() "Ding! Pick up successfully, get the blood of seraph of six winged angels, do you want to merge? "

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"No integration!"

"Ding! Pick up the success and get the secret skill of light divinity. Is it fusion

"God said?"

Monterey was slightly stunned. Although the Pope Hayes was hanged and beaten by him, he was deeply impressed by the divinity of Hayes.

With the strength of the lower gods at the top, but exerting destructive power, the magic arts are close to the level of the middle gods. The increase is not very big!

"Such a powerful secret can be seen!"

All of a sudden, a large amount of information flooded into his mind, and it took a long time for him to digest it. He could not help but flash a sigh of wonder in his eyes.

"Shenshuo" is a divine art of light system from the angel Protoss. Its power is ten times or even dozens of times stronger than ordinary light divinity!

If the general magic of light is compared with ordinary magic of light, then "God said" is the magic of light Just dragon language magic!

Power is not in an order of magnitude!

"Good thing!"

Monray nodded repeatedly: "with this secret, just enrich my magic attack!"

"Ding! Pick up success and get the blood of the light eagle. Do you want to merge? "

"The blood of the eagle of light? What kind of blood is that? "

There is no response from the system. Monroe can only ask Dora.

Duola deserves to be known as an Encyclopedia: "the eagle of light is a double system beast of light and wind, and can be comparable to the next God after adulthood!"

"To be an adult is to be comparable to the next God? Garbage beast, not fusion Monley shook his head decisively.


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After browsing around, monray did not pick up any good things, so he left the half plane where the Holy See treasure house was located.

"Old Dean, will you go back together?"


The old man even nodded: "I have assigned the task, I believe they can complete it well, I can be a shopkeeper!"

"That's good!"

Monterey agreed with the old man's practice. Things like spreading faith should be left to the people below. There is no need to do them personally.

Later, Menglei took the old man back to the sky and came to the imperial palace of the Dragon God Empire, which is now the imperial palace of the Menglei empire.

Almost no change has taken place in the palace, but the owner of the palace has changed from the former dragon clan to the present-day Menglei. It can be said that things are different from people!

"I came to the Imperial Palace many times, visited the Dragon Emperor, and took the children from the fire dragon magic academy to participate in the imperial exchange competition."

The old man sighed: "at that time, I never dreamed that the dragon clan would be driven out of the palace, and the master of the Empire would become a human race. It's hard to predict the world!"

"Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi!"

Menglei said with a smile: "things are constantly developing and changing. How can there be an eternal and immortal dynasty?"

"That's right."

The old man nodded slightly.

"Let's go, old Dean. Go to the Imperial Palace and go back to Longdao after that." Monley said with a smile.


When monray returned to the palace, puhamann and a group of people came to see him in a hurry: "see the master!"

Monray is nothing, but the old man is scared. He stares at puharman and others:

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"OK All these terrible gods are stronger than me and no less than the Pope of the Holy See. Are they all lower gods? "

"Monroe, they are all lower gods?"

The old man couldn't help asking.

"Well, they are all lower gods!"

Monley returned with a smile.

"My God! So many lower gods

The old man took a breath: "one, two, three 12! 12 lower gods! It's just I can't believe it

When the old man looked at puhaman and others, people were also looking at him. They were all wondering. Who was the old man beside the master?

"Introduce it to you!"

"This is my teacher, Amos Crocker," monley said

"Amos Crocker?"

Others wondered, but sanier was shocked: "are you Amorim's brother?"

"You are..."

The old man looks at sanier.

"I am Sanir, the demigod of the black dragon clan!"

Sanier looked puzzled: "Amos, aren't you dead? Why... "

"Ha ha, I have two lives!"

The old man laughed.

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"I see!"

Sanier nodded slightly and understood in an instant.

"The old Dean is my most respected person. You will treat him like me in the future, understand?" Meng Lei's eyes swept the crowd and said faintly.

"Yes, master!"

They should be in a hurry.

"Monley, there's no need for that!"The old man was shocked: "they are all lower gods, but I am not even the real God. How dare I ask you to treat me like you?"

"There's nothing appropriate or inappropriate!"

With a smile and a wave of his hand, monley asked again, "how are you dealing with immigration? Should there be a general plan? "


Puhaman stepped forward: "we have discussed this matter and agreed that the best way to develop 48 seat seats in the shortest time is to immigrate some highly fertile Orc races, such as the pig race, the rabbit race and the dog head race, and then immigrate to other races."

"What's more, it's a good time to build faith in their hearts when the orc Empire has suffered a heavy blow and the whole animal God empire is in panic."

Others nodded.

"You've considered it very well. I'll leave it to you. Don't let me down!"

Meng Lei nodded slightly: "when this matter is handled properly, it will be the day of enfeoffment and formation of God system."

"Yes, master!"

People are excited and full of expectation for the future. They are enfeoffment of the plane and establishment of the divine system!

At that time, they will all become the gods of Monroe and enjoy endless faith. How happy is it?

"I've been away for a few days, haven't there been any changes in the sky?" Asked monley.

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"Master, all is well in the sky and the continent!"

Puhaman bowed, and the others nodded a little too. It's hard to think of anything wrong with so many lower gods!

However, sanier hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said, "master, the Dragon God has looked for me!"

"Dragon God?"

Monley raised his eyebrow: "what does he want from you?"

"He asked me to destroy the transmission array of the Arctic ice field and dominate the 48 seat surface left by Diablo dragon! Of course, that's not the point! "

Sanier did not dare to hide: "the point is that the Dragon God told me that he has reported the secrets of the heaven and the continent to the Dragon Protoss!"

"He said that this is a secret that can be coveted by countless upper gods. The Dragon Protoss will send a large army to the sky and land!"

"At that time, the whole heaven and earth will be destroyed, and you, master..."

"The secrets of the sky and the continent?"

"What is the secret of the firmament?"

"That is, the firmament is only a low-level surface of matter. What's the secret? The Dragon God this bastard must be alarmist

"Let countless people move to the top of the world..."

They all shook their heads and sniffed at the Dragon God's words. However, Meng Lei frowned slightly and fell into meditation.

The secrets of the sky and the continent? And is it a secret enough to make countless gods move?

What's the secret?

"Dora, is the secret in Dragon God's mouth referring to the tower of time?" Monley wondered.

"I can't think of anything but the tower of time! Of course, we can't rule out the land of gods and demons, but the secrets of the land of gods and demons can't be compared with the tower of time! "

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