Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 111: 111

Tuesday, 2nd of December 2020. 1440 Hours. Highway. KM +20.

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Three, no six, no ten helicopters were approaching them from the distance. From the looks of it, they were coming for them.

"Missile away," Clara fired a missile at a helicopter and shot it down. Another helicopter started raining down with machine gun fire.

"Firing!" Lynn fired her missile launcher at the helicopter. It destroyed the Huey, but the other eight helicopters were still after them.

Tango: "The helicopters can't get there. The air force is looking for us."

Lynn: "Affirmative."

"Hitman team, we have enemy helicopters from afar. I suggest you switch to an AMP round," Lynn said.

"Copy that."

The tanks that were busy on the tanks now had to split their workload. Hitman 1 must focus on engaging enemy helicopters while Hitman 2 must focus on engaging the tanks and armored vehicles that had begun assaulting them again.

The infantry had run out of ammunition for their launcher and started firing their rifle and machine gun. Against helicopters, their weaponry wasn't that effective. It either only barely reached the helicopter or scratched it.

"Even my Lapua magnum is useless," Clara said as she kept shooting at the helicopter that started shooting them with heavy machine guns.

The .50 BMG quickly shredded the car that was in front of them and they ran away to the underpass of the bridge and Hitman 1 shot one of the helicopters down.

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X-ray: "Does the container truck contains any heavy machine gun or something?"

Lynn: "As far as I know, nope, only 40mm grenade machine gun."

Hitman team fired their heavy machine gun at the helicopters as the team took cover behind the tanks. The helicopters were a major threat to them since they didn't have any MANPADS.

Zulu: "Hitman 1 here, 3 rounds of AMP left."

Hitman 1 tank was aimed at the helicopters and blasted three of them with three cannon shots. It wasn't enough, there were more than enough helicopter to take three measly people down and only God knew how many fighter jets were in the sky at that time.

The roar of fighter jets could be heard from the sky. It didn't take too long until a fighter jet flew above their head and dropped something none other than a bomb to the bridge above their head.

The bridge above them started shaking as the bomb hit that bridge. They couldn't go outside either since the helicopters could engage them at any time with their heavy machine guns.

The tanks weren't in a good position either to engage with their heavy machine gun because of that bridge that had bent because of that bomb. Hitman 2 tank retreated back to the bridge since the fighter jets had started dropping bombs at their position.

Patrick: "Delta here. Air support is in position."

Lynn: "You son of a bitch, what takes you so long?"

Tuesday, 2nd of December 2020. 1500 Hours. Flight ABD213. Su-35S "Flanker-E''

"Fox 3," Patrick shot one of the missiles on his jet at a fighter jet. It was an F-114 Aardvark that kept bombing the contractors from the sky.

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The jet exploded into tiny bits and Patrick moved on to the next target. He had seven fighter jets that needed to be taken care of.

Unknown: "Bandits inbound. Permission to engage."

One of the fighter jets climbed to Patrick's altitude. Patrick immediately fired an infrared-guided missile at that approaching aircraft, "Fox 2!"

K-74 missile was launched at that fighter jet, Patrick followed it from behind as the fighter jet dodged the missile that was fired from Patrick's jet.

'He's good,' Patrick engaged in a dogfight to that aircraft. He wasn't sure what aircraft it was, but it definitely wasn't an outdated plane like the F-111 "Aardvark".

Patrick watched the plane that approached him. He noticed it, it was a black F-14 Tomcat. The F-14 fired an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile at him.

"Missile... Missile...," The warning system said as Patrick took an evasive maneuver by pulling a sudden dive to the ground.

[Focus] he used the ability to see where the missile was going so he could have enough time to dodge it. He was trying to bleed the missile energy by doing a sudden climb once he got to the ground.

'3...2...1..., Pulling up,'' once he barely getting to the ground, he immediately made a sudden climbing maneuver at the missile suddenly hit the ground. It exploded into many pieces as Patrick chased after the F-14 that shot its missile at him.

'There you are,' Patrick noticed that F-14 was doing an evasive maneuver from him too. Patrick could keep up easily with that F-14 since Patrick was a better pilot.

"Fox 2!" K-74 missile was fired from that fighter jets at a very close range. It was so closed that Patrick barely touched that F-14. The missile exploded into tiny bits and shredded the pilot that was piloting it.

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The pilot immediately ejected and Patrick got out of that area to chase after the helicopters and the other jets.

Patrick observed the radar and found a flight of F-111 was heading to Lynn's direction. He immediately chased that flight with full afterburner.

"Fox 3! Fox 3!" Two R-77 missiles were fired at two of the jets and managed to shoot both of them down effortlessly.

The other two jets that were escorting were immediately dispersed into multiple directions to avoid engagement with Patrick. But it was too late, he was on the fighter jets tail.

"Fox 3! Fox 3" Patrick fired two other missiles at the fighter jets that were bombing the contractors.

"The tomcat must have a wingman, but where?" Patrick looked at his radar and there wasn't anyone there. He needed to take out the hidden target and the helicopters before Hotel and Foxtrot could enter the hot zone again.

Unknown: "You're pretty good eh? This should end it! Fox 3."

A missile was fired from an unidentified aircraft from a large distance. Patrick immediately initiated an evasive maneuver. He performed a barrel roll dive to evade the missile.

"Missile... Missile... Missile..." The missile warning system shouted as Patrick tried to dodge the barrage of missiles that were fired at him.

[Focus] Patrick slowed the time to search for the direction of the missile. He found it, it was fired from the west direction. It was weird since the plane was undetectable by his radar. In a nutshell, it was a game of deadly hide and seek.

'Where the heck is that plane?' Patrick flew in the direction of the missile. He knew that it might be a stealth fighter, but he didn't know which type was it. If it's an F-35 or F-22, he was basically fucked since both of them were a 5th gen fighter jet.

Patrick looked around and used the IRST that was placed on his plane. Well, Patrick knew that it could be helpful, but its usefulness was very limited. It's like searching for a pen in the darkness with only one single pinky sized flashlight.

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"Hmm, where is that jet?" Patrick looked at the display on his cockpit panel. The missile warning kept beeping as he tried his best to dodge those missiles.

If Patrick's jet were shot down, the odds of surviving for Lynn and the others would be lower. He must successfully identify that peak stealth jet.

He scanned the surrounding and he finally found the pesky fighter jets. It was an F-117 Nighthawk that was retrofitted to fire an AMRAAM missile. The radar couldn't detect it, he needed to move closer.

"Gotcha!" Patrick flew to the direction of that fighter jet with his Su-35. He closed his distance, barely enough to fire the K-74 missile.

"Fox 2," a missile was fired at the slow-flying jet and it exploded on the sky, leaving only tiny bits of fragments.

Hotel: "This is Hotel, the area is cleared of fighter jets. We're moving to A.O."

Patrick: "Copy that, will provide air support."

Hotel: "Wilco."

Patrick lowered his altitude and spent six missiles to shot all of the helicopter down, "Fox 3! Fox 3! Fox 3!"

All of the helicopters immediately came down and Patrick's jet flew above the convoy. He could see the tanks and the contractor's helicopters from the sky.

"Thanks, Delta," Lynn said from the radio channel as Patrick put his jet on an autopilot. Patrick could see Lynn and the others were moving multiple weapon containers from the container truck.

Patrick had no idea about the function of that weapon, but he had a good feeling that Echo always knew what he was doing. That weapon would be put on good use. Patrick flew away from the A.O to search for other fighter jets that could be looking for them.

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