The battle of the sun returned in a hurry. As soon as he boarded the island, a group of high-level Lieyang family members met him. His eyes were full of expectations and worries.

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The commander of the battle of Lieyang sighed and shook his head: "my family of Lieyang will not be destroyed, but the plan of rising is a complete failure!"

At present, the burning sun war will be born in the Golden Dragon and lion island, heard a crowd of high-level straight out of cold sweat, terrified!


And four of them!

And the mysterious God of Monroe!

They killed Thackeray!

Destroyed the Golden Dragon and lion family!

"Four demigods!"

"It's ridiculous that we still want to take advantage of the situation to replace the Golden Dragon and lion family and become the new owner of the golden islands. It's beyond our capacity."

"Yes! I'm afraid that before we rise up, we will follow the footsteps of the Golden Dragon and lion family and be destroyed by them... "

"All right! Don't say anything now

"The most urgent task now is to get through the current crisis! Otherwise, the family is in danger of being destroyed

"Yes, yes! What I said is very true

People nodded repeatedly, but the ancestor said that after a month, the four demigods still need to inspect. If they are not satisfied, they will die as well!

"Ancestor, what's the next step for the family?"

A senior official asked anxiously.

"On the way back, I discussed with other family ancestors and so on."

"For demigods, ordinary treasures are not good at all. What they really value is Faith


"Yes! Faith

The fierce sun war nodded: "the Golden Dragon and lion family is occupying the golden islands for the sake of faith? So we can start with faith! "

"Lao Zu, just tell me what to do. We'll listen to you!"

"Yes! For the sake of the survival of our family, we should follow the example of Zuma

"Since the great God Menglei values faith, we will help spread faith. It can be summed up in eight words: temple statue!"

The sun was in a deep voice and said, "if you go down, you should immediately collect wood, stone, gold and other things, and build temple statues on each island!"

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"Let all the magicians of the family help to build a temple on each island in half a month, no, 10 days, and make a good statue of God!"

"On the day of the completion of the temple, our Lieyang family took the lead in worshiping the great God of Menglei, set an example, and did everything possible to help spread faith."



In this way, the vigorous temple building movement began, not only in the territory of influence controlled by the Lieyang family, but also in other islands!

The common people are astonished now that the powerful families do not fight, do not collect food and equipment, do not recruit warships and soldiers, but build temples!

"What is the situation?"

"I don't know..."

In the confused eyes of the ordinary people, the temple of the great God of Menglei has sprung up in less than 10 days!

There are big temples on big island.

There is a temple on the island.

There are gods in the temple.

It has to be said that the world's magicians can be called the best house building experts in the world. In less than 10 days, temples are all over the golden islands!

This efficiency is amazing!

After the completion of the temple, the big forces like the Lieyang family took the lead in worshiping. Some families even exaggerate. They worship each other in three days and one in seven days, which is more enthusiastic than worshipping his father and ancestor!

Although some of the enthusiasm was overdone, they set a good example.

Many island residents are suspicious, also try to worship, and then, incredible things happen.

Disabled It's healed!

Sick I'm well!

Infertile Pregnant!

Sea animals that often attack islands and make people headache It's gone too!

The life of islanders is very poor, so the effect of these miraculous events is shocking!

More and more residents came into the temple and began to worship the great God of Monroe, all kinds of prayer!

For a time, the faith of Monroe took root in the islands and gradually expanded!

One month later, 20% of the island people believed in Menglei, and two months later, it increased to 40%.

A year later, the number reached 70% of the total. What is the concept of 70%?

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Of the 10 billion island residents, 700 million believe in Monroe, more than the total population of the earth!

For this result, the four demigods are very satisfied with it. They have worked hard for more than half a year, and finally they have blossomed and fruited. Their strength is not wasted!

The only problem is that Monroe still doesn't wake up, which disappoints the four demigods.

They are like children who have done good deeds, eager to be affirmed by monley!

Of course, it would be more beautiful if monley could give something when he was happy!……

The Golden Dragon and lion family, the palace.

One year later, the ice of the whole sea of consciousness gradually melted, leaving only one lump around the fire of the spirit.

"Click --"

"click --"


From the clear sound, there are many small cracks on the surface of the ice block frozen by the fire of the spirit. With more and more cracks

"Boom -"

the ice lump explodes fiercely, and the fire of spirit and soul burns again, and the melted ice marrow of soul melts into the fire of golden spirit.

