Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 151: 151

Monday, 12th of May 2021. Underground Parking Garage. 1700 Hours. Charlie and Delta team.

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A smell of burning gasoline filled the air of that underground parking lot. The sounds of the gunshots would deafen anyone that entered that parking garage.

"Well, shit," Nathan looked at the burning car.

One of the cars was burned by the police. There was only one car remaining. One car only could carry seven passengers at most. They would need a backup plan.

"Yo Echo, we might need a backup plan," Henry looked at that burning car.

"Yeah, give me your stinger. Charlie, you're coming with me," Nathan took the stinger from Henry's back and put it on his back.

Nathan thought for a second about his plan. He remembered something about British SAS strapping themselves to an Apache helicopter. He would be using that idea since it was the most practical option he had. Hanging on the car was a very bad idea.

"You guys get out of the town now. I'll request extraction from Alpha," Nathan and Laura ran outside of the parking garage with their assault rifles in their shoulder.

Henry entered the driving seat of that car, "Let's move out guys, we have no time to waste."

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The other contractors immediately entered the car and Henry hit the gas hard. He drove outside of that parking garage with his SUV and rammed a police barricade.

Nathan: "Alpha, I'm requesting evacuation."

Aveline: "Roger that. What happened?"

Nathan: "One of the cars is blown off."

Aveline: "Find an LZ and I'll land there. Make sure the LZ is not in the hot zone."

Nathan and Laura ran outside of the parking garage and they were immediately greeted by bullets. The bullets were raining at their body armor, they immediately took cover behind a wall.

Laura used her laser designator to mark the vehicles that the police used as a cover to shoot them. She requested the air unit to bomb or shoot that unit.

Aveline: "Target is marked. Firing!"

One AGM-114 missile was fired at the vehicle. The vehicle exploded and both of them continued running towards an empty lot where the Apache could land. Nathan opened his PDA to check the location of the nearest empty lot.

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"Two hundred meters from here. Not bad," Nathan ran from his cover and Laura followed him from behind. They ran in the street of the capital that was under lockdown because of their bank robbery.

The street was full of police that was ready to shoot them whenever they saw fit. Nathan pulled Laura from the street as bullets started raining from the other direction. They were in another alleyway which was a golden spot for a sniper ambush.

"Great, out of the frying pan, into the fire," Laura commented as she aimed her assault rifle to the rooftop of the nearby building.

Nathan: "Alpha, Bravo, keep an eye for a sniper on the top of our head."

Bravo: "Copy that. I'll engage any enemy on the rooftop of any building."

Not long after that message. The rooftop of the nearby building immediately filled with explosions coming out from the chain gun of the Apache helicopter. Laura ran from any fragmentation that came from those rounds.

"Almost there," Nathan looked at the empty lot that was located right in front of their eyes. They immediately ran to that direction.

Suddenly, cluster bombs were dropped inside of the empty lot. It turned out that many snipers were hiding in that empty lot with their ghillie suit. They were waiting for Nathan to enter that lot and ambush them.

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After that vigorous bombing, the Apache helicopter landed on that empty lot and Nathan and Laura immediately ran to that helicopter. They strapped themselves to the side of the helicopter and sat down on that helicopter.

The helicopter took off from the ground and started gaining altitude. The helicopter followed the car that was running away from the police. They would be acting as an escort for the car that was running away from the police.

The Bushmaster chaingun was fired to the police cruisers that were chasing that car. Laura and Nathan also helped by firing their assault rifle at the car.

The police cruisers that were chasing them down retreated for no particular reason. The might realize that nothing was stolen by the contractors. They might have come to the bank and noticed that the vault wasn't opened by them.

"They're retreating," Nathan looked at the police cruisers that were turning back.

"Yeah, they have checked the bank and realized that we haven't opened the vault," Laura said.

"The vault will open tomorrow at 6 A.M. they will find out that we have stolen all of their gold. Mission successful guys," Nathan said.

Cheers were coming from Nathan's headset. All of them clapped their hands for Nathan's accomplishment as their leader. They complimented him and praised him since he successfully planned and done the heist without anyone being injured.

"Thanks, guys, I wouldn't have done it if not for all of your help," Nathan said.

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"And we wouldn't do it if you weren't planning this crazy mission," Lynn radioed from her fighter jet.

"Hahaha, that's true," Nathan said as he opened his balaclava slightly and breathed the afternoon sir of the capital.

The helicopter followed the car from behind. They would switch their getaway car after they got out of the capital. Their destination was an abandoned airfield located in the old town. The Mi-26 should be waiting with the gold there.

Patrick: "There are no more hostiles in the air. We're in clear."

Laura: "Alright, let's go to the abandoned airfield shall we?"

Lynn: "Copy that. We'll still act as your escort."

Two jets, one helicopter, and one car we're heading to the abandoned airfield. They were going to see how much spoils of war they had taken.

[Mission Complete]

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