Three Weeks Later. 1700 Hours. FOB. Lynn's room.

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"The pain has moved away huh?" Lizeth was laying down on Lynn's bed and she was sleeping right beside Lynn.

"Aline gave me a potent pain killer. What do you expect?" Lynn looked at her.

"I know that. How does it feel? Not having some part of your body?" Lizeth asked.

"Feels different. That's all. I don't have anything to say at the moment," Lynn said as Lizeth hugged her body.

"At least I still have you, right?" Lizeth looked at Lynn. She touched Lynn's face slowly. Lynn smiled as Lizeth moved on her face slowly.

"Hehe, yeah," Lynn smiled.

"Have your injuries heal?" Lizeth looked at the bandage on Lynn's body.

"It won't take long, probably six weeks at the very least until this bandages can be removed," Lynn moved her amputated arm.

"I see. When you return, we will have fun together," Lizeth stood up from Lynn's bed. She moved to a chair that was placed right beside her bed.

"I'm looking forward to it. How's Clara?" Lynn asked for a drink. Lizeth grabbed a glass of water with a straw and put it on Lynn's mouth.

"She's fine. We do some contracts together. Still, I prefer doing it with you," Lizeth took the glass and put it on the table beside that bed.

"Ok. I will be back, don't you worry. I've done some arrangements with Aline. She will take care of it once this hand has healed up," Lynn said.

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"Oh, nice. I will be looking forward to her project. You want to know something funny?"


"The Russians gave me a fighter jet when I visited them. Neat isn't it?" Lynn opened her eyes widely once she heard that statement.

"What? It's the Mig-21 though, isn't it?" Lynn asked for the confirmation, but Lizeth shook her head.

"Not Mig-21?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah, not Mig-21. It's a very delicate plane, to be honest. The Su-35 with an S," Lizeth said proudly. Lynn almost spayed the water that was inside her mouth. She was surprised once she heard that Listen got a multirole air superiority fighter for free.

"That plane? What the fuck did the Russian think?" Lynn asked.

"I don't know, but an opportunity is an opportunity and I will retrieve that opportunity. Anything else?" Listen wore her shoes that were taken off.

"Nah. I just want to wish you good luck," Lynn raised her thumb. Lizeth nodded and she left her room after she packed her bag. Lynn smiled at her before she went to sleep again.

Once she got out of that room, Aline had been waiting in front of the door of that room. She was waiting for something, but it wasn't the ordinary coffee beans. It must be something different.

"Lizeth, we need to talk," Aline approached her menacingly.

"Wow, wow, wow, what's the matter, Aline?" Lizeth asked.

"It's Clara. You have to kill her now, or she will kill you first," Aline warned her.

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"No! She is a good contractor and a good friend. Besides, why don't you just give her a chance?" Lizeth asked.

"I've given Clara many chances Lizeth, but all I see is just a plot for her revenge. She tried to observe your weakness and your strength. She will kill you sooner or later, listen to me!" Aline shook her body.

"Look, pal, If Clara wanted to kill me, why doesn't she tried sooner? Bye Aline. I won't kill Clara and neither should you," Lizette said as she left the FOB and Aline was shaking her head for her friend's naiveness.

Lizeth opened the secret door of that FOB and she headed outside. She entered her car and she drove outside the empty lot where the FOB was hidden.

As she drove down the roads, the thought of Aline's words was kept coming to her head. 'She was right when she said that, but will I let my effort go down the drain? Of course not, but I can't let Clara kill me either. I need safety precautions, but what?'

She remembered that she hadn't put skill points into the skill trees when she leveled up. There were a lot of skill points left from the last leveling up moments. She decided to invest some of her skill into that skill tree.

[Contracror Level: 90]

[Unused Skill Points: 90]

[Intermediate Bullet Resistance: Nullify damage from 5.56 and all pistol rounds. Reduce damage taken for all bullet damage.] [15 Skill Points]

[Advanced Bullet Resistance: Nullify damage from 7.62x51mm bullets or any battle rifle cartridge. Reduce damage taken for all bullet damage.] [25 Skill Points]

[Intermediate Recoil Handling: Improved burst accuracy with an automatic weapon. Improved scope stability. 30% recoil reduction and sway.] [10 skill points]

[Advanced Recoil handling: Improved Burst Accuracy with an automatic weapon. Improved scope stability. 40% recoil reduction and sway.] [15 Skill points]

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[Master Level CQC: You can takedown a professional martial artist with ease. Any tier one operator wouldn't lose a threat for you. Ability to chain takedown multiple opponents] [20 Skill Points]

'That's the very least I can do for now,' Lizeth closed her phone.

As she drove on the capital street that was in chaos due to the protesters. She had to take multiple detours since the ordinary roads which she usually took were blocked. As a precaution, she hid an SMG behind her coat.

It was loaded with High-Explosive 9mm rounds. She was afraid if the looters between the protesters decided to attack her car since her car was bloody expensive.

"Lift the curfew!"

"Fuck the military!"

'Shut up, this traffic jam is all thanks to you guys,' Lizeth was stuck on a traffic jam thanks to the blocked road. The car was stuck between the cars. Still, she was more afraid of the crowds that were blocking the roads in front of her.

It wouldn't take long until the police would be involved in that blockade. Luckily, the police finally came, not with a patrol car, but with an armored personnel carrier. It wasn't the response that you expected.

The polices immediately gave them the warning to disperse. What they did was public misconduct. The police warned them with their megaphone.

"We won't move!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is public misconduct and it will be dispersed immediately!"

"Fuck the police! All cops are bastard."

The massive arguments were initiated between the protesters and the anti-riot police. Their arguments were so massive that some of the protesters started throwing a water bottle at the police. Lizette just watched them since all she wanted was the rioters to move away.

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"This is the last warning! Move out of the way or we will execute lethal force!"

The protesters took that as a threat and started throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. The former was tolerable, but the second one was a bit too much. In response, the police really used a lethal force.

"ENGAGE ALL HOSTILES!" A commander of those police officers said. They began to charge their automatic weapon and began firing it at the protesters.

The protesters were running in Lizeth's direction, resulting in her being caught in the middle of the crossfire. 'Shit,' Lizeth hid her head on the steering wheel of her car.

Lizeth was stuck between the crossfire. She had no choice except for running from her car since the APC had autocannon and she knew what an autocannon would do to a contractor like her.

She ran outside of her car with her bag. She ran away from the direction of the police in order to escape the crossfire. 'Bad, this is bad, I can't use my MP5 either,' she ran with the protesters.

She had a lot of protesters running with her. There was no place to change her school loadout to the tactical one. She peeked at her back, she saw multiple policemen were running after her.

'Why am I running?' Lizeth thought for a second, 'Oh yes, I must be running since I must fear being hit by bullets,' she ran faster than protester. She must hide.

She looked around and found a perfect hiding spot. An opened employee door on a building of an office building. She went running to that door and closed it. She hoped that no one saw her entering that building.

'Hff, almost got me,' she grabbed her phone and changed into her tactical loadout. She dresses as similar as she could to the SWAT team that was attacking the protesters. She looked at the hallway behind the staff door. It was a hallway leading to a balcony on that office building.

She walked on that hallway that led to stairs to the balcony. She looked at the city with her own eyes, 'My God, what is happening?'

Lizeth looked at the city that was burning. Riots and protests were everywhere, the police responded with their brutality. Neither of them was right, all of these were Amar's plan.

Lizeth leaned against the railings on that balcony, 'Am I the one who started all of this?'

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