Causeway Bay is a beautiful small bay, like a crescent moon inlaid on the sea.

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The sea water is blue, the beach is white, the plants are green, the scenery is picturesque.

There is a hill not far from the shore. At the foot of the hill is a fishing village, which is Tongluo village.

Helen's family was the villagers of this village. Monroe flew to the foot of the hill and went straight to his home, a cave.

The cave is not big, but it has three rooms and one hall: bedroom, kitchen, warehouse and living room. For more than half a year, monray has lived here.

"Gold nest and silver nest are not as comfortable as your own dog's nest!"

Menglei went into the cave, grabbed the water ladle, scooped a scoop of water, and poured it into his stomach. Then he jumped and flew to the hammock.

"It's been more than half a year since I came out. It's time to go back!"

In the past six months or so, he has traveled to the golden islands, visited many places, and gained more experience.

Finally, come to Causeway Bay.

In his previous life, he lived in a seaside town. When he was an hour, he often went fishing with his parents. He spent his childhood at the seaside.

Half a year ago, he happened to meet old Jack to recruit a boatman. He worked as a boatman for old Jack. He played fish every day, blowing sea breeze and eating fish

Monterey felt as if he was back in his childhood, simple, carefree and carefree

"What a pity! Such a day is coming to an end Monley sighed and glanced at the property panel.

For more than half a year, the property panel has not changed unexpectedly. This is the first time that the property panel has not changed in such a long time since Menglei got the system.

Not can not change, but Meng Lei deliberately indulged a, has not paid attention to the system.

"Almost. It's time to go back."

Monlay thought silently, then left a magic projection and left.

"Brother Galen, we're back!"


"Master, you are back!"

Babus, Klaus, nagiya and cecia bowed to Monroe.

Their breath is vast and powerful, which is the reason for the integration of divinity.

"It's almost fused?"

Meng Lei light smile: "so say all become next God, good good good!"

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"Thank you for your kindness!"

Four people were in a hurry to thank you.

After that, their strength changed.

Although they have just merged, they can be said to be the weakest lower gods.

But the next God is the next God after all. The real God is far from the semi God.

Therefore, the four people's gratitude to Meng Lei is from the bottom of my heart, which is true!

"We've been in the golden islands long enough. It's almost time to go back!"

"But the golden islands must be garrisoned. Who of you would like to stay?" sighed monley


The four people looked at each other with some entanglement. To be fair, they all wanted to follow Monroe.

Meng Lei is generous and gives artifact and divine dignity. Where can I find such a master?

But it's good to stay here. From now on, I'll be a real local emperor!

"You old slickers

Meng Lei was speechless, and took out the machete accompanying the abyss sword: "whoever would like to stay in the golden islands will be rewarded with this bloody machete!"

The four people's spirits were shocked, their eyes fell on the bloody machete, and the color of desire flashed in their eyes.

But babus, nagiya and cecia took a look and moved away, and they were willing to stay with Monroe than with the machete.

"Then this cutlass is Claus's!"

Monley handed over the bloody machete: "remember! Take good care of the gold islands. Don't screw it up for me, OK

"Don't worry, master. I will do my best." Klaus promised again and again.

"Yes! There is one more question! "

What did Menglei think of: "not only to protect the golden islands, but also to vigorously improve the living standards of island residents and their own strength!"

"If conditions permit, try to build magic fighting spirit college and let those children go to school."

"Do as your master says!"

Klaus nodded heavily.

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"Do well!"

Monlay gave Klaus a meaningful look and left with the three men.

"Take your time, master!"


"Master, we want to return to the Dragon kingdom?"


"I've been away for more than a year. I don't know what's going on in the Dragon kingdom. Has puhaman been lazy? If you dare to be lazy, I won't beat him! "

However, he could feel the changes in the number of believers over the past year.

In the past two years, the number of believers has soared to tens of billions of people!Almost every day, hundreds of millions of believers are added, some of whom are from the Dragon Empire, some from the Titan Empire, and some from the earth world.

70% of them come from the Dragon empire!

This is millions of believers!

This shows that puhaman did not lazy, but he managed the Dragon God Empire well, at least the faith spread this did a good job!

Four people all the way through the endless deep sea east sea, came to the Dragon God Empire, and then saw the change of the Dragon God empire!

"Master, along the way, the statue of Dragon God in the Empire seems to be completely gone?"

"You look carefully, not without, but instead of being the master's image!"


Montrey was very happy.