"Boom -"

the fire of the spirit soared in an instant, like pouring a few barrels of gasoline, burning more vigorously, more surging, more fierce and more crazy!

"Bang --"

at the same time, a terrible spiritual pressure spread from Meng Lei, and instantly swept to the whole golden dragon and lion family!


The four demigods, one of them, was almost crushed to the ground.

This Wei compaction in too terrible, let them such as negative towering mountains, some unbearable!

"The strength of the master has been improved again!"

The four demigods looked at each other, and they all felt a burst of horror. Previously, monray held a bloody sickle and even a real God level demon could kill him!

Now it's better, and it's been promoted again. This kind of promotion is simply appalling!


It's really improved!

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As the party, Meng Lei feels the most clearly. He can clearly feel the change of the spirit. It is stronger than before. Why not?

The spirit diffuses and covers thousands of miles easily. Everything in this area can't escape the exploration of the spirit, and there is no escape.

"The spirit has actually risen from the peak of the demigod state to the middle stage of the next God. This progress is really exaggerated!"

Looking at the property panel, Meng Lei's face showed a smile, he was very satisfied with the progress.

Host: Menglei

race: Terran (primitive blood: Archaean blood , fusion blood: killing God rat blood, Youming God Phoenix blood, hundred arm giant blood)

wealth value: 64.41 million rule source crystal

Constitution: Jinyuan shenti (1%)

spirit: lower deity (medium)

divine power: o.1 Shenjing

law understanding: Jin dark (1OO% ), water fire (1OO%), ground wind (1OO%), wood land (1OO%); fire, thunder, ice (o.1%), civil mine (o.1%), and gold dark ice (o.1%)

"the spirit has improved so much, should the price of krypton gold integration law be reduced?"

Thinking so in his mind, monray decisively communicated with the system, which was not unexpected.

"Ding! To increase the fusion degree of three system rules by 1%, it needs 10 million rule source crystals! "

"So much lower? Not bad, not bad! "

Menglei is glad that the price of promoting the integration degree of the three system rules is 10 million!

But now it's only 10 million yuan. This price is completely within the scope of tolerance. 1% needs 10 million yuan source crystal, and 10 o% is 10 million yuan!

It's only 10, 000, not much!

"However, do not rush to upgrade, after the spirit is more powerful, the price will certainly be lower!"

"By then, it's not too late for krypton gold!"

Menglei thought silently, his eyes moved from the attribute panel to the sea of consciousness.

The fire of the spirit is like a brilliant sun. It is more vigorous and turbulent than before. The golden light shines on the boundless sea of consciousness!

And in the spirit of the fire around, connected with countless milky white lines!

They are like antennas connected to the surface of the fire of the spirit, numerous and numerous.

"So many lines of faith?"

Monley was a little stunned.

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There are at least a few billion lines of faith, which represent billions of believers. But where can he get billions of believers?

In the heart of disbelief, Menglei communicated with one of the lines of faith, and then heard an old, hoarse, but particularly devout voice.

"The supreme god of Monroe, I am Constantine makalic. I will go to sea tomorrow and bless my safe return."

"The inhabitants of the golden islands!"

Monray instantly determined the origin of the believer, and then chose one of the lines of faith and listened.

"Great Lord, I'm a fellow of zebra Island pig farm. I'm tired of my life now. Bless me to find a fighting spirit secret book..."

"Zebra island? Or the golden islands

All the believers are from the golden islands.

The gods spread and saw statues and groups of worshippers.

It's unbelievable for monley. He just had a sleep!

Yes!Is to sleep, take soul ice pulp, comfortable sleep!

"When I wake up, the residents of the golden islands become my believers? Isn't it wonderful? "

"No! Faith can't come into being for no reason. What must have happened? "

Menglei decisively summoned four demigods to ask, he knew that four people were outside.

"Congratulations on the master's exit!"

Four people saluted respectfully.

"What about faith in the golden islands?" Monley asked, looking at the four.


"In your year of seclusion, we have nothing to do, so we spread your faith, and the effect is not bad!"

"One year? It's been a year? "

Menglei was shocked all over. After sleeping for a year, he was not a pig. When could he sleep so much?

"Yes, master!"

Babus nodded and then said with a smile, "master, don't worry. At our level, it will take a long time to take a nap, let alone practice in seclusion."

Menglei nodded slowly, and then waved his big hand. Four deities appeared in his hand, flashing black, silver, blue and gold gods respectively, spreading a terrible divine power wave.


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