() three days passed by.

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This morning, monray got up early, and then had a good breakfast with the old man. Then he flew slowly towards the bright holy mountain.

"The holy mountain of light is located in the center of the mainland. It is the headquarters of the Holy See of light and the belief center of this continent. Every year, countless believers go to Guangming holy mountain to worship..."

The old man, with his hands on his back, flew in the sky and pointed out the mountains and rivers.

Although he hasn't fused 5 lower deities, his spirit is different from that of 3 days ago!

He is full of confidence in this trip to the Holy See of light. Joking, Monroe even took out the lower deity. How strong is he?

What is the fear of the Holy See?

Although they were flying slowly, they still only took less than half an hour to cross most of the bright continent and came to the holy mountain of light.

The whole bright holy mountain is made by the crystallization of light system elements, emitting holy light.

The temple of light stands on the top of the holy mountain. Under the sunshine, it looks like a heavenly palace.

In the past, there were many pilgrims, but today, when the whole holy mountain of light is under martial law, there are no believers, only Knights!

The knights in the armor of light guard the holy mountain of light with three steps and one post and five steps and one whistle, so as to block the surrounding of the holy mountain of light.

"Stand by

Menglei and the old man were suspended in the air, looking at the bright holy mountain, and sighed leisurely.

"I didn't feel it on the way. I'm a little nervous now!" The old man took a deep breath: "I hope everything goes well today and nothing goes wrong."

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"Don't worry, old Dean."

Monray smiles and comforts a word, then faces the towering bright holy mountain: "the sky continent monray, meet the Holy See of light his majesty!"

Menglei's voice is not big, just like the voice of chatting at ordinary times, but after the sound spread in the air, it is like ten thousand thunder and lightning roaring at the same time.

"Boom and boom --"

all the Knights of the light who were waiting for the battle were struck by lightning, and they cried out in pain with their ears in their arms, blood gushing from their nostrils and blood seeping from the corners of their mouths

It's seven orifices bleeding!

"The crown is coming from a long way. If there is a loss, we should welcome it from afar, and look forward to Haihan!"

A group of people came out of the temple of light. The first one was Pope Hayes.

There are also altaicia, the goddess of light, eight cardinals, the magistrates of the Vatican, a large group of ascetics, believers and so on!

"108 demigods, nine true gods, and a bright Pope who can't see the depth!"

The old Dean's face was dignified: "the power of the holy see is indeed unfathomable. No wonder it can defeat the dark Holy See and unify the bright continent."

"It's exaggeration, but it's much better than our sky and continent!" Monlay also praised.

"Dear, I am the Pope of the Holy See of light. On behalf of the whole Holy See of light and even the land of light, I welcome your coming!"

The attitude of Pope Hayes is very respectful, as if he is facing not an enemy who has had a festival with the Holy See of light, but a distinguished guest!

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"Your holiness, I'd like to introduce you to this one next to me first."

"He is my teacher, of course, he is also the founding emperor of the crock Kingdom and the president of Crocker college!" he said with a faint smile

"I see!"

The Pope nodded slightly.

"Unfortunately, as soon as I arrived in the land of light, I saw a scene that made me unhappy. The four cardinals of the Holy See of light besieged my old Dean, and even occupied Crocker college and even Crocker kingdom!"

"Don't you think you should give me an explanation, your majesty?" he said

"Under the crown of respect!"

The Pope bowed slightly: "first of all, we didn't know that Dean Crocker was your teacher. We didn't mean to offend him. We hope to make atonement under the crown."

"Secondly, it is the duty and duty of the Holy See of light to spread the faith of the Lord and let the glory of the Lord shine on the whole continent. We just want the people of Crocker kingdom to be bathed in the glory of the Lord as soon as possible, without any offense!"

"So it's not surprising that you, the Holy See of light, have not made any mistakes in doing things according to their duties?" Meng Lei asked with a smile.

"Under my crown, the Holy See has always spread the doctrine that my lord cares for the world and guides people to be good. There may be flaws, but there has never been a big mistake!"

Said Pope Hayes slowly, with a look of compassion.

"Hypocrisy and hypocrisy!"

It's hard to walk from the head of the church to the bright one!

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Care for the world and guide people to be good?

That's bullshit!

"To hear the Pope's coronation, I think it's really a storm in a molehill."

"After all, even if the old abbot is killed by the four cardinals of the Vatican of light, it is also his duty to stop the mission of the Holy See of light. He should be responsible for it, right?"Pope Hayes turned pale.

"I see. It is this truth that you, the Holy See of light, believe in!"

Monlay flicked his finger: "so I want to spread faith in the land of light. I don't know what his holiness thinks?"

"Under the crown..."

"Your majesty will stop me, won't he? If I destroy you, you will not say anything! "

"After all, this is the truth that the Holy See of light believes in," he said with a smile

"Under the crown..."

"Don't say any unnecessary nonsense!"

Monterey waved his hand: "Your Majesty, do your best to avoid saying that I didn't give you a chance!"

"Under the crown, do you really want to tear your face?"

Pope Hayes's face also sank. The Holy See of light has stood on the bright continent for more than ten thousand years. What big waves have not been seen?

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The Holy See of light is not afraid of the ghost phoenix of the lower level!

"Tear your face? No no no! I'm just practicing your truth Monley road.

"Since we are aggressive under the crown, then we are not polite!" Pope Hayes murmured: "set up the battle of angels!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

As soon as the voice fell, the nine true gods suddenly rose to the sky and turned into nine streamers around Menglei, which instantly surrounded the whole city.

The next moment!

Their whole body soared up to the holy milky white light, gathered in the sky above, and then condensed into a holy and majestic Angel shadow.

With the continuous injection of light and divine power, the angel shadow gradually solidifies, and finally, the angel virtual shadow becomes an angel entity!

"Boom -"

the threat of terror swept through and spread in all directions, which has surpassed the level of true God and reached the lower level of God.

"Angel battle, suppress!"

The nine real gods roared, and the angel on top of his head stretched out his hands as if to touch Menglei's head and gently pressed on him.

"Boom -"

a huge force suddenly oppressed Meng Lei, and the void around him was suppressed, making a creaking sound.

"It's a good way, but it's a pity..."

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