Phoenix's fated half

Chapter 204

Inside the ceremonial hall

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The room had been dimmed and every guest was sitting at their respective seats. Anticipation was spread around the room as they waited for the two important people to come. 

Just then, two gigantic spotlights were shone at two sides of the slightly elevated floor. From the left side of the spotlight, a lady dressed in bright auspicious red walked inside the spotlight and on the right, also dressed up in a dashing dark red suit, a young handsome man stood in his spotlight.

Some of the guests gasped in astonishment as they saw Jun Kai dressed up in a dark almost burgundy red. The suit had illuminated his skin tone. From the dark lord that would always dress in black, he was now dressed in an entirely different look.

All eyes were on Jun Kai and not many were looking at his soon to be fiance. It seems even Jun Kai had taken the limelight and the beauty away from the beauty of the night.

For a brief moment, the entire ceremonial hall was silent, before a huge round of applause was given throughout the entire hall. Mr Li sat proudly as he watched his daughter finally finding her couple. He was smiling so widely that his eyes were almost unseen. Jun Kai and his daughter were the perfect match! A match made in heaven!

Such a rare picture of Jun Kai in a dark red suit that they would never forget in their life.

Meanwhile, Xue Li's focus had been entirely on Jun Kai the whole time. She was smiling brightly with her red lips. No one would deny that she was pretty but if there were no feelings, then what is the point?

Soon, the music was played and the two important individuals of the night were slowly walking to each other from the two different sides.

The entire event was also on live TV for the viewers at home to celebrate this event of the once-famous superstar. 

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Just like other viewers, back at the Feng family's house, grandma Feng was sitting in her bed as she received the remote control from the housekeeper.

"Now, what channel was it on again?" Grandma Feng spoke as she looked at the remote control with her glasses.

"I believe it was channel 7, mam."

"Hm, 7, let me see.""Ah, there we go." Right after the button was set, grandma Feng watched as the ceremony was about to start. She really wanted to see what her good grandson had in plan tonight. Although no one had told her, she had her own means in finding this out tut tut.

Outside the building, two secretive figures landed on the rooftop silently. The two were now both standing on top of a hundred tall building, but none of them showed any signs of fear.

Then, within a split second, they both jumped off the rooftop simultaneously. Two of them were dropping down at high speed, but as they were around the 13th-floor, the two threw a hook on the balcony rails at the same time. 

The hook had caught onto the rails and had made them float in mid-air before they slowly pulled themselves to the rails of the balcony. Once they were down, they went through the room and made their way down.

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With her hands on the golden bars, Mi Rong finally pushed it open with all her might.

The giant golden door was opened once again.

Light from the hallway outside was shining inside the hall; causing the room to have three separate spotlights and the once dimly lit room; it was now much brighter.

Lin Cheng who had been observing in the security room let out an irritated sound. Why did the door have to open now!

However, since some of the Ke group was brought to take care of Mi Rong, there was no one guarding the main entrance of the ceremony.

All eyes turned towards the figure at the door simultaneously, even the two individuals in the spotlight. 

Meanwhile, Mi Rong's entire focus had been completely one particular person the entire time. Her fierce eyes were directed towards the tall figure in his dark red suit that made him look a devilish lord.

A flash of surprise flew pass his face, before it turned cold and frigid as if he felt nothing. However, little did the outsiders know that deep inside, he was crying out in pain and his hand in his pocket was clenching the Long cuff sword so lightly.

Though he looked indifferently at Mi Rong, but he was actually observing her entire face. What had happened? He had never seen her with this kind of makeup before. It was terrifyingly beautiful. This was her but an entirely different kind. All he dearly wanted was to pull her in his arms, but he had to stop himself. Just a little bit more.

Meanwhile, Mi Rong could her heart plummeting deeper and deeper. What was this? She swept her eyes straight towards Xue Li who was smiling widely at her.

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A small scoffed was all she could let out. Mi Rong ah, you truly have fallen for the wrong person. Foolish, she was truly foolish!

Everyone was looking at the newcomer confusedly. Who was this young lady that looked so fearsome. Was she even from this world? 

Meanwhile some of the guests could recall seeing this young lady before. Wasn't she the one who had the chance to dance with the young master Feng? Sigh, looking at her peerless white outfit, she truly indeed looked beautiful even more than Xue Li. However, without any status, how could she marry into the Feng family?

Mi Rong looked up towards the ceiling as she tried to push her tears away. The enraging emotions were bubbling from her heart intensely the more she thought of how foolish she gave her heart to him. Just then, a sword was brought down from her sleeves.

Some of the guests screamed in surprise as they saw the lady in the white suit bring out a weapon.

Of course, it was her own spell in calling for her own weapon. Something she had learned from Xiao Bai and now it came to use.

Mi Rong's eyes was now staring Jun Kai emotionlessly. Her eyes looked so blank and distant like she was not truly here. She took a step forward and another and another as she walked down the flowery lane with the point of her sword dragging on the ground slowly.

Jun Kai was devastated. No, no, this was not how it should be.

Everyone in the hall moved back away from the lady holding the sword. All the cameras were switched off and the broadcast was no longer ongoing. Many viewers were all disappointed and were all curious as to why. Grandma Feng was one of them, but she felt rather annoyed. What was going on now. The live broadcast had cut right when Mi Rong had arrived and she was not on air.

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Xue Li was also frightened by the sight of the sword and quickly went straight to Jun Kai and hid behind his back. She was cursing and yelling for Mi Rong to get away.

The entire event was in a mayhem. Everyone was running around and tried to keep their lives in tact.

In the midst of the mess, Mi Rong's eyes were still on Jun Kai and so was his pleading eyes. However, the emotions that had sent to her seemed to not have reached her heart. 

On Mi Rong's wrist where her hand was gripping on the sword tightly, a small green bracelet appeared unnoticingly. Upon a closer look, it was a familiar looking jade bracelet that had not been seen for quite some time.

Just as Mi Rong drew nearer to Jun Kai, all of a sudden, the entire room froze. The entire hall had froze in time and everyone's movement was halted. 

The only people unaffected was the three important individuals. Mi Rong was still walking down the flowery lane, but Jun Kai was now looking around in surprise and back to Mi Rong. However, she did not even notice it.

"Mi Rong," He called out faintly. However, there was no response, not even a reaction from her.

Jun Kai took a step forward, but his hand was pulled behind by Xue Li. He did not think twice and flicked her hand off from him. Once there was nothing stopping him, he took stepped down from the elevated floor and walked towards her.

The two were both drawing closer to each other, but it was like they were both in two different worlds.

50 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters but the two had come to an abrupt halt when two ununcertain figures crashed through the entire ceiling and landed right in the middle of Mi Rong and Jun Kai.

Now, the place was filled with dust and the entire place went all hazy from the collision.
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