Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 209: 209

At least, six commanders were in the cafetaria that was located far away from the command center. Those six were Patrick, Clara, Lynn, Shaddam, Aveline, and Aline. Those six were meeting with their guest, Herring. They hadn't told Herring about the unfortunate circumstances that his bodyguards had.

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However, Herring went to the HSDC main base with a purpose. He wasn't the kind of person that would come into the heart of hornets' nest without some purposes. He was there to tell the HSDC about the United States CIA SAD's next move. Their focus was on latin America and that focus coincidentally had the same focus as HSDC next move.

HSDC would expand to Latin America as their next move and it would start at Panama. The natives of the forest would be converted to be the members of HSDC. Not that they didn't have the technology to do it since every single person would at least able to read and write once they were recruited by the HSDC mysterious kidnapping device.

"Herring, do you want to try it?" Aline asked as she waved the black device in her hand.

"No thanks, I still want to work with CIA." Herring sipped on his black coffee.

Yes, anyone that had been attached with that mysterious device at least once would succumb to HSDC with great royalty. It would also enchance their brain so they could function as a soldier. It didn't matter whether the person that HSDC recruited was color blind, illiterate, deaf, etc. That mysterious device would cure it all. However, the cost was their freedom. They wouldn't be able to leave HSDC forever since their brain had been brainwashed.

Herring would not escape that thing-a-magic device. If it was attached to him, he would be teleported back to the main base as one of the HSDC personnel. He would succumb to everything that the commanders told him to do. It would be a great nightmare for CIA since their SAD leader went to the HSDC.

"Ok, let's just get down to business. How much space are there in Panama?" Patrick asked.

"A lot. Around a hundred square kilometers. It's all for HSDC," Herring said.

"A hundred?" Lynn spurted out her drink.

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"Our base might be bigger, but that's a lot of land," Patrick said.

"Yeah, I have to agree with that." Shaddam sipped on his coffee.

"Aline, how many personnel do we have?" Patrick asked.

"Six millions and still counting," Aline said.

"Holy, no wonder Nathan expands every platform like once a week. I feel this command platform is getting bigger and bigger," Patrick said.

As far as Nathan knew, their profit was around twenty million USD every single day. It was no wonder if the platform expansion was very rapid. The availability of combat personnel was also as big as it could get. They had around 600,000 active combat personnel as of now. They were paid cheaply by those who needs it. However, their services were top tiers and some countries prefer HSDC from other PMCs.

It was good for business, but it also sparked some rivalry to the other PMCs like Academi or Aegis. When both of them had the skills, HSDC had the advantage in technology. They would send an F-22 if a combat personnel requested it. It just how resourceful they were. Had they had a ship, they would be very big as a navy.

HSDC had grabbed some of the lands that used to be a base for the allies in the middle east. Some of them used to be American, British, and French base. They were turned into a base for HSDC. The main hub for HSDC itself was in Libya. Yes, that conflict zone was owned by HSDC now. There were no Libya anymore, it's only a name. The official name for Libya among HSDC was region L.

HSDC literally built infrastructure and buildings inside of Libya. However, it also cost them quite a lot of human resources. However, Operation Expando was a success and it was very profitable for the HSDC. Basically, it was a month full of violation of Geneva Convention and Human Right Abuse.

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It was for the sake of HSDC growth in the middle east. People were kidnapped and turned into a soldier under a night by the HSDC. It was a program where HSDC triggered a chain reaction of kidnapping in Libya. For example, HSDC kidnapped and converted a person. That said person would bring two more people and the circle continued. As a result, a lot of personnel inside of region L was usually wore veil or any hair concealment. All commanders respected it, it was not a huge deal since most of them replaced it with balaclava for special operation.

Before they knew it, Libya had already under full HSDC control. HSDC literally owned that zone and restricted all actions from the EU in Libya. EU didn't mind too much about it since HSDC actually brought prosperity to that warzone. It was all thanks to the brainwashing that the special tool gave to all kidnapped personnel.

"Hmm. To be honest, US also withdrew from Libya thanks to you guys stunts," Herring said.

"C'mon. We cut a few deal with the US. It's not reasonless. They still have access to the oil fields. However, everyone is working there. So there's no more war." Lynn sipped on her coffee.

"As expected. Great job."

"We might have to relocate some of us to Panama then. Well, it's not like there isn't anything interesting to be done in Panama. The sleeping giants are still sleeping," Patrick quoted that pilot who used Su-47 two months ago.

"Well, Lynn, what you say? A new adventure for both of us?" Patrick asked.

"Definitely a new adventure for us," Lynn said.

"Hmm, there is a division standing by. It might be a good idea to start moving. But well, use the builder tool to establish a basic airfield," Aveline said.

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"Great. Good," Patrick said.

"Who's the general?" Lynn asked.

"Lietenant General Mahmoud," Stacy said.


"Yup, they're from Libya. Don't worry though. Most of his personnel were either A or B ranked. You won't have that much trouble establishing a main base there," Aveline said.

"I hope so. It will be a pain if he is problematic."

"Haha. Don't worry. I have met Mahmoud, He's competent," Herring said.

All of the commanders immediately stopped all of their activities. They were surprised when he heard that Herring had met General Mahmoud. For starter, Herring wasn't operating in Libya, at least, as far as HSDC knew. Second, Herring wasn't in Libya during the last two months so he definitely wouldn't know the existence of Mahmoud himself.

Well, that was CIA SAD leader for you. Herring felt like a Pandora box. The deeper you headed inside of his head, the more secrets that you would discover along the way. It was scary considering Herring was more than capable soldiers. Never look at his white hair, that old man could snap your neck without making a noise.

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"Scary…" Shaddam sipped on his coffee.

Suddenly, as those commanders were relaxing in the cafetaria. The leader appeared from the door of the cafetaria. The leader was Nathan that brought a very thick file on his hand. That file was very thick that his hand barely held it. He walked to their table and he put the file on top of the table.

That file was the file that Herring requested as souvenirs for the United States. Those files contained all of the traces of the leftover terrorists group that were scattered once HSDC conquered Libya. Those intelligence would be useful in the future in case there would be another bombing on US soil.

Suddenly, the alarm of the whole base rang again. There was another aircraft that entered the restricted flight zone. The red light that was coming from the alarm put all of them in the highest alert. All personnel would immediately head for their combat position.

"Don't worry. The boys up there will handle this. So… about Panama. How's the deal?" Nathan asked.

"We get their permits. We just have to send our personnel there and we will be gold," Patrick said.

As they waited for the alert to be over. Patrick got a phone call from his smartphone. The phonecall was coming from a contact called "Babushka." Yup, that was Marinka. Why would Marinka called though? That was what Patrick thought when he had the phonecall.

Patrick: "Yes? Agent?"

Marinka: "Hi there. Your boys seem to be very aggressive. Mind calling them out? My plane is currently flying to your base. We might can have some chit chats. What do you say?"

Patrick: "WHAT???"

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