Phoenix's fated half

Chapter 178: 178

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Oh dear, Mi Rong thought.

By now, Qing Qing's figure was nowhere to be seen. Both Mi Rong and Jun Kai were now separated from each other.

This would have been a shock to Qing Qing, Mi Rong thought. It was only yesterday that the little girl had asked about her feelings for this guy and maybe this was the answer. She smiled and reached her hand out to the person in front.

If this was how things were going to be, then Qing Qing should not be left out. 

Jun Kai dazed at Mi Rong's slender hand in front of him.

"Come on, we should explain this to Qing Qing." Mi Rong explained her intention.

He felt more respect for this person in front of him. She did not beat around the bush and was rather straightforward, but more than that, she did not use the truth in any intentions of harming the other. Jun Kai did not need to think twice and held her hand. He then took her by the hand to find Qing Qing.

Mi Rong did not forget to pick up the teddy bear that was on the floor. This guy must be the reason why Qing Qing came back. Well, it should not be left here.

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The two, both hand in hand, walked out from Jun Kai's room with Jun Kai leading. Mi Rong looked at the big hand that was holding onto hers and as he led her outside. At least, he knew how to lead…

It did not take them long before they found Qing Qing sitting beside the staircase. Her back looked like it was all tensed up. The two adults looked at each other's face and began to worry what Qing Qing was feeling at the moment. 

However, little did they know that Qing Qing was only thinking of how to get her teddy back since both papa and jie were... the little girl's face turned red. Aiyoo, poor teddy, she thought.

Despite their concern, Jun Kai and Mi Rong both walked towards the little girl and went straight to sit on each side of Qing Qing.

Qing Qing had not realised that the pair of adults had come, only when they sat beside her did she discover them. She looked up at the two people who were dearest to her heart, "Jie, papa…" Her little voice trailed off.

Mi Rong stroked Qing Qing's hair gently, and spoke first, "Qing Qing, do you remember the question you asked me yesterday?"

Qing Qing, who had been looking at Mi Rong, gasped, "Jie! Is this true! Are you and papa going to be a couple?" There was hope glittering in her small eyes.

Jun Kai was slightly puzzled and surprised. He had thought it would have been harder to talk about it with his daughter, but she was already this happy? His eyes turned to look at the lady who was speaking to his daughter. This person, she was not only important to him, but it seemed, she was important to all his family.

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His daughter who was never easy to accept change, well, who was? But, anyway, she was already this happy for him to be a couple with Mi Rong? He could not help but reveal a smile.

On the other hand, Mi Rong had been doing all the explanation. Her words were soothing as she explained the situation to the little girl as if she was telling a story, "Your father, I mean, me and your father, we will see how things go together first. So, don't get all excited about it too much."

However, Qing Qing felt like her jie was not telling her the truth, "But Jie, what about the kiss!?" Having said about the kiss, Qing Qing's small little face flushed. 

Mi Rong was momentarily speechless. Before she was about to explain, Jun Kai had cut her off, "Sweetie, maybe your jie is shy so she's not telling you, but I'll tell you more; your jie and I are both a couple, so she's my girlfriend now. What do you think?"

"What!?" It was both Mi Rong and Qing Qing who had exclaimed at the same time, but the two were feeling entirely different feelings. 

While Qing Qing felt excited, Mi Rong was slightly shocked. When had she become his girlfriend? 

"Jun Kai," But Mi Rong was unable to say her side and  Qing Qing was already wrapping her arms around Mi Rong.

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"Jie, yay!" Mi Rong had no other choice but to hug Qing Qing back, but her eyes were staring straight at the person in front grimly, Jun Kai…

Jun Kai only revealed an amusing smile. From now on, she was his to take care of. However, his smile did not stay for long when his daughter spoke her next words, "Jie, please take care of my father and us." The little girl was looking at Mi Rong with pleading eyes.

Mi Rong looked up at Jun Kai who was now slightly annoyed. He thought to himself, when did he need taking care of? Mi Rong seemed to have understood Jun Kai's frustration and could not but reveal a cheeky smile. 

She turned to look at Qing Qing, "Sure!" 

"Jie, let's go tell great grandma about this!" Qing Qing added.

So, the three all went ahead to grandma Feng's room with joy. 

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"Master, I have sent the letter to Jun Kai." Wan Hei's evil voice reported to his master who was dressed in his purple gown.

The clad in purple had his hand behind his back and with his eyes gazing outside the window to the city's view. The sun had just risen and the sunlight was softly glistering on his pale skin. Though he was indeed handsome, the dangerous aura had mixed within it and had made him devilishly handsome. 

The tips of his brows were raised up and sharp like a brushstroke. His eyes had a tint of red to the black colour of his eyes and his skin was so pale that his veins were visible. All were enhanced by the purple colour of his gown that was revealing his broad shoulders and his strong muscles on his top.

"Hm? What happened next?" The clad in purple spoke.

"Broken, sir. He was utterly broken when he went straight back to the Feng household and then I came straight here," Wan Hei reported again. He had been instructed to give the letter written by Jun Kai's 'mother' and watch what had happened next. Well, no need to even watch, Jun Kai was ultimately crushed.

"Good." The clad in purple revealed a dashing smile on his lips, "Let him grieve for a week and then reveal who has been keeping his mother away all this time…" His smile became bigger of the thought of his punishment for Mi Rong. When Jun Kai finds out, what would become of them...

"Also, keep Xue Li low for now. I want the two love birds to grow closer for the time being." His voice was cruel and final.

"Yes, master." And with a swift, Wan Hei was gone.

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