Phone App: Portable Armory

Chapter 211: 211

The forest would be dark if not for the night vision goggles. Lynn and Patrick searched for the weapon container that was dropped somewhere in the region. The container emitted signal that could be traced back by the PDA that they currently held. The signal would bounce at the PDA and produced a pipping noise based on the distance to the said container.

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"PIP...…. PIP...."

The container seemed to be very far from the place where they were landing. The parachute had been burned automatically by the systems that were integrated into the parachute itself. It didn't make any fire, it would just disintegrate the parachute.

Patrick looked at the nearby forest. It seemed to be filled with animals with many different variations. The place seemed to be untouched by humans since most of the animals there were either rare or carnivorous. For example, Patrick landed on top of a panther. Luckily, he managed to shot his head first before the panther realized his existence.

"Stay vigilant." Lynn walked to the weapon container.

Patrick: "Charlie Papa to HQ. We have landed safely at Panama forest. There will be some delay to the intended schedule. Please tell the incoming team to slow their aircrafts down."

Nathan: "This is HQ. Copy that Charlie Papa."

The weapon container still couldn't be found even after they arrived at the designated location. There were two posibbilites. It could be either the distress pulser wasn't working or the container had gone missing. However, they got their answer once they looked up to the trees above them. The container was stuck on the branches of the said tree.

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"Hmm, it looks like one of us have to climb that tree. Lynn?" Patrick offered.

Lynn just nodded and put the backpack that she carried to the ground. She started climbing that tree after Patrick threw a rope to the top of the tree. It would make sure that she didn't fall off if she suddenly lost her grip to the tree. Lynn climbed that tree faster than Patrilck thought. She reached the top of the tree and grabbed her trusty combat machete.

The machete would help her in cutting the branches of the tree and made sure that the container fell to the ground safely. Well, the container could sustain the damage that would be given once it fell down from the tree. However, Patrick was unsure whether the things that were inside of the container would be fine once it hit the ground.

Lynn cut those tree branches and ants started falling to the ground below. Patrick noticed it since he had to kill those ants with his hands and those ants were massive. However, his clothes could resist those ants since it was reinforced. However, it was very bad for Patrick since he disliked those ants.

She broke the large branch and that container fell to the ground with a big force that it made quite a wind once it landed on the ground. Lynn climbed down from that said tree and she walked to that container. Patrick picked up her backpack and gave it back to her. Patrick opened that weapon container that contained their heavy weaponry.

The content of that container was the railgun and some ammunitions for that railgun. However, the focus of that weapon container wasn't on the weapon itself. The content of that container was actually supplies that could be used by both of them. The extra contents were the builder tool that looked like a small suitcase.

"Lynn, are we on the location where we can build our Forward Operational Base?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah, go ahead," Lynn said.

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Patrick put the suitcase that he retrieved from the container and faced it to the south direction. He opened that suitcase and there was a screen inside of that suitcase. The tool itself was called the terraformer. It would turn any land into something that the user wanted to build as long as there wasn't any structure that had similarities to the structure that would be built.

In short, it couldn't overlap another facility so it couldn't be used on a place that had been built by the HSDC before. In that case, the only way to establish a new structure was by using the builder tools that the PDA had. Patrick scrolled through many menus that were available in that tool. One of them was air force operational base.

Patrick chose that option and a warning appeared on the menu of that tool.


Patrick clicked the yes button and the land in front of that suitcase turned barren land first. Trees started to die down and started to rot into the ground. It seemed as if everything was accelerated by that tool alone.

[TIME: 03:29 Left]

The base would be built in under four hours, but it was still a very long time. However, Patrick and Lynn weren't bored since the terraforming phase looked like a youtube timelapse video albeit more realistic. The land turned into a flat land that was suitable for airfield. Concrete roads started appearing on the barren land.

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Slowly, building started appearing in the form of hangars and living quarters. The ATC tower was the first building that was completed by that terraforming tool and followed by the asphalt runway that was located next to the taxiway that led to the unfinished hangar.

Meanwhile, Patrick and Lynn had started opening their MREs since they were very hungry. Patrick opened his packages of MRE and reheated it with the heat bags that it provided. They had made fire in that middle of forest. Patrick liked the idea of eating in the middle of forest since it was quite romantic.

It felt like a candlelight dinner for both Lynn and Patrick. Well, they only had candlelight dinner once in their livetime and it was when the old country hadn't broken into a major civil war. Patrick looked at Lynn's dirty face that had been filled with dirt from the trees that were never touched by humans before. Patrick looked at Lynn that was sipping on that soup that the MRE provided for her.

"What are you looking at?" Lynn asked.

"Hmm, You?" Patrick smiled.

Lynn chuckled. She just liked Patrick. Patrick also liked Lynn. Both of them had gone through their hardships together. Although Patrick only helped her after Lynn killed that president of the student council. He helped her with her mental health and it managed to keep her sane during her 9th grade.

They ate as they watched the base that was built right in front of their eyes. The three hours of waiting felt like nothing since they were chatting and making jokes on each other. They didn't realise that the process had finished since they were taking their time in relaxing in that forest. If not for the loud noise that the terraforming tool produced, they wouldn't realise that the base had been completed.

Both of them picked up their backpack and Patrick extinguished the fire that was in the ground. They walked to the gate of that base. The gate was a simple gate with a security checkpoint that hadn't been filled with guards. They put their PDA on the card reader on the gate and the gate was automatically opened.

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Once they stepped into the base, the place where they were sitting was turned into a road that lead to nowhere. It could be expanded, but they didn't need another road inside of Panama yet. They wanted to stay in that base first. They would only build the road once there were enough personnel inside of that base.

Their destination was the Air Traffic Control tower. They needed to help guiding those planes that would delivering personnel and stuffs. Patrick and Lynn put their backpack in front of the ATC tower and they entered that building. The building seemed to be automated since the air conditioner had been turned on once they arrived at the top of that tower.

The giant radar dish seemed to be functional and it detected one C-5 galaxy that was coming to that base. However, the details of the mission said that the C-5 would be accompanied by two squadrons that were equipped with F-23.

Patrick: "ATC to Sierra Lima Delta Five Six Zero. The runway is clear."

Pilot: "SLD-560, copy that tower. We are in the altitude of 2,000 meters. ETA is three minutes."

Patrick: "Copy that SLD-560, I have a visual on you."

There was a C-5 approaching from the horizon and some dark planes. Those dark planes were most likely to be the stealth fighter jet. They landed one by one into the runway and Patrick guided them. Lynn had gone downstairs to see the leader of that division.

"Ok, time to work." Patrick put the headphone on the table and he headed outside to greet the commander of that base.

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