Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 172: 172

Monday, 5th Of March 2018.

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"Charlie, Echo is moving towards the objective." Echo walked with his assault rifle towards the most expensive car in that area.

"Copy that." Charlie threw away the empty tube and pulled out her Barrett sniper rifle. She shot the rifle multiple times at the incoming hostiles. The .50 BMG blew their bodies one by one.

I kept pulling the trigger of my MG5 until the belt magazine ran out and had to be replaced with a new belt. I threw away the empty box and reloaded my MG5. The MG5 kept spewing out bullets until I stopped pulling the trigger since there were no more hostile in that street.

"CEASE FIRE!" Echo shouted as he planted a C4 on the car door. Echo ran away from that car door and he pressed the detonator on his hand. The car exploded into some fiery fireworks and the target was eliminated by that explosion.

The car became burning wreckage as Echo walked away from it. There was nothing left from the politician mainly due to the fact that the explosion disintegrated most of that car. "Alright, the mission is complete. Let's head back to our home base. By the way, I'll transfer the payment later," Echo said.

I entered the car with Echo and Charlie. It was a rather quick, but profitable mission. There were no bullet holes in my body so I would consider it an easy day for me. There wasn't anything bad happening so I wouldn't consider it as my successful suicide attempt.

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"Lima, where will you go? Your house?" Echo asked me.

"Yes. Just drive me to my house." I laid back and sat down on the chair of the car.


Echo took me to my house. He dropped me in front of the gate of my house and Charlie just waved her hands at me. It looked like both of them were more than a friend. They could be a couple, but I would never know since I didn't even know their real identity.

"See ya." Echo closed his car window and he drove away from my house. The car only left a thin white trail of smoke coming from the exhaust of that car.

I sighed. I put my hands on the doorknob and pushed the door. I would usually expect some greeting like "Welcome back Lynn, how's your day, or anything. But well, I don't have anything left."

I pulled out my smartphone and switched to my civilian loadout which consisted of school uniforms and my bag. I immediately headed back to my room since there was no use of watching television alone in the living room. There wouldn't be anyone to accompany me besides the ghost of my parents.

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The light turned on automatically. I stepped my feet in the wooden cushion of my room. 'What a long day.' I let myself laid down in the comfy bed. The white ceiling was the only thing that accompanies me. The house was very eerie that I didn't even dare to get out of my room without holding a rifle or a gun.

I had no doubt that my parents' car crash was staged by someone else. My friends were sitting on top of the list and I hadn't found any evidence that led to their involvement yet. However, when the time came, I would be there to kill them.

I was quite happy at the moment. With a 40k on my bank account, I could actually live better than when my parents were still here. I only hadn't refurnished the whole house since it would be a quite jarring task that had no use since I would be rarely roaming around the house either.

'Hmph, I wish they were still here.' I stood up from my bed and grabbed my SCAR-H from my table. I wanted to head downstairs to cook some food for my dinner. It was six in the evening and I hadn't even eaten any lunch since Farl kept bogging me about the stolen money. I could just give him two dollars and be done with it, but life wasn't that simple after all.

There was some leftover food in the fridge. Inside of a plate, there was this spaghetti that I hadn't finished since the last dinner. I rarely ate in the house, I was more likely to eat a calory bar that the Armory System provided when I was in the mission since it was more practical.

I grabbed the plate and put it inside of the microwave and turned it on the medium setting. I just wanted the pasta to be warmed up. The living room was still messy since my enraged moment. Pieces of broken glass and broken furniture were still scattered across the room. The only thing that wasn't broken was the couch.

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'Might as well clean these things.' I pressed the switch button and used my combat loadout again since I didn't want my school uniform to be dirty from the meds or to be broken by the sharp objects that were surrounding me.

I started by picking up the pieces of broken glass with my hands and put it inside a plastic bag. I threw away every broken electronic appliance to the corner of my house. I would remove them later when I wanted to do it, but right now, I didn't have any interest in doing it whatsoever.

After I cleaned up the mess I went to the kitchen again to check on the pasta which I put on the microwave. It was ready and I went to the dining table with that warm pasta in my hands.

My attention wasn't exactly focused on the pasta. A lot of thoughts were wandering around my mind as I ate. Most of the time, I was thinking about whether I could die honorably or not. The thoughts of suiciding were still on my head and the act of doing it painlessly was in my hands.

"Man, I wish I can be happier." I finished eating and put the plate into the dishwasher. I turned it on and a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

That thought came because I looked at my parents' room. I never entered that room since my parents' didn't allow it, but since they weren't here, I could do anything I wanted to do for a long time. With the rifle in my shoulder, I slowly opened the door.

Immediately, I noticed nothing was odd with that room. It was just a normal adult bedroom with a wardrobe, a bed, and a mirror. 'Hmm, this is quite anti-climactic isn't it?' I looked around that room for something that was actually worth looking for.

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I opened the wardrobe in that room. I was hoping to find something that could cheer me up. There was nothing interesting there besides clothing and a red button that was located between the clothing. I wondered what kind of thing that the wardrobe hid. I decided to push that button.

Suddenly, the sounds of electric motors were coming from that wardrobe. The back wardrobe moved from its initial position. There was a secret room behind that wardrobe. However, that room wasn't special either. It was an average workspace with tables and a computer.

I looked at the computer and turned it on with my finger. The computer booted up and I was taken to my dad's secret workfile. The secret work file was about the evidence on a Minister's corruption in my country. The minister was none other than Sissy's father. The person that had planned a plot to kill me was actually the one behind all of this. I couldn't believe it either since the evidence provided much evidence that the minister was working with a cartel that had a flower symbol on it.

"A-M-B-R-O-S-I-A." I read that name out loud. That was the name of the cartel that had been working together with the minister for a very long time. I flinched from that table in surprise as I didn't believe that my assassination plot would go that deep.

I read more of those documents and everything opened my eyes. Sissy and her family must be killed and exterminated from the face of the earth at all costs. They were the junk of humanity and it was my job to put them all down mercilessly.

I would take what was the most important thing to her and made sure that she felt what I felt. I would strike where it hurt the most and I wouldn't regret any of my decision. If I died in the process, I would consider that my suicide attempt was successful. I had nothing to lose, I would go all-in on this one.

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