There are ten pillars around the challenge arena, and people sit at the top of each pillar.

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On one of the pillars sat a dignified middle-aged Titan in golden armor and a gold scepter!

There was thunder shining in his eyes. His muscles were like rocks. Every blood vessel was as thick as hemp rope!




He is the master of the Titan Empire, the ruler of the Titan plateau, the thunder Titan, one of the four great emperors in the sky!

On the left of thunder Titan, sat a sexy and beautiful female Titan. Her chest muscle was bigger than a taxi, her long legs were longer than poplar trees. She was the Titan queen!

On the right side of the thunder Titan was a bony, white haired old Titan, leaning on crutches, trembling, about to decay and lose his teeth.

"How about this boy, my lord?"

The thunder Titan pointed to Balam, the king of green frost, and asked with a smile.

"Good little fellow!"

The sacrificial face of the temple showed approval, and his voice was a little hoarse: "at the age of 21, going straight to the top of the holy land is better than all the gods before. He should be the first person in the history of the heaven and the mainland!"

"The first person in history..."

Thunder Titan's face is a little unnatural: "if there is no that guy, Balam really can be called the first person in mainland history!"

"That guy?"

The temple sacrifice had some doubts: "Your Majesty, is there a better little guy in the other three empires than Palem?"

"Lord sacrifice, you stay in the temple all the year round, and pay little attention to the affairs of the world. You don't know that there is a demon in the Dragon God empire in the East recently!"

Thunder Titan said: "at the age of 16, stepping into the realm of demigod, killing the emperor of Dragon God Empire, destroying the demigod of Dragon Island, and seizing the Dragon God Empire, it can be called a peerless demon!"

"How could there be such a person?"

The temple sacrifice was shocked, and the old man's face showed a startled look: "how can ordinary genius have such a demon? Are these monsters not reincarnated

"This man is vicious, lawless and insane. His style of conduct is ten thousand times more evil than the devil and devil in the abyss of hell!"

Thunder Titan roared: "except the reincarnation of evil gods, there is no other possibility!"

"Reincarnation of evil gods..."

The old priest frowned deeply: "if this is the case, the mainland is afraid to be restless again!"

"Therefore, I would like to ask the sacrifice Lord, can the great titan and the great spirit have an oracle to come down and give some instructions?" Thunder Titan asked again.

To tell you the truth, what Monterey did in the Dragon Empire really scared the Titan!

Menglei even killed the Dragon Emperor, and the half gods of Dragon Island were slaughtered. What else can't be done?

If he ran to the Titan Empire, who could stop him?

As the master of the Titan Empire, the Titan had to consider this problem!

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"The troll God has not given any instructions recently, but your majesty need not worry too much. The Dragon God empire is the Dragon God empire!"

"My Titan empire is my Titan empire. If that evil spirit dares to come, he will be broken into pieces and never come back."

"If there is such a saying from the Lord of sacrifice, the emperor will not worry about it."

Thunder Titan was a little relieved. Like the Dragon God Empire, the semi gods of their Titan Empire all lived in seclusion in the Titan temple.

But there are several demigods in the temple. How about the strength of the demigods? To tell the truth, the thunder Titan is really not very clear!

Over the past 20, 000 years, the great spirit God has wantonly attracted the son of God, genius, to the point of madness, even the demigod!

Therefore, the Titan temple in the end to leave a few demigods sit, thunder Titan heart also has no bottom, therefore, he is really afraid of Menglei!

Now, with the guarantee of temple sacrifice, the Titan can rest assured!

"Next, the last challenger!" The host's voice rang out.

"Br >

a flash of lightning fell on the challenge arena, and a figure appeared. It turned out to be a strong Titan, 30 Zhang tall, wrapped around the lightning!

"Your Highness poserer!"

"Your Highness poserer!"

"Your Highness poserer!"

The onlookers broke out into huge cheers, shouting the names of those who came. They were all supporters of Prince poserre!


Poserer looked at the ice Titan coldly: "I'll give you half an hour's rest time, when you recover your strength and adjust to your best condition to fight again!"

"No need!"

Balam faint smile: "Prince poserre, please do it!"

"You asked for it!"

Poserer launched an attack.

"Boom --"

the two giants collide together in an instant!

No fancy moves!No gorgeous magic!

There are only simple and direct force collisions!




Fist to meat!

Simple and rough!

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"Barbus, who do you think will win?" Monley asked with a smile.

"Look at the physical strength, thunder Titan's little guy is much better, if there is no accident, he will win!" Babus made a comment.

"What do you think?"

Monley looks at the Klaus three again.

"My thoughts are similar to those of Barbus!"

"Thunder Titan is a little better!"

Klaus and nagiya agree with Barbus!

"What do you think, cecia?"

Monley looks at cecia again!

"Master, I don't refute Barbus's comments, but I always feel that there is something wrong with this ice Titan!"

Cecia, the queen of thunder, frowned slightly: "it's a pure ice Titan, but I always feel that I can't say, but it's strange! "

"You feel it, too?"

