Fortunately, Wei Xue just looked at it and then turned back.

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Little LaBa's small chubby hand pointed to the sinful place, his big eyes blinking at his elder brother "Go play."



Feng Shixia immediately changed the map, "It's not fun here, elder brother will take you to fun places."



This is a game called "Xia Zhe". The previous dynasty was destroyed because the former general rebelled and ascended the throne. The royal family of the previous dynasty was killed clean, only one little prince escaped with the help of the palace people.



The little prince was entrusted to an expert from the outside world. Twenty years later the expert died.



The emperor didn't know where he heard that the little prince who had escaped possessed the treasures of the previous dynasty. There was a bloody storm on Jianghu, and everyone wanted to find the little prince to get the treasure.



Feng Shixia's Wudang sect, respected by the emperor, was a neutral party in Jianghu, and never caused trouble.



The young prince who was chased, fled to Wudang. The Sect leader turned a blind eye and let him stay in the Sect to recuperate.


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The youngster in white ran to the Wudang Sect on horseback. Feng Shixia looked at his little brother's head, "Go, elder brother will take you to see the male protagonist."



The little prince had a childish look and wasis dressed in a relatively low-key manner.



After seeing Feng Shixia, he bowed first.



[Yuan Peiming: I've seen senior brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time, is senior brother doing well recently?】When there was no task, the NPC just said these few words back and forth, Feng Shixia deliberately collided with the opponent.



Npc thought for a while [senior brother, did you play around with me deliberately?】



Boring. If this was another NPC, you could probably start a fight, but this was the protagonist, he had a very good temper.



The hand of Little LaBa was placed on the protagonist's temples hair bangs, then he touched his head, why Baby didn't have it.



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Feng Shixia watched this scene and suddenly had an idea. He looked at his younger brother and asked quietly, "Do you want to go in and play?"



How could Little LaBa understand these? As soon as he heard his elder brother say whether he wanted to play or not, he was immediately very supportive: "Want want want!".



Feng Shixia built him a Wudang boy, and directly used the baby's own face as a model, this face was really cute with Wudang clothes, just like a little Taoist priest full of aura.



The little baby didn't know how to play at all. From the beginning it was Feng Shixia that helped him with everything. After the Novice Village, the little baby didn't even do any quest, he only rode a horse following behind his elder brother.



A youngster Wudan in white and a little boy walking around in the game were particularly eye-catching.



Autumn Sauce, who played instance dungeons with him together, was by the lake and pestering God X for the next instance dungeon, but God X's addiction to fishing couldn't be helped.



Autumn Sauce walked back and forth [Autumn Sauce: Great God, this is not an elderly nurse game, why are you living a retirement life in advance?] God X didn't speak much [x: Fishing is beneficial to cultivate one's sentiment.】



[Autumn Sauce: God X, your sentiment is already noble, come to team up, come on.] When the two brothers passed by there, they saw Autumn Sauce wearing big pants harassing God X. Feng Shixia stood up and shouted.

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[No moist wind this summer: How bold, dare to rob men in broad daylight.] What Feng Shixia was typing was words, and Little LaBa couldn't understand it. He only saw a long bubble appearing on his elder brother's head.



Little LaBa stood still, Autumn Sauce actually fought with Feng Shixia.



[Autumn Sauce: Aren't you ashamed to say that, when doing Instance dungeon you said you had to leave and then you immediately left us, if it weren’t for God X to wipe your ass, I was going to beat you to death.] Feng Shixia was also very clear, he said to Little LaBa, "Baby, you go a little farther, or you will be splashed with blood all over your body."



The two people fought and disturbed the fish in the lake, their moves inevitably made deviation. The innocent X, who was sitting on the side fishing, was splashed by blood strips that were falling down.



X, who originally wanted to catch two fish to gather alchemy materials, was fed up. He angrily put down the fishing rod and made the killing move.



Moist wind and Autumn Sauce both fell to the ground.



Little LaBa moved back two steps. Little boots, very pretty. Can't be dirtied.


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Feng Shixia widened his eyes in front of the screen, resisting from bursting foul words, "He killed me with just one move? What kind of person is he?!"



An announcement scrolled out in the game [Coordinate 106,92 Fishing Stand, the player No moist wind this summer fight with the player Autumn Sauce, the young warrior X passed by to quell the war, killed two players and acquired the title "Act bravely for a just cause". Everyone come to learn~]








Jianghu: 江湖 jiang hu the community of martial artists in wuxia stories  I've seen senior brother: 见过师兄 Jiàn guò shī xiōng a form of greeting




Translator: Shuang



Editor: Shui

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