Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 186: 186

Tuesday, 10th of April 2018. Old Highschool. Lynn's Class. 2200 Hours. Task Force Infanta.

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As the machine gun kept firing on top of my head, the person who was driving the armored vehicle like a maniac was ramming at those police cruisers that were on our way. I still couldn't figure out who they were, but my general idea concluded that they're close to my age more or less.

The small girl that shot the machine gun could be called Alpha. Well, her body was inadequate to sustain the recoil of that heavy machine gun, and yet, she managed to do it easily. Brass casings were raining on top of my head as Alpha drove through each police barricade.

"God's sake, Bravo. Drive safely will you?" Sierra said.

Alpha just looked at him and rose his middle finger and he continued ramming those police cruisers. The madlad driver was truly madlad after all. It could be said that this driver hated the police.

The girl went back inside of the car and all she said was, "It's all done." I peeked at the small door at the back of the car and I found the burning wreckage of police vehicles.

It turned out that this little person, Alpha, was throwing hand grenades at them. She held a hand grenade in her hand as she entered the car again. There was no way that this person was sane. This person was most likely to be lightheaded.

"Hey Sierra, is this your new girlfriend?" Bravo asked.

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"Keep driving. It's not like that I have the responsibility to answer," Sierra said.

"Alright." The driver of the armored vehicle drove away from the chase. The police had given up considering how many vehicles they had lost from those firefights alone. If my guesses were correct, the school would be closed tomorrow due to the number of bullet holes there.

The car was driven to my house as usual. Sierra gave me something before I got out of the car. It was a laptop that he held all the time. "The data is too big to be transferred using a flash disk. My laptop is a better option." I grabbed the laptop and left the car. The car drove away into the empty street of the residential area.

'Another weird day, just as normal as usual.' I entered my empty house. I wished there was someone except for the cleaning robot and machine gun turret that I placed in the house.

Instead of going back to sleep as an ordinary person would do, I went to the planning room to dig up what I had found inside of that database. It turned out that Farl wasn't that good of a guy. Yes, our student council president had his share of dirty secrets.

There was nothing good about him from the school files and yet, he was elected as the student council president by the teachers. I guessed that Carl must have done something to convince the other teachers to eliminate the other candidates and let him be the president.

Ambrosia cartel was the unknown cartel who seemed to be responsible for the logistics of everything. It seemed that this cartel would serve the highest bother without any question asked. They were scary considering what they had done to me.

I wanted to know more data so I connected Sierra's laptop to my computer. My first impression was a middle finger to my computer screen. Farl's other name was El Ponco. He was one of the lowest ranks in the Ambrosia cartel and had few sicarios in his arsenal.

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It was no joke if Farl had the power to intimidate everyone because he could. That person was very dangerous. It might be a good idea to always carry a Glock around him in case I got jumped by his sicarios.

As I scrolled through his files, it just got worse. It could be said that Farl was involved in the trafficking ring and prostitution ring. If I thought harder about that, it seemed very likely that Farl was behind all of the assassinations. Sissy was used as a pawn and Farl controlled her from behind.

It made me wonder how strong Ambrosia cartel was if they could use the school main server as their main data server. Well, Farl could be the answer, but it was not like I could contact him anytime soon due to the fact that he always blamed me for anything bad that happened to the school or us in general.

His families were jefe. In short, his whole family was one of the bosses in the Ambrosia cartel branch in our country. Sissy, the daughter of a minister, was her pawn, only God knows how many eyes he had on the whole school. There were probably a lot of eyes in the entire school.

It was a very scary thought. If the school was under Farl's hands, what would happen to me next? I had no idea about it yet, but to be honest, it was not like I could change the future. I had to fight the future with my bare hands that were probably very very fragile and far weaker than Farl.

Enough was enough, I couldn't take it anymore. The computer screen was turned off and I left the server room. All of a sudden, I could hear footsteps from around my house. That was not the usual footsteps, these footsteps were made by someone who would enter this house silently.

I picked up my MG5 from the bed of my parents and put it on my shoulders. I aimed down the sights to see any stupid person who would dare to infiltrate a contractor's house. The footsteps got closer and closer and I saw this one man.

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He was wearing a football shirt and was holding a silenced pistol. He was most likely to the sicario that Farl sent to kill me. Sierra should have worked better so I didn't have to deal with this kind of bullshits.

I put the end of my MG at that sicario's head and pulled the trigger. The man died in the hands of mine and I looked at the front door direction, the windows, and the garage. There wasn't only one sicario, there was lots of it.

Without any choice left, I immediately grabbed my phone and put all of the defense systems to active mode. Barrels of turrets started appearing from hidden places like pots and walls.

All of those turrets were heavy machine gun turret that would kill any infiltrator. I immediately ducked to the ground and the chug-chug sound of the heavy machine gun turret could be heard. The 14.5 mm ammo killed those sicarios and I ran upstairs to take my emergency supplies. I couldn't stay in this house or the other students would become suspicious. I had to go.

As the machine gun was fired, the sicarios kept coming and coming as if they were limitless. The number of sicarios coming after I was staggering that I started questioning why would someone killed an ordinary girl like me.

There was a 100L backpack on the front of my bedroom. I took the backpack and run back downstairs. The heavy machine gun turret had its limits and they would run out of ammo immediately.

As I rushed myself to the garage, I could see one of the sicarios turned into mincemeat in real-time. I grabbed the motorbike key and drove away from my house that was seemingly raided by sicarios.

I would need a place to temporarily stay, but I didn't have any idea about where I should stay. The only option was Echo and I had the feeling that he would not help me at this kind of time.

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I called him and hope that he answered. I turned out that he answered me immediately and I asked him for a place to stay.

"No, I don't want to sleep with a girl." Echo moaned.

"But it's urgent. Can you let me in? Please," I begged.

"There's a FOB located in the coordinates I would give to you. Good night Lima. Have a nice day." The phone was closed and the coordinates were sent.

I drove to the coordinates which were located six kilometers away from the center of the town and seven kilometers away from my school. It was a perfect hiding spot that was very close to my objective and fulfilled my goals.

The coordinates led to a seemingly abandoned carpark that was filled with moss and only once a car parked there. However, Echo told me to stay in parking spot number 68 and say the code phrase or open it manually using my phone.

I chose the latter option and suddenly, the floor beneath me was lowered to the ground alongside my motorbike. It led to a dark place and once the lights were turned on. It looked very neat.

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