() "Your Highness, do you want to laugh me to death and inherit my ant flower?"

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Ant flower?

Altasia could not understand, but from the tone of monray, she knew that it was not a good thing to say, and even laughed at her!

"Gods of other lands, you are too arrogant

Artasia's pretty face was frosty: "arrest immediately and follow me back to the holy mountain for trial! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude

"Your Highness, many people have said similar things to me, but their fate is not so good, I think You too! "

With that, Meng Lei clapped it.

"Boom -"

is another big palm covering the sky.


Altaicia snorted, and with one sword she cut her long sword into two.

"Worthy of your highness!"

"Your Highness is mighty!"

"Your Highness, let this damned heresy know what will happen to us against the Holy See of light!"

"Devil, die..."

The people of the Holy See cheered up. In their view, the holy daughter defeated the attack of Monroe with one sword, which naturally was better!

However, the goddess of light doesn't think so. The sky covering giant palm is neither a physical attack nor a divine attack, but its power goes straight to the level of the true God!

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And it's still Monroe who does it!

This is terrible!

In the eyes of the bright saint, Menglei is like a black hole. She can't see through it. She dare not underestimate him.

"When did such an expert emerge from the sky?" The goddess of light reads electricity and guesses the identity of Menglei. She knows the sky very well.

"Your Highness, your strength is fairly good, as long as you can catch my next move, I can let you live!"

Menglei leisurely said, slowly stretched out the crystal like palm, palm black flame condensed, condensed into a black spear.


With a wave of his big sleeve, the black spear turned into a black lightning and shot at the bright virgin.

"Black flame? This is the ghost fire

The face of the goddess of light changed!

She never thought that Menglei could release the ghost fire, which is the unique flame of the hell beast Youming Shenfeng!

In the face of the netherworld fire, the bright Saint dare not be careless. She even urges her body's divine power, injects into the long sword in her hand, and then cuts it out of thin air.

"Judgment of the light!"

The dazzling sword Qi forms a 40 meter long sword awn, like a rainbow across the sun, instantly cutting out a dark crack in the void.

"What a terrible trial of light!"

At the sight of the sword, Archbishop Chicas and all the Knights began to cry.

As members of the Holy See, they almost all know how to use the Holy Light trial, but they can't exert such terrible power as her highness!

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"Clang --"

the black spear and the golden spear collide together, as if two heavy hammers collided, and a dazzling spark burst out. An amazing scene happened:

it seems that the golden spear with incomparable sharpness suddenly broke into pieces and turned into countless golden lights to shoot out in all directions!

Members of the order of the Knights of the saints were immediately hit, and a vast amount of gold ran through their heads, shot through their chests, and pierced them into a sieve.

Even the cardinal Chicas was shot through his head by a burst of golden light, becoming the biggest fish to be affected.

"How could that happen?"

Archbishop Chicas is unbelievable. He is the cardinal of the Vatican of light, second only to the Pope and the virgin. He is one of the most noble people in the whole land of light!

Now, however, he is going to die, and when the two spirits die, he will die completely!

"Putong --"

"Putong --"

"Putong --"

"Putong --"

Archbishop of Chicas fell to the ground, and the hapless ghosts of the Knights of the saints and knights were all like dumplings!

For a time, the original fierce, strong lineup of the Guangming Vatican people were killed and wounded, more than 30% of the people have become the pool fish affected!

However, the bright virgin had no time to pay attention to these people, because the black spear was still intact and continued to shoot at her.

At this time, it was too late to dodge. Under the emergency, the bright virgin hastily urged the divine power and arranged a layer of divine power shield.

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"Whew --"

at the moment when the Shenli shield was formed, the black spear shot on the Shenli shield. With a click, the Shenli shield was like paper paste, and a hole was shot out by the black spear!

Then, the black spear pierced the neck of the goddess of light, and then came out of the body and continued to shoot forward under the effect of inertia.

"Wow"Suddenly, the face of the fountain of blood did not stop, as if the fountain of blood shot out.

"You You are not the real God, you are the next The next god Gods

The saint of light stares at Meng Lei, slowly spits out this sentence, then her head droops and her body falls back straight!

"Your Highness the saint!"

The rest of the knights were stunned. Some of them jumped at the bright virgin and the others at Monroe, their eyes red.

"Damned heresy, how dare you hurt your highness

"Any heresy that hurts her highness shall be damned!"


Without saying a word, these Knights launched a fierce attack!

"Shua Shua --"

the attack is overwhelming.


With a little frown and a wave of his big hand, the dense golden wind blade shot out and swept towards the Knights of the saints.

"Ah --"

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screams come and go!

When the blade of the wind swept by, almost all the members of the order were killed, and only a few lucky people barely stood up.

Although they were alive, they were all terrified. Looking at monray's eyes was like looking at a ferocious devil.

"Devil! You are the devil

The Knights cried out in terror!

"Go back and tell your holiness that you can give him three days to prepare, or to recruit experts, or to move and rescue soldiers, whatever he wants!"

Monterey waved: "in three days, I will go to Guangming holy mountain in person. I hope he doesn't let me down! All right, you can get out of here

The rest of the demigods and knights, even though they were extremely unwilling and angry, had to stay away from the edge in the face of extremely powerful Monroe.


In less than ten seconds, the Ministry of the Holy See of light escaped and took away the bodies of the saints of light and the dead Knights before leaving.

For a time, the sky only left the old Dean and monley two people alone suspended.

The old man's eyes were complicated: "the bright saint is the real God of the peak. You even killed the real God of the peak! How strong are you now, monley? "

"Old president, to be honest, no one can defeat me in our position!"

Monray laughed.

"So you are the next God?"

The old dean asked in disbelief.

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