Chapter 78: Today Belongs To Us

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Feihu knelt on one knee and said solemnly, “This subordinate will do all I can. Please do not worry too much, Your Highness!”


It was then the steward rushed in suddenly. “The ji hour is coming, Your Highness. Her Majesty the Empress Dowager is asking for Sixth Princess Consort and has sent someone to find His Majesty. She’s dead worried!”


Yang Hanlun quietly made his way to the back. He’d forgotten that his mother was present as well. He would have to find a good explanation.


The empress dowager had lost her temper when he returned, her face tight with a dark scowl as she brooded and said nothing. She broke her silence as soon as she saw her son and nagged, “That brother of yours. Why would he go attend some court affairs on such an important day? The ji hour is coming. It won’t do for us to start without him! Yuguan and Empress Chen have yet to return from their trip to the temple, either. None of them have made it yet. What’s going on?”


Yang Hanlun pushed aside his pain and managed a smile. “Imperial Elder Brother must have left for some emergency, Imperial Mother. And the guards reported that the pouring rain had resulted in a landslide at the State Protection Temple and obstructed the main road. Empress Chen is now taking shelter in the temple! She’ll be back as soon as the road is unblocked!”


The empress dowager looked at the pouring rain outside worriedly. “What’s with this weather? According to the imperial preceptor’s forecast, today should be a sunny day. Why would it rain so suddenly? That worries me!”


“Fret not, Imperial Mother. It’s summer. It’s not unusual for there to be rain in the afternoon.” Yang Hanlun tried to reassure her despite the growing worry in his heart.


“Wait at the door, Lihua. Notify me as soon as they’re here!” The empress dowager got to her feet and gave the order to the maid behind her. The maid, Lihua, bowed to her without missing a beat and said, “Understood. This maid will go at once!”


Worried that the guards outside would accidentally reveal the truth, Yang Hanlun stopped Lihua and said, “Wait, Lihua. Stay here to serve Imperial Mother. I will have someone wait at the door. Don’t worry, Imperial Mother. This son has everything under control!”


The empress dowager stared at his face. “Did something happen?”


Yang Hanlun’s hesitation was brief. “Hm? Nothing. What do you think has happened, Mother?”


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The empress dowager gave him a good, long stare. Finally, she relented, “Go. The ji hour is coming. It’s time for the wedding ceremony! Come support me, Lihua!”


The maid hurriedly helped the empress dowager up and noticed her tremor and the coolness of her palms. The maid was about to say something when the empress dowager silenced her with a warning look. Lihua lowered her head immediately and helped her walk away.


Yang Hanlun let out a relieved sigh and trailed after the empress dowager. The rain grew heavier and heavier, showing no signs of stopping. Imperial Elder Brother, Haihai, are you safe and sound?



It was time. The newlyweds were to bow to heaven and earth as part of the wedding ritual. The officials at present eagerly awaited the arrival of the emperor, but the emperor was nowhere to be seen even when the ritual was about to begin. Why isn’t His Majesty here? wondered the officials. Has something happened?


The empress dowager sat on the high seat in all her glory, looking at the newlyweds with a joyful smile. That was enough to reassure the officials. All must be well if the empress dowager was so calm and in such a good mood.


Bashfully, Chen Birou emerged at the door with the support of her chaperon. Yang Hanlun took big strides to accept the red ribbon tied in a true lover’s knot. The couple each held one end of the ribbon as Luo Kuangyuan - their master of ceremonies - called out, “First bow to heaven and earth!”


The newlyweds knelt down and each held up a lit incense to pay tribute to heaven and earth.


“Second bow to the parents!”


They knelt before the empress dowager and kowtowed.


“Third bow to each other!”


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Yang Hanlun looked at his bride, her face obscured by a red veil. Wrought with anxiety, he felt no joy at all.


Chen Birou’s heart swelled as she looked at the big, strong hand holding onto her smaller ones. She’d waited for so long. The day had finally come. Although there was another woman in this household, she was confident that Yang Hanlun would remember their past happiness as long as she stayed by his side, and the woman wouldn’t be a concern. The wedding ceremony was enough proof. This wasn’t how one would marry a secondary consort, but a banquet befitting the first consort! Father had told her that not even the first consort had received such a grand wedding. The empress dowager must really like her! A faint smile tugged at Chen Birou’s lips, revealing her self-satisfaction.


The rain refused to relent but instead grew even heavier. Violent winds brought red and green leaves to the ground. The window panels adorned with the character for joy fluttered loudly. The enthusiasm of the guests was thoroughly doused. However, the one getting married here was the sixth prince, so they kept up their smiles.


In the main seat, the empress dowager raised her cup to the guests several times. Neither the emperor nor the empress were in attendance. The same was true of the controversial first consort of the prince. It wasn’t unusual for General Chen to not show up since he was never one for such celebrations, but some had noticed that even Official Luo, head of the Court of Judicial Review, had disappeared.


Grand Councilor Yan sneered, which hadn’t escaped Yang Hanlun’s notice. He stared at the older man with fury blazing in his eyes. What he wouldn’t do to kill that man at this moment! However, he managed to control his anger and toasted the other guests with a full smile. Luo Kuangyuan had left while most weren't looking. He rode east towards the location at which the emperor had gone missing.


