a difficult position and it showed in her expression. 

Jun Kai began to feel nervous but at the same time, it seemed there was something on her mind, "What is it, Mi Rong?" He asked patiently.

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"How or when did you start feeling this way?" Mi Rong asked a random but not so random question.

Jun Kai became silent before slowly asking a question back, "Does it matter?"

Mi Rong observed the other person's expression carefully. Were his ears blushing? Seeing Jun Kai being soft, she could not help but let out a smile while all her questions were brushed away for a brief moment.

"No." Mi Rong answered like it did not matter while her eyes were beaming with amusement.

Jun Kai felt at a loss. "You..."

Her easy-going temperament did not stay for long before the seriousness came back to her mind again, "Jun Kai, then answer me this, you must promise you would answer me this question." Mi Rong's voice was stern.

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Though there was some hesitation, Jun Kai still gave his word, "I promise."

"What if this was only temporary and you fell out of love." Mi Rong paused, finding it difficult to explain, "What I'm trying to say is, I will give you a chance to take back your words and I'll erase it from my…"

This time, her words were taken back. Jun Kai had sealed her lips with his and did not allow her to speak anymore. When he listened to her, his heart was boiling. Her words made him thought of how much had he fallen for this person in front of him. It was not just any kind of temporary feelings. He was more than sure that he had truly fallen for her. Those feelings were bursting out of his heart and to the kiss, he was giving to her.

He kissed her for a very long time before reluctantly leaving, "Mi Rong, I don't think I can take my words away. Don't think too much, we can take this slowly and I can wait." He began comforting the person in his arms.

Mi Rong was quiet. 

Nevertheless, Jun Kai slowly pulled her closer to him and let her rest her head on his chest. He was not sure of what she was concerned of, but he wanted to make things clear to her as well, so he began speaking, "Mi Rong, you can take my word. I do not speak whatever I want."

"Before, I had not realize, but I think this has made it more than clear to my heart. I had thought I would not fall for anyone else, but it was otherwise."

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Mi Rong listened as Jun Kai slowly opened up to her. She quietly listened to him speak. The more he spoke, the more she felt her heart swaying, swaying nearer to his. Sigh, what was this kind of feeling? 

Maybe, just maybe, she would go with the flow. Things happen for a reason and we all have to handle it. She might just even feel a tiny spark like he felt to her...she would just follow her heart this time. 

Jun Kai continued, "Mi Rong." He called.

She was now looking at him with her big clear eyes and he asked, "I have said all of this, would you give me a chance?" 

Mi Rong contemplated quietly before replying, "Yes."

Jun Kai lowered his face and kissed her on her forehead before revealing a smile, "Let's sleep now."

Mi Rong was about to tell him off. What if the housekeeper or anyone saw them, but Jun Kai cut her, "Don't worry, no one will come in." It was as if he knew what she was thinking. "Just sleep now, I won't do anything to you."

Hence, the pair slept underneath the glistering light from the bright moon. They slept away with their thoughts. What was to come, was left for the time ahead, with unknown possibilities.

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