As a man who died once, babus was not afraid of death, but if he was made into a puppet of the dead, it would be more miserable than death!

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"Jie Jie, I haven't refined the undead knight for a long time. I don't know if the craft is unfamiliar?"

Pushman licked his lips and looked up and down at the fallen Titan, his eyes burning.

"Is it too extravagant to be familiar with the craft of a fallen Titan at the level of demigod for the first time? Shall I summon some skeletons to practice first? "

The fallen Titan was staring at me like a plaything, and the fallen Titan growled: "evil demigod, you dare to play with my body, I will never let you go!"

"Jie Jie! When you're dead, I'll set you up on the test bench and cook with me? "

Pushman can't wait: "master, kill him quickly, I can't wait!"

Monley nodded slightly: "as you wish!"

"Thank you, great master!"

Pushman licked his lips.

"Go on

The queen of the dark elves and queen chimera looked at each other and knew that the fallen Titan would fall if they didn't, so they launched a decisive attack!

"Roar --"

queen chimera roared, and the three headed monster virtual shadow on top of her head opened her mouth and let out an earth shaking roar!

"Boom -"

the rolling sound waves burst out, and the void broke into a dark hole!

"Sonic attack? What a pity

Monley shook his head slightly, and stepped out to the queen chimera. The bloody machete quietly butted the Queen's neck!

"Your Majesty, why die?"

Monley's eyes were full of pity.

Queen chimera trembled slightly and her face flashed a look of horror. She immediately closed down and giggled: "my sound wave speed is 100 times faster than the speed of sound. You can avoid it. My speed is really rare and unprecedented!"

"It's not speed, it's blinking!"

Menglei faint smile: "blink with this machete, enough to kill all of you!"

"So, surrender, you can't have a chance to turn the tables!"


The beauty of chimera was so great that the fallen Titan and the queen of the dark elves were shocked!

Although they have never been exposed to teleportation before, they know it is a very terrible space magic just by listening to its name!

Move in a moment!

Who can resist it?

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"The realm of the gods!"

At this time, an angry roar sounded, the Golden Dragon Lion sakele did not know when appeared behind Menglei, his face was ferocious, it seemed to choose a person to eat!

"Boy, how dare you humiliate this seat, I will tear you to pieces!"

"Shenshu: the blade of dimension!"

Several black lacquer dimensional blades suddenly appear, and they cut to Menglei who is imprisoned by the God's field like lightning!

"I said, it's no use!"

Menglei slightly shakes his head, ignores the confinement of God's realm, disappears in the same place, and easily avoids the attack of dimensional blade!

He is to avoid, but Queen chimera tragedy, the sharp edge of the dimensional blade cut in the body, instantly cut the queen chimera's defense, cut a few deep holes!

If the spirit is not strong enough, Queen chimera will definitely be cut into several sections, Rao is so, it is also a blood storm, like a waterfall!


Queen chimera's face is ferocious, glaring at Thackeray, and her eyes can spray fire!

Thackeray slightly smothered and said: "Queen chimera, accidentally injured! This is a pure mistake

"By accident? I'll see you later! "

Chimera's Queen's lungs were almost exploded, but knowing that it was not the time to worry, she even took out a crystal core with a strong breath of life and swallowed it into her mouth to repair the wound on her feet!

"Queen chimera, indeed!"

Meng Lei tut said: "if this is changed into an ordinary dragon half god, it can't be split into several sections?"

"Although the magic talent of our chimera clan is not as good as other dragon clans, in terms of physical defense, even Golden Dragon and Earth Dragon can't compare with us!"

Queen chimera's face showed a trace of satisfaction, but the next second, she was frozen, monley's machete again against her neck!

"The cutting edge of dimension keeps cutting. You don't know what my knife is like?"

"Queen chimera, would you like to have a try

"You What do you want? "

Queen chimera asked in a low voice, a drop of sweat oozed from her forehead, and she felt the breath of death.

"For the last time, will you submit?"

"I am Queen chimera, how can I submit to you, a human being?"

"The opportunity has been given to you, but it's a pity that you didn't cherish it. I can't blame it!"Monley shook his head slightly, his wrist turned, the bloody machete across the snow-white neck, a blood line appeared in the neck of chimera.

Queen chimera looked at Monterey in disbelief and fell straight to the ground!

Then it turned into a giant like a dragon rather than a dragon, like a sheep or a sheep, or a snake or a snake, or a lion or a lion. It smashed a huge hole in the square, and his head rolled to one side, and he died with his eyes closed.

It's Queen chimera!

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"Three, you're left!"