Chen Luoqing was at his breaking point. The further he descended down the cliff, the harder his heart sank. It was such a tall cliff with protruding boulders and dangerous bluffs everywhere. It was difficult enough for him to find his way down. It was unimaginable that anyone could have survived the fall.




Lin Haihai gently caressed Yang Shaolun’s sculpted face. Under his dark thick brows were eyes brimming with deep adoration. He curled his lips into a faint smile.


“You rarely smile, do you? Look at you! Your smile can captivate anyone!” Lin Haihai said with a laugh, her hand finding its way to his forehead on its own accord. There was a slight crease between his brows. She tried to smooth it over.


Yang Shaolun chuckled, both for her exaggerated praise and her affectionate gesture. “In my eyes, the one who has been captivating everyone is you!”


“I don’t want to capture the attention of everyone. I only want one person!” Under all the pretenses she’d put up, Lin Haihai was but a woman who yearned for love. She wanted to marry and start a family with the person she loved. She would do laundry and make meals. She would put on only the slightest makeup. She wanted to watch the sunrise and fall with him, observed as the cold season wilted the flowers.


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Yet even that was but a dream, beautiful, but never to be realized.


Yang Shaolun’s heart clenched. Confirming her feelings for him made him a changed man. Although he knew he could only watch from afar when they met again in the future, what mattered the most was the closeness of their hearts. He couldn’t ask for more. Men would always yearn for more, but the most important thing was to seize the moment and what he had.


“It’s my greatest fortune to have met you in this life!” He caught her hand and linked their fingers. That sentence alone had conveyed the thousands of words he had been meaning to say.


Lin Haihai closed her eyes in content, savoring the intimacy of nuzzling his face. She whispered into his ear, “It’s the same for me!”


They had never expressed their love for each other, but perhaps some love needn’t be put into words. Lin Haihai buried her face into his neck. Her heart filled with both joy and melancholy. His warmth drove away the chill in her bones, and she fell into a deep sleep.


Yang Shaolun gently put a hand on her forehead. Her fever had ceded, but her face was still a little pale. He held onto her, unwilling to let go. Even when his injury began to hurt, he kept himself resolutely silent.


He had checked his wounds. They were still there, but they were already healing. How is it possible? It should’ve taken at least a fortnight to recover to this extent. Had I been unconscious for that long?


All those questions made his head hurt. He’d racked his brain for an answer with his eyes closed but to no avail.


When Lin Haihai woke up, she was met with Yang Shaolun’s adoring eyes. She got to her feet, feeling energized and light. She must have recovered from her cold. The rain outside had relented somewhat. It seemed as if the cavern was a standalone world separated from the outside world. It was so well laid out that no one would’ve found this place. She silently summoned Baizi. He would know what she was thinking about and would act accordingly.


Yang Shaolun put his arms around her waist from behind, watching the gentle rain outside. He inhaled deeply, breathing in the faint medicinal fragrance coming from her body. Unlike other women, she didn’t smell like makeup or incense. The elegant fragrance was something he adored greatly.


“Does your injury still hurt?” Lin Haihai asked quietly without turning around.


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“Don’t worry, it’s already healed.” He matched her gentle tone as he responded, making clear his complete trust in her. “How did you know I was hurt?”


“I’m a doctor!” She turned to him with a mischievous look. He had always wanted her to show him this side of her. Gently, he pressed his lips to hers, capturing her small smile. LIn Haihai closed her eyes and savored this feeling. In the future, she would have to rely on her memory to prove to her his existence.


“I wonder what has happened to the wedding.” Lin Haihai sighed. Their absence must have put a damper on the mood.


Yang Shaolun felt a pang in his heart. Does she still have feelings for Imperial Brother?


Noticing the tension in his body, Lin Haihai smiled and said, “Let’s not think about the outside world at the moment. Today is ours and only ours.”


“Let us have a day to ourselves. Haihai, if one day I may put down the heavy mantle on my shoulders, would you be willing to lead a reclusive life with me in this mountain, away from the outside world?” He dreamed of a day where they could put away all their worldly concerns and lead a peaceful life here like celestials.


“I would. Of course I would!” Lin Haihai answered easily. If that day ever came, she would go anywhere with him. But alas, that day might never come!


Yang Shaolun held onto her tightly, his heart brimming with warmth and happiness. She did love him. That was all he needed to know. No matter how much pain and hardship awaited him, he would never complain. He would be satisfied even if he could only watch her from a distance.


Night descended. The rain had stopped. To ward off the intruding chill, they moved back to the campfire, holding idle conversations. Yang Shaolun washed the pile of fruit Lin Haihai had collected and handed the largest piece to her. She took a bite after wiping it clean and said, “It’s really sweet. Try it!”


She reached out to feed him. He took a bite, his gaze fixed on her. Her eyes curved when she smiled. She looked stunning like this. Yang Shaolun stared at her curved brows, eyes, and delicate lips in content. This smiling woman was what his soul yearned for and what his life depended on.


“Would you tell me about your past, Brother Yang?” Lin Haihai sat down and looked up at him.

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