Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 200: 200

Lynn wasn't flying due to the fact that her co-pilot wasn't there since she was busy disarming the mine. The targeting pods of his fighter jet was aimed at the forest that was located right below of him. There was no obstacle as far as he could see since the sky was clear and there wasn't any incoming bad weather at his direction.

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Patrick moved his flight stick several time to make sure that his camera was pointing directly at the forest. The pictures that were taken were displayed on his HUD. The pictures were separated into two pictures, the infrared picture and the original picture.

According to those pictures, the cartel had moved their base of operation to the north of the destroyed location. Nathan had an intel that the north of the base that they had destroyed was filled with activities that didn't have any meaning. In short, those activites were illegal and Patrick was there to scout it.

Patrick was only equipped with eighteen long range anti-air missiles, and ten short range, but agile anti-air missiles. He had predicted that there would be some adversaries that would be interested in shooting him down. The time window between the air force of the Cuban government and him was getting closer and closer.

The US wouldn't give a shit about a foreign aircraft entering Cuba since Lynn had informed the CIA about their entry on Cuba. The Ambrosia cartel was also a threat to the US government so they wouldn't send any fighter jet from nearby aircraft carrier to intercept Patrick that was in his Su-35S.

The plane was moving at the speed of Mach 3.0. It was all thanks to the continuous use of the afterburner inside of the engines of that plane. The radar hadn't shown anything. It was good news since Patrick hadn't finished his reconeissance mission. The pictures weren't enough and there weren't enough intelligence to conclude that the cartel base of operation in Cuba was moved there.

The only thing that he could see in the screen was jungle and buildings that the cartel had built. If not for the lack of personnel that the HSDC had, they wouldn't be suffering this much due to the lack of personnel. The SDC might be able to send an airstrike, but they wouldn't be able to send a personnel to the location where the airstrike had been commenced.

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"Tango 1, this is Jackal. Do you copy?" Patrick called Nathan through the radio. Although Tango was Aline's codename, Patrick used that codename to refer to Nathan since he was the one who supervised that whole operation alongside with Lynn.

"Copy that Tango 2, Jackal is here. The pictures indicates a very large amount of activity in the area around the designated recon point. The adversaries haven't come yet. Should I leave the location?" Patrick asked, but he had known what the answer would be since Lynn was also a good pilot.

"Continue your reconeissance until someone decided that intercepting you was a good idea," Lynn ended that communication and Patrick peformed a barrel role on his aircraft. The kept flying in circle on top of the forest while takin pictures. However, Patrick had the feeling that something bad was coming, but he had no idea on what it was.

The bad thing came in the form of blips on his radar. The IRST also detected several aircraft that was flying in his direction. The computer of the Su-35 started scanning the signature and the distance of the aircraft from his position.

The radar told Patrick that there were six F-4E that were owned by the Cuban government. Their objective was to intercept Patrick in mid-air. The F-4E was quite a capable plane, but it would definitely lost against the advanced technology of the Su-35S.

However, Patrick didn't want to disappoint Lynn by sending some image that was incomplete. Lynn only wanted a complete reconeissance of the base that the cartel had. Patrick finally had a picture on biggest building on that forest. That building was colored white and it was similar to the ruin that he and Lynn found yesterday. If Patrick feeling was correct, it could be the main base of operation that Ambrosia cartel had in Cuba.

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Patrick dived down to the ground to take a closer look on that building. His altitude was dropping rapidly as he dived down towards that forest. The Mach 3.0 started increasing to Mach 4.0 and Patrick pulled an extreme maneuver that would stabilize the plan.

He pulled the stick of his aircraft and leveled the Su-35. He caught the glimpse of the small building. He also caught that a missile warning was ringing on his ears. Someone must have fired a missile at him. The missile must be a FIM-92 stinger that was fired from a launcher. Patrick immediately initiate an evasive maneuver on his plane to distract that missile.

"Evading." Patrick moved the stick of the aircraft rigorously to dodge the incoming missile. It also seemed that the enemy squadron had entered the area and initiated fight with Patrick's aircraft. The aircraft signature was mysterious, as if the plane was totally experimental. The plane moved very agile. It wasn't something that Cuban air force had.

"Sonora Team, begin the operation."

There were seven planes that could be seen on the radar. Those planes weren't an F-4E. No, it was worse than an F-4. It was a Su-47 squadron that appeared out of nowhere. Those aircrafts weren't bearing any insignia of any air force. It also had appeared that those F-4Es were shot down by the aircrafts.

"May the victor."

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"Be Justice."

And bloody hell, all hell broke lose. Missile warnings could be heard many times as if someone was screaming on top of his ears. The bipping sounds never stopped and wouldn't stop until Patrick shot down the unknown squadron that used the experimental aircraft with his aircraft that was experimental, but far less manoueverable than the one that his adversaries were using.

"Fox 3! Fox 3" Patrick shot three missiles at once at those aircraft that were coming after him. The radar displayed the missiles and three aircraft dodged the missiles. However, it took two missiles to take down a plane.

"Sonora 1, a plane is down."

"Just as good as they said. The Akula is as good as they said."

The chatters from the enemy planes indicated that Patrick was well known as the Akula due to the shark art that was located on the nose of his aircraft. Well, it was painted before he did the bank heist since that plane looked more intimidating. However, this Sonora squadron seemed to be a very large threat.

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Patrick: "This is Jackal, Tango 2. Requesting support!"

Lynn: "Serval has returned. I'll be there shortly. ETA is ten minutes."

It just between Patrick, and those planes that were colored in black and yellow. Those planes seemed to be very agile and kept closing their distances to Patrick. Patrick didn't know this adversaries background. Patrick didn't know that Cuba could have this kind of firepower.

"Shit. Evading! [Focus]." Patrick used his special ability to slow his perception of time and dodge the missile with a very great accuracy. He evaded the missile and the missile exploded close to him. The damage of his place was increased to 20%.

It was a bad thing since if the damage reached 100%, the plane wouldn't fly anymore and he probably had to spend the night in the forest of Cuba. The black planes finally engaged in a dogfight with Patrick. The plane kept tailing Patrick from behind and Patrick started worrying about his life at this point.

The missile warning kept sounding loudly as Patrick kept trying to dodge the incoming missiles. It seemed that he was both heavily outnumbered and outmanouvered. There wasn't any solution of his situation except for hoping that the planes run out of fuel before Patrick did.

As he kept dodging the missiles, he heard a warning from the radio. The warning was coming from a very familiar voice. That voice was coming from someone inside of her F-15 with her friend. The F-15 fired one of its AMRAAM missiles into the Su-47 and blew it out of the sky. Patrick felt a relief as the blue wing of the F-15 flew passed him.

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