Monroe was a little flattered.

"Something's wrong?"

Babus was a little surprised. Staring at the ice Titan, he suddenly glared and exclaimed in a low voice: "the breath of the demon world! How could this little guy have the smell of the demon world? "

"The smell of the demon world?"

Klaus and nagiya were astonished!

"To be exact, it's the smell of fallen demons, though very weak!"

"If you're right, this guy should be like you And degenerate

"Haha! I didn't expect that the pure blood Titan would degenerate after me. It's really gratifying Babus gloated: "if this boy is chosen as the son of God, there will be some."

"Not necessarily!"

Meng Lei has a faint smile.

"Not necessarily?"

The fierce battle on the challenge arena continues. With the passage of time, poserer, who is stronger in body, gradually takes the upper hand and starts to fight against Balam!

Moreover, as the battle continued, the superiority became more and more obvious. If it went on like this, the victory would surely belong to poserer, son of Titan!

"Your Majesty, the emperor is going to win!"

The Titan queen smiles.

"The boy didn't disgrace the royal family at last!"

Thunder Titan's face is also gratified. As long as he wins this battle, his son poserre will become the son of the new generation!

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Not only is his father's face bright, but his son will also be blessed by the great spirit God and become a demigod within a hundred years!

This is a great honor!

It is a symbol of strength!

"Your Highness is not mortal!"

Just when everyone thought that Prince poserre was about to win, Balam broke out suddenly when he was beaten by poserre!

He changed the previous decline, showed the incomparable violent strength, instantly injured poserer, reversed the war situation!


"How could that be possible?"

"What's going on?"

The onlookers are a little confused!

"Your Majesty, this..."

Titan queen, thunder Titan emperor looked at each other, some incredible.

Only the old temple, the old sacrifice suddenly pupil a shrink, the eyeground flash a wisp of edge!

"Bang --"

Balam showed an incomparable strong posture, and with several heavy punches, he directly drove the stunned poserer out of the arena and won the victory!


The host was unprepared. He didn't react until Balam came over: "ba Barrom wins

"You Lost

Balam looked at poserre, and immediately went to the post, and bowed and said, "I have seen your majesty, the queen, the Lord of sacrifice!"

Thunder Titan's face reluctantly showed a smile: "from the frost Kingdom, barrom, congratulations on winning this pre God duel champion!"

"Your Majesty praises me falsely!"

Barrom bowed a little!

"Lord sacrifice, the son of God has been selected and can be announced!" The thunder Titan looked at the temple and sighed.

"Your Majesty, be calm and don't be impatient."

The temple sacrifice stood up trembling and looked down at Balam on the challenge arena. Suddenly, the fierce eyes burst out from the old and turbid eyes!


"Your honor!"

Barrham bowed himself.

"Answer me, as an ice Titan, why do you have the smell of demons The old priest's eyes were sharp and he asked in a sharp voice!

"Hua --"

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as soon as this speech was said, the whole audience was in an uproar!The thunder Titan stood up, looked at the temple sacrifice, and looked at Balam, thinking that he had heard wrong!

"Sacrifice What do you mean, Reverend? I don't understand! "

Balam was shocked, but his face was expressionless, and he could not see any waves!

"Old man, though I am old and dim, I am not blind enough to see!"

The old priest's tongue burst like thunder: "did you turn to the devil and completely degenerate?"

"To the devil?"

When they understood this time, they all looked at Balam, "Balam has fallen? How could that be possible? Is there a mistake? "

"Sacrifice your honor, it's unjust!" "I hope the priestess will be aware of it," said Balmoral

"Hum! How dare you argue

The old priest snorted coldly, and suddenly raised the old man's hand and clapped it down.

This palm is extremely powerful, reaching the level of demigod. If it is hit, Balam, the peak of holy land, must not be smashed?

"Damn it!"

Balam's canthus were about to crack, and suddenly burst out a very strong black air. The breath on his body actually soared to the limit of the holy land, and he met him with a fist.

"Cacha --"

the fist and palm collide like thunder, and Balam screams and flies backwards, and the giant palm shot from the air also turns into powder in an instant!

"Good What an evil smell

At this time, although Balam was miserable, with blood in the corners of his mouth and his breath was listless, his evil black air was like rolling black smoke!


"Balaam has really fallen

The faces of the people changed greatly, and they even stepped back!

"Balaam, what else can you say?"

The old priest pounded the pillar with his crutches and yelled angrily: "as a descendant of Titan, are you willing to degenerate, defile the noble Titan blood and turn to the devil? Damn you

"Now that you have found out, what else can I say?" Balam snorted coldly: "if you want to kill, why talk nonsense?"

"Good! Then die

The old priest snorted coldly, and then he shot it in the air. The power of this palm was more terrible than that of the previous one. It was more than ten times and a hundred times more powerful?

"It's over

Barrom closed his eyes in despair!

"Ha ha ha ha, old Hyman, I haven't seen you for ten thousand years. Your temper is still so hot!"

PS: for a ticket?

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