Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 148: 148

Friday, 9th of May 2021. Forward Operational Base. 1900 Hours.

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Aline put a blueprint of the bank in the whiteboard in that meeting room. She could have his ally place something on any point on that bank. The contractor just needs to ask.

"Ok guys, let's order something. I've asked the contact to place a medic bag, here, here, and here," Aline said as she put a marker on that blueprint.

The medical bag was placed inside of the bank. It could be useful if one of them became wounded, but Aline didn't want any contractor to be wounded or even die.

"Ok, ammo bag on the park of that depository should be nice," Nathan said as he stood up and put a mark on the map.

The ammo bag should contain more than two thousand rounds of ammunition. Calling it an ammo bag was an understatement, it was an ammo container.

It contained boxes of ammunition and magazines. It should be more than enough to hold down the cops since they wouldn't be expecting an airstrike from above their heads.

"Anything else?" Aline asked.

"I doubt we need more than what we have prepared. We are fully equipped and fully armed for whatever would come to us," Nathan said.

Nathan was very sure that the combination of airstrikes and air support from the flying units were more than enough to rob that depository. Not stopping there, Nathan also had calculated that their country emergency response team had lost 70% of their power due to the repeated airstrikes.

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Clara and Patrick were also sure that their country didn't have any stealth jet fighters on their arsenal. It should be a safe bet that their air force trump card was gone by then due to the airstrikes.

"Ok, I think everyone should have a break. Take care for now. You guys are dismissed," Nathan said and the contractors stood up from their chairs. They headed outside of the FOB.

Lynn and Patrick were using Lynn's car since both of them were going to Patrick's coffee shop and have a drink there before they went back home.

"Mademoiselle, please," Patrick opened the backdoor of her Mercedes.

Lynn sat down on the backseat and Patrick drove out of the empty lot where the FOB was hidden. Clara had another business with Nathan since she had to prepare some traps for the emergency response team during the heist.

"Lynn," Patrick looked at the mirror in that car.

"Yes?" Lynn said.

"Your eye is glowing red again," Patrick said.

"Really? Sorry," Lynn's combat mode was turned off and her eye turned into an ordinary black again.

"Damn, you always scare me with that you know," Patrick said as the car was stopped by a traffic light in a junction.

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"Well, I sometimes don't realize that. Sorry," Lynn said.

Patrick sighed, "Whatever," Patrick pushed the gas pedal and the car moved forward again as the lights turned green.

"Patrick," Lynn said.

"Should I paint my hair black?" Lynn asked.

"Why? I love you the way you're, scary as fuck. Nobody will dare to approach you," Patrick said.

"Both of us are a scary couple aren't we?" Patrick asked Lynn.

They were seen with the eyes that scared of death. Anyone who saw Lynn or Patrick without a combat uniform would think that those two were kids that were through significant parents abuse. With a combat uniform, those two were seen as an incoming death.

"We're here," Patrick said as he parked Lynn's car in the car park in front of the coffee shop.

Patrick got out of the car first and he opened the door for Lynn. Lynn got out of the car and both of them walked into the coffee shop. Inside of that coffee shop, the manager was serving coffee to one of the customers.

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"Master, as usual, please," Lynn said to that manager.

"One cappuccino and one espresso? Coming right up," the manager went behind the counter and started making coffee for both of them.

Patrick and Lynn sat down right on the chairs beside the window of that coffee shop. The manager served them with two cups of coffee and Patrick gave his thanks.

"This one goes into your paycheck, you hear?" The manager threatened Patrick.

"Of course," Patrick just smiled as he sipped that cappuccino with his mouth.

Lynn sipped on the black coffee and Lynn ordered a chocolate cake as a side dish for the sour and bitter arabica black coffee.

"I'll give you a slice beautiful," the manager said.

"You have some nerve flirting my own girlfriend in front of me, sir," Patrick said to his boss.

"Hahaha, I get the point. Don't worry, your girlfriend is quite something, I will say that she's quite extraordinary," The manager said as he went back to behind the counter to grab a slice of chocolate cake from the refrigerator in the kitchen.

The street of the capital was very empty. There wasn't anything else besides a few cars and some soldiers that were passing by. The capital was under a serious national threat since rebels were roaming around and attacking government buildings.

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"Here you go, I might return back to Italy after this. Business isn't going well," The manager said.

Bullet holes could be spotted on that coffee shop. The bullets were shot from outside of the coffee shop. It was clear that the manager almost lost his life on the capital due to the rebel attacks.

"I see, what will you do on Italia, sir?" Lynn asked.

"I'll just help my family run their coffee shop. Don't worry Patrick, I won't forget about you," The manager said as he pulled a chair and sat down near the table.

"I see, I will miss you when you're gone sir," Patrick said as he rotated his coffee cup multiple times.

"Don't worry too much about it. You have a certification for making coffee right?" The manager asked.

"Yeah, in February. I'll miss the examination. I'm going to miss you, sir," Patrick said.

"For our farewell. Cheers," Lynn raised her small cup.


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