On the other hand, the battle between babulus and puhaman is coming to an end.

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Although 11vs17, the number of people is not dominant, but babus and others are the lower gods. Even the weakest ones, they are not the real gods who can compete with each other!

"Master, complete the task successfully!"

Seventeen demons were taken to Monroe, and babus and others looked satisfied. The battle just now made them feel hearty.

Monray's eyes swept from these demons one by one. These guys were black and blue, and they were very embarrassed. They were obviously beaten up just now.

"Antoine, what do you think you should do with them?" Looking at antune, the dark turtle that he had just taken in, he asked leisurely.

"Great master, like me, they were sent here by Cyrus by force, not voluntarily attacking the firmament of heaven!"

Antoine crawls on the ground: "I hope the master will give them a way to live."

Monlay nodded slightly: "since you beg, give them a way to live!"

"Thanks to the great crown!"

"Thank you for not killing!"

Seventeen demons kowtow and thank you again and again.

"Death is free, but living is hard to escape!"

Menglei's words changed: "you lead the public to attack the sky continent. According to my previous temper, only by putting to death can I vent my hatred!"

"Please punish me

"Down the crown, surrender to sin!"

The seventeen lords were shaking with fear.

"That's it

Monterey looked at babus and others: "let them submit to you and be your slaves."

"Master, so Is that all right? "

The eyes of 11 people such as babus brightened, but they hesitated. These were all real gods. Their strength was worse than them. Is it too much to let them be slaves to themselves?

"If I say yes!"

Monray leisurely said: "listen to antune, there are dozens of demons under the dark dragon, I can give them all to you!"

"Thank you, great master!"

"The Yellow River is like the flood of the Yellow River! Praise you, my great master

They were overjoyed and bowed down to thank them.


Monley waved his hand.

"Yes, master!"

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"That Yanmo belongs to me. Don't rob me. Anyone who grabs me is in a hurry."

"I fell in love with that wind devil..."

Looking at babus and others as if they were choosing goods, 17 demon kings were selected. Antoin, the dark crocodile turtle king, was a little tearful.

Once upon a time, these demons were the world's most powerful demons, who dominated the land of magic dragons and other dozens of planes!

When did this happen? When are people picking around like goods?

If it's really the tiger's downfall and Pingyang, the dragon will sink into the shoal!

Now, I can't help it.

The partition work did not last long, it was announced that the end of the 17 evil lords had their own ownership, and became the servants of babus and others!

"Master, thank you for your kindness!"

Eleven of them sincerely thank Monroe.

"It's OK!"

Monley looks at the demon army.

The ghost fire is burning more and more prosperous, has covered half of the demon sea, countless demons in the fire pain struggle, miserable howl!

This scares the rest of the demons, who flee toward the Arctic ice sheet.

They are so fast that a large number of demons have even escaped the burning range of the netherworld fire.

"Can you escape?"

If it is a general God, the endless army of demons can indeed escape a considerable part.

After all, the number of demon army is too much, scattered escape, there are always escape!

But who is monlay?

He can move quickly and is not afraid of the consumption of divine power. How can the demon army escape?

The final outcome is self-evident:

millions of demons were buried in the sea of fire, burned to death by the ghost fire, and then burned to ashes!

Antune and 17 demons witnessed the whole scene, and were almost scared to urinate. They were also dissatisfied with the surrender of babus and other people!

But this moment!


No more!


No more!

Some only have the afterlife's palpitation and the lucky escape from death!

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If they just don't surrender, they will vanish like an army of demons!

It's chilling to think about it!

"The master is so good!"

Babus and others were also scared. Millions of demons were buried in the sea of fire. The scene of miserable struggle was so tragic and shocking!They were all thrilled!

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Asked babus again.

"Deal with the affairs of the animal God Empire first, and then go to the magic dragon land to meet the demon dragon!"

Monray glanced at the people of the beast God Empire, and soon made a decision.

"Obey the master's orders!"

Babus and others have no objection.

A group of people came to the head of the beast God pass. The half gods of the animal God Empire, the animal emperor and the ministers rushed to see him. They were afraid that they would go too slowly and offend Meng Lei.

"Where is the beast king?"

Babus snapped.

"Yes! I'm here

Grom, the animal emperor, saluted in a hurry.

"If I remember right!"

Monray looked at grom, the animal king. "My edict seems to have been passed to the animal God Empire three months ago. Why have you been so quiet?"

