Jiang Fang refused Little LaBa's request. Little LaBa cried very sad. Regardless of his image, he wiped his tears with his sleeve while crying. Baby felt very wronged. "Wu wu……big brother…...baddy, don't let Baby be grandfather."

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Jiang Mu, who was on the side, felt that he was offended. Wei Xue walked over, picked up Little LaBa and said, "Baby can't be so rude, do you know that big brother's grandfather is this uncle's father, do you think..."


Do you think this was appropriate? Wei Xue hadn't finished the second half of her sentence, but Little LaBa had misunderstood her meaning.


It turned out that big brother did not agree because he was impolite and he had not asked this uncle's opinion.


He looked at the uncle and asked politely, "Uncle, can your father?"


Jiang Mu's old face can't be holded anymore!


Wei Xue straightened her face, "Baby, apologize."


Even a child should not speak rashly without hesitation. He may not know what he means, and he has no bad thoughts. But he was just wrong.


Little LaBa pouted and felt even more sad. Why do you treat Baby like this? Baby had even politely asked uncle's opinion.


But Baby had to do whatever things Wei Xue said, he didn't want his mother to be angry.


Little LaBa wiped his tears, the teardrops in his eyes that were almost falling but didn't fall, "S-...Sorry, wuwuwuwu."


Jiang Mu hurriedly waved his hand, indicating that it was nothing. To be honest, he was even eagerly looking forward to it, this time it was Ji Min who discussed it with him. Jiang Fang, this child, was too independent, ungrateful. The fact that he can climb the Feng family, he can be considered great. Since climbing the Feng family is good, why must he let his unfamiliar son do it.


Wasn't it better to let the obedient Beibei come? How can’t Beibei be better at making people happy than Jiang Fang this piece of wood? Ji Min told Jiang Mu this and he could already imagine his son coaxing the little young master, being a good playmate and taking the family’s career bloom by the way.


It was just that he didn't expect there would be problems in the beginning, but Jiang Mu was not worried. Little kids ah, they don’t know anything at all. Jiang Fang would go to his grandparents' house to stay for two days, and this little young master must already have forgotten him.


Bei Bei will be with the little young master for a considerable period of time. Little young master's favourite would definitely be him.


Jiang Mu's abacus was played loud and clear, so he too rented a house in the village for this reason. Just next door, Ji Min and Jiang Beibei will live here all this time until Wei Xue and the others leave.


After an hour or so, Cui Yuanli's call came back. Wei Xue briefly told her, and Cui Yuanli directly asked Jiang Mu to answer the phone.


Jiang Mu received the call nodding and bowing. Ji Min, feeling unpleasant, twisted the flesh on his back.


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Jiang Mu took a breath in pain. Ji Min smiled falsely, "Is she your wife or I am your wife, why are you so respectful to her."


Cui Yuanli was too lazy to take care of their twists and turns, she said directly, "Dad and mom called me a few days ago. Since the two elders missed him, let Jiang Fang go."


"Yes yes, alright." Jiang Mu nodded while holding the phone.


Cui Yuanli asked again, "How do you let Jiang Fang go? Isn't he in the countryside now?"


Jiang Mu had planned for it a long time ago, "I'll rent a car for him to take him to the town, and then go to the high-speed rail station to take the high-speed rail."


Jiang Fang's grandparents were all in neighboring provinces, and it takes about two to three hours on the road.


Cui Yuanli's voice suddenly rose, "You let him take the high-speed train by himself?!"


Jiang Mu quickly changed his words, "No, no. I will send him, I will send our son."


Receiving a satisfactory answer, Cui Yuanli hung up the phone directly. Jiang Mu passively gave the phone back to Wei Xue, "Hanged ...Hanged up."


"That... his grandparents missed him very much, if we can, we will set off right now."


Ji Min didn't know how the once decided to let the little rugrat go by himself, and then let the old bastards pick him up, had now instead become her husband sent him personally. She was very dissatisfied, "

What are you making this trip for?"


"Don't you waste gas money going back and forth?"


Wei Xue laughed when heard this. Ji Min, this person was really disgusting, "Since the Jiang family became so poor that they can't even afford to pay for gas, then it's better to let our family send Jiang Fang."


"After all, Yuanli and I are good friends. I alsoI Jiang Fang as my own son."


"Staying at my house, the food given is the same as that of my son. Impartial and unbiased. Since your family's situation is so difficult, I can't let you suffer my son. I will just make this trip and take Jiang Fang to visit uncle and aunt."


Jiang Mu's forehead's cold sweat dripped down, "No, no, no. There's no such thing. My wife just likes to joke."


Ji Min suddenly realized that Wei Xue was slapping their face, and she hurriedly smiled, "Look at you, even took it for real, I'm just kidding. Hahaha..."


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Seeing that no one around was following to laugh, she stopped in embarrassment, "Cough cough, it's not too funny ha."


Wei Xue saw Jiang Fang off. He didn't take any luggage, his grandparents would already prepare at their place.


Seeing that he didn't succeed in keeping big brother Jiang Fang, Little LaBa exudes an atmosphere of sadness. He sat on the threshold with a sad expression, Ji Min held his son's hand, "Little young master, we just live next door, in the future let this big brother play with you."


Wei Xue restrained her desire to roll her eyes. Ji Min's face was really too thick.


Little LaBa disliked Ji Min blocking the light, so he moved his buttocks silently.


Jiang Beibei knew that he had come with a mission. He hadn't performed well before, so this time he definitely will.


This little idiot can play naturally with Jiang Fang so he can also play happily with him. Jiang Beibei sat down beside Little LaBa.


Little LaBa only felt that a mountain was nearby. He wanted to speak but in the end he held his cheeks and sighed. Baby's life is difficult ah.