Originally, the Dragon God Empire, except for the remote mountain areas like Warcraft village, has a Dragon God church and statue in slightly larger towns, which can be used to worship the Dragon God and collect the power of faith.

However, this time, the Dragon church and statue of Dragon God were gone, instead of his temple, his statue.

Believers are constantly coming from each other, and various worship activities are constantly flowing. Incense is flourishing. All the way, almost all the Dragon gods empire is like this!

"Puhaman did a good job!"

Menglei face to show the color of praise, heard that there is a sequence, the professional industry has a professional, professional things should be given to professional people to do!

"This time, I want to give a good reward to puhaman!"

Two hours later, the four men came to the capital of Dragon God empire. Compared with the former, the emperors are obviously harmonious.

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The shopping is a good place to go.

The work is firm and solid.

The joy of eating was open.

A year ago, the panic that seemed to end was gone, and the situation before the Dragon Emperor was killed was restored, even better than before!

"Master, the emperor has changed a lot!"

"The babus urn exclaimed.

"Go! Go to the palace! "

The Imperial Palace also restored order. The eunuchs were busy, and the guards and forbidden troops were not inclined to look down at

Everyone is in charge of their duties, and a well-organized and guarded look.

Menglei found puhaman in a partial palace of the palace. Instead of taking care of the official duties, Menglei hid in the basement and did human experiments, which seemed to be refining the knight of the dead.


Montray called.


Puhaman was shocked and hurriedly out of the basement to Menglei, and bowed to salute: "see my great master!"

"Get up!"

Menglei fell to the ground: "puhaman, you have done a good job of managing the Dragon empire! Tell me what you've done! "

"All this depends on the master's Hongfu!"

"I have made several reforms to the Dragon empire for more than a year, my master," he said

"Mainly including the following four points!"

Menglei spirit shock, listen carefully, the three people of the babus also raised their ears!

"First, abolish the four-man system, depose the Dragon aristocrats, confiscate the wealth and land of the Dragon aristocrats, and divide all the land into slaves and landless people!"

"In the Dragon Empire, no longer has a dragon aristocrat, even the aristocrats of the human race are very poor, almost all slaves and civilians who have been free of slavery," he said with a smile

"Of course, if the master wishes, he can at any time canonize a group of new aristocrats!"

"No need!"

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Menglei put his hand at hand: "aristocracy is a parasite that absorbs the blood of the lower civilian. It is still to be discussed whether to confer the nobility in the future, but even if it is sealed again, it will not seal a piece of land!"

"I understand what the master means!"

Puhaman nodded.

"You do a good job of distributing land, and the bottom people are the foundation of the Empire!"

"Distribute the land to them, and let the tiller have his own land, and the foundation of the Empire will be firm!"

"But I think there is a little bit you haven't done thoroughly enough!" montrey praised

"The master means..."

Puhaman was puzzled.

"There must also be decrees prohibiting the sale of land, the prohibition of strong purchase and occupation, and any other form of land merger!"

"Don't forget, dragon aristocracy is down, and what about the aristocracy of the people?" montrey indicated? What about wealthy businessmen? Will they be greedy of the land the people just shared? "

"Master wise, I have neglected this!" Puhaman woke up in his dream and looked ashamed on his face. He certainly understood what Murray said!

In the sky, land is the symbol of status and identity. Whoever has a large territory and whose land is more, who has more status!

So, everyone will search the land as much as possible, let oneself own more land!

At this time, a large group of slaves and mud legs without background and no power and no background got a lot of land?Who is not greedy? Who is not jealous?

What happened next is obvious. As the owner said, all kinds of land annexation will definitely be staged!

At that time, many of the slaves who were released from slavery and the civilians who were allocated to the land would lose their land again!

What he had done before was nothing more than a wedding dress for the aristocrats and rich merchants!

"The master's wisdom is like the boundless starry sky. It's amazing. I feel inferior to myself!"

Puharman showed a look of shame, and at the same time gave birth to a strong respect for Monroe. He did not think of the issue of land annexation before.

And monlay pointed out at a glance, the gap between the two can be seen, he can not but admire!

"You did a good job!"

Menglei clapped puhaman on the shoulder with a smile, and changed the topic: "there are so many dragon nobles in the Dragon God empire. If you deprive them of their status and deprive them of their property, there must be great resistance?"

"Big! It's not as big as usual

Puharman licked his lips and showed a bloodthirsty smile: "however, with the support of the master behind me, and I am also a demigod, all the resistance is crushed by me!"

"Change is often accompanied by bloody changes. Tell me, how many people have you killed this time?"

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