Naturally, the animal emperor knew what the imperial edict in Menglei's mouth was, and he was terrified.

He knew that monray was going to settle accounts after autumn. What should we do? How to explain it?

"Under the crown, I..."

The animal king is hesitating!

"Forget it, there's no need to explain it!"

Menglei waved his hand: "since you choose to fight against the emperor, you should bear the result that you deserve! For the sake of being an animal emperor, I will give you a decent way to die. You can do it yourself

"Bang --"

if the animal emperor was struck by lightning, he was paralyzed directly. He knew that he was finished!

It's all over!

There is no way to live!

A group of ministers are trembling and trembling, and their majesty the animal emperor decides on his own. What about them? How will monlay punish himself and others?

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As for you

Meng Lei looked at a group of Ministers: "demote to the common people, dissolve the family, hand over the land and wealth, and be a common people in the future!"

"Thank you for not killing under the crown!"

All the ministers were in a state of ecstasy. They thought they were going to die just now, but they didn't expect to die. They recovered their lives in vain!

"Puhaman, the beast God empire will be handed over to you. You will decide how to operate it!"

Monley looks at pushman.

"Thank you for your trust. I will live up to your trust." Pukhaman promised.

"It's time to go to the devil dragon land." Monley looks at the Arctic ice sheet.

"Obey the master's orders!"


The Arctic ice sheet is vast and boundless. It is covered with ice and snow all the year round. It is a world of ice and snow, with few outsiders!

However, in a corner of the Arctic ice field, there are a group of special creatures. They are all demon lords!

As many as hundreds!

These demon lords form an encirclement to protect a huge teleport array!

The transmission array is very large, ten kilometers in diameter, inlaid with countless element crystals!

It can be imagined that the transmission ability of this magic transmission array must be very strong, and the number of demons transmitted each time is more than one million!


It is through this transmission magic array that the demon army that ravaged the animal God Empire came to the sky. The importance of the transmission array is self-evident!

"Boring, boring!"

"I'm bored to death!"

"Why can KRAS lead the army to attack the sky, and we can only stay here and guard the teleportation array?"

"Yes! If you think about it, you can make the demons feel angry. Why can they go, but I can't? "

"Mortal beings, they must taste delicious. I can't help drooling when I think of Claus and their delicious flesh and blood!"

"This damned mission!"

"No! Next time we have to talk to Lord Antoine and Lord Barker. Let's attack the mortal plane! "

"Next time? I don't know when! "

"Yes! I have been 39872 years old since I was born. However, I only have two such experiences. Who knows when the next time will be? "

"It's uncomfortable to think about it, but then again, how long do you think my demon army can occupy the sky this time?"

"In seven days! Our demon army will be able to step down the sky, kill the creatures on this plane, and turn this place into a demon paradise

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"Indeed! With the strength of our demon army, it only takes 7 days to completely occupy... "

A hundred demon lords, you chatter and chatter to pass the time.

They are assigned to guard the teleportation array. They are flustered at leisure. Of course, they feel very uncomfortable!

They also want to lead the demon army!

They also want to attack the sky!

They also want to eat human flesh and blood!

But no way!

Teleportation array is the gateway to attack the sky continent. It can't be destroyed. You can only send these demon lords to ensure safety!Therefore, even if they are extremely reluctant, they can only faithfully perform their duties.


At this time, a breeze blowing, a group of people appeared on the top of the head, the demon Lords have doubts to look, the face suddenly changed!

"Man Gods? "

"It's a human God!"

"How do human nerves show up here?"

The demon lords swept away the boredom and complaints before, staring at the sudden emergence of these people, full of vigilance and vigilance in their eyes!

It's Meng Lei and others who came here. Because they didn't deliberately restrain their breath, their divine power would be felt naturally!

"Who are you?"

A demon lord whispered.

"You've already guessed, haven't you?"

Meng Lei flicked his finger and said faintly: "kill! Not one of them

"Yes, master!"

"The realm of God!"




After a while, all the 100 demon lords guarding the transmission array were destroyed, and there was no one to escape. In front of the powerful strength, escape became a luxury!

"Each one has a divine avatar to guard the teleportation array, so that it will not be destroyed."

"Others will follow me to the land of magic dragon, and they will meet the powerful dark dragon!"

"Yes, master!"

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