Jiang Beibei cautiously poked Little LaBa, stimulating him with the boy's favorite things, "Do you want to go catching fish in the river?"


"Catch fish?" Little LaBa's eyes lit up. Isn't this what mommy did not agree for them to do?


Little LaBa turned to look at his mom, Wei Xue was not soft hearted to be looked at by such a look, "Can't, it's dangerous."


Ji Min followed, "Yes ah, yes ah, don't play such dangerous things. You can take little brother to play other things."


Feng Hao stretched out his hand and passed through Little LaBa's armpits, and then took him away, "Don't need to worry, I will play with little brother."


Little LaBa hasn't recovered from Jiang Fang's departure, his whole face full of "without love", didn't even move. He was obediently carried away by his big brother like a doll. Wei Xue closed the door after seeing the guest out.


Ji Min pouted, "How arrogant, if it weren't that you have money, who would be willing to stick to you."


Jiang Beibei was already led astray by Ji Min from the very beginning. He comforted his mother and said, "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely be able to replace Jiang Fang and take down this little brat."


Ji Min squeezed his son's fleshy face happily, "Good son, as long as you strike up with the Feng family, your father will be able to run smoothly in the business field. At that time, your father can't wait to love you, and that little rugrat won't have a share of our family's property. It will be all yours."


Jiang Beibei nodded heavily, "I know, I will definitely work hard."


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Children will always have a lot of sad things. Jiang Fang only left for a while, but Little LaBa was just very sad.


He was lying on the sofa, the air conditioner was on in the room, Wei Xue put a small blanket on his belly. Little LaBa domineeringly flipped off, "Just freeze Baby to death!"


Wei Xue silently turned down the air conditioner by two degrees. Little LaBa shivered. He obediently picked up the little blanket and covered himself. It seems that he realized that his mother was angry, Little LaBa's mouth was very sweet, wrapped with the small blanket, he leaned over to his mother.


"Cold cold, uife don't get angry ah, kiss kiss~"


Wei Xue blushed instantly and reached out to cover his mouth. She rebuked him, "What are you saying, who did you learn from!"


There was only one truth!


"Dad!" Little LaBa still didn't know what was going to happen to his old father.


Wei Xue said angrily, "Your dad didn't teach you proper things, but taught you these messy things."


Feng Tingyun, who was in the company far away, wanted to say that he was wronged. His son was self-taught ah, it has nothing to do with him ah.


Children's forgetfulness was great, sadness comes fast and goes quickly too. When it was time for dinner, Jiang Fang even made a special call to report his safety journey. Little LaBa was busy eating at the time, he didn't even know who called.


Hearing that Little LaBa was sad for a long time after he left, Jiang Fang was a little heartbroken.


Saying that, Wei Xue was about to give his cell phone to Little LaBa but Jiang Fang stopped her, "Since he is all right now, don't let him pick the call and make him sad again."


Wei Xue couldn't help but praise Jiang Fang for being attentive. Little LaBa finished chewing the food only when his mother hung up the phone, "Mom, was it Dad?"


Wei Xue shook her head. She thought that if Little LaBa knew that Jiang Fang called, but he didn't receive the phone, he would definitely make trouble.


Wei Xue lied, "It's a salesman."


Little LaBa didn't know what a salesman was. He thought that he didn't know anyone called Salesman, so he lost his curiosity.


The next day, Aunt Zhang from Wei Xue's family came.


During this time, because of the old man's birthday, and the children's summer vacation after the birthday, they all lived in the old house. Aunt Zhang was put on vacation and went back to her hometown. This time, she brought a lot of wild vegetables.

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Wei Xue looked at Aunt Zhang who was carrying a big bag and a small bag. She opened her mouth in surprise, and hurriedly took the things in her hand, "I just said why did you ask me where I was yesterday!"


Seeing Aunt Zhang, Wei Xue was naturally very pleasantly surprised, but Aunt Zhang came back too early.


"You haven't had your vacation yet."


Aunt Zhang was a down to earth person, "I had nothing to do in my hometown. I'm bored. Besides, I'm on paid vacation, I don't feel safe while holding money. I missed our Haohao and Little LaBa ah."


Feng Hao was doing his homework upstairs, only Little LaBa, this fella was here.


Haven't seen Aunt Zhang for a long time, Little LaBa was still hiding behind her mother timidly.


Aunt Zhang took out the cloth tiger she bought from her hometown, "Little LaBa, don't recognise me anymore?"


The cloth tiger lured Little LaBa, and he timidly reached for it.


Jiang Beibei came in swaggeringly, "Little LaBa, big brother will take you to play."


Facing the child, Wei Xue didn't want to be angry, but the attitude of going in and out casually and treating her home as his own was really annoying. The same child, it was really how his parents taught him what he will become later. Jiang Beibei compared to Jiang Fang was far from it.


He was also spoiled at home, had a little witticism and had never followed the correct path. When he came in, he called Auntie unctuously, and towards Auntie Zhang, he rolled his eyes and didn't make a sound.


He looked at the cloth tiger in Aunt Zhang's hand with disgust, "Who is playing these things these days? How ugly."


Aunt Zhang was embarrassed, she silently retracted her hand.


Little LaBa quickly grabbed Aunt Zhang's hand, "Give to Baby, Baby's."


As long as Little LaBa likes it, Aunt Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.


Jiang Beibei saw that Little LaBa liked the little tiger so much, so he said, "Do you want to see the real tiger? I will take you to see the real tiger."


Unexpectedly, he flattered in the wrong way, Little LaBa shivered and sat on the ground, crawling to the mother's feet, "Wu wu wu wu wu, big tiger, Baby is afraid!"


Little baby just watched Animal World with his big brother yesterday. He knew that big tigers love to eat children the most, especially babies with a lot of meat like him.

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