The queen killed three people like mirage. Who is the next one

"You You killed Ambrose? "

The three demigods looked at the corpse of Queen chimera, and their eyes flashed with fear!

Monray in the three people disorderly aim, and finally eyes fell on Thackeray: "you are the most hypocritical, also the most annoying, on you!"

On hearing this, Thackeray's hair fell on his head, and he suddenly retreated by a kilometer.

However, without waiting for him to stop, Menglei appeared behind him like a shadow!

"Run away? Can you escape? "

"From the moment you come to the Imperial Palace, the fate has been doomed!" said Meng Lei

"Poo Hoo --"

the blood is like a column, another big good head rises into the sky, and the headless corpse falls to the ground!

It has become a giant lion with Dragon Wings on its back, horns on its head and Golden Dragon scales all over its body!

But now it's a headless lion!


There was a dead silence all around!

All the people are staring at this side, the mouth can not stop the inverted suction air conditioning, were shocked!

"Two demigods That's it? "

Fred murmured in a low voice. He was completely shocked. Menglei slaughtered the demigods of the dragon clan. After all, nobody saw it.

However, this time, the shock was even more intense when he saw the killing of two demigods by Monroe!

"Jie Jie Jie, master's strength is really terrible!"

Pushman licked his lips and laughed, but the shock in his heart was no less than that of anyone.

He is also the first time to see Monroe against the enemy, is the first time to see Monroe slaughter demigod!

It's so neat and neat that killing half gods is like slaughtering pigs and dogs. It's just crazy!

"Old Laozu Zong, two demigods just fell apart like this Is it falling? "

Not far from the palace, philite 32 was completely frightened. He had been clamouring for monlay's death, but now there was only endless fear left!

"He is more terrible than before!"

Sanier's face was complicated: "and this machete must be a real artifact!"


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Pig carcass!

Now it's this machete again!

One by one, all of them can be possessed by demigods. Sanier can't figure out where on earth monlay got so many things from real gods?

"Pushman, these two bodies are yours!"

Monray looked at puhamann: "I hope after a while, I can see the strength of chimera and the Golden Dragon Lion of the dead!"

"Never let the master down!"

With a strange smile, puhaman Jie put away the corpses of chimera and Golden Dragon and lion, and then looked at the remaining fallen Titans and the queen of the dark elves. The meaning is self-evident!

"You can't do it. Quit!"

The queen of the dark elves murmured, flashed, and shot into the distance!

If we don't escape now, when will we wait?

"Where are you going, queen?"

Monley stepped out and stopped the way.

"You can't stop me!"

The queen of the dark elves snorted coldly, and she was going to display her talent, dark elemental.

However, her incredible scene happened, and the talent and magic power that she could use casually could not be displayed!

It's like

Suddenly lost this ability!

"How about it? You can't make it out? "

Menglei laughed: "if you can't be elemental, you can't escape from my palm. You'd better take it with your hands and kill with your neck."

"What have you done to me?"

The queen of the dark elves glared at Monroe, a little crazy, more hysterical!

"Can't you see that?"

Monlay stopped laughing: "of course, it's depriving you of your ability."

"Deprivation?" The dark elf Queen's face changed greatly: "was it just..."

"You're right. It's a pity there's no prize!"

Monray quietly turned into a dark element, circling around the dark elf queen.

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"Are you angry?"

"Is it crazy?"

"Is it a collapse?"

"It's right to be angry!""Just go crazy!"

"Collapse is right!"

"Come on, come on, bite me!"

"Ha ha ha, can't you bite it?"

"A little bit, I'm so angry with you!"

"Cluck --"

The Dark Elf Queen's teeth clenched, her strong chest muscles up and down, and her eyes were like eating people!

But incapable of action!

Don't have a way to do it!

We have to say, elemental is really a metamorphosis ability, immune to physical magic attack, almost immortal body, abnormal!

"Man, you wait!"

The queen of the dark elves took a deep breath: "one day, I will give you everything I have today with interest and capital!"

Then, a dark magic circle appeared at the foot of the dark elf queen. The next moment, the dark elf queen disappeared directly!


Monley was astonished!

"Master, this is the transmission magic array!"

"If I'm right, it's the dark mother tree that saved her," puhamann warned

"Dark mother tree?"

Meng Lei looks puzzled!

"The dark mother tree is the sacred tree of the dark elves and the mother tree of the dark elves."

"It is said that the dark mother tree can not only breed the dark elves, but also has the transmission ability!"

"The queen of the dark elves should have been transported away by the dark mother tree," puhaman explained

"I see!"

Meng Lei suddenly: "however, the chat monk can not escape the temple, where can you escape?"

"The master is wise!"

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