"Whoosh ~ ~"

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the howling cold wind rages on the ice sheet, which is the Arctic ice sheet of the sky continent, a world of ice covered with ice and snow.

"Whew --"

a huge dark shadow suddenly galloped across the ice sheet, and an amazing number of people flew in the sky, with tens of thousands of people.

Zoom in, there are tens of thousands of ragged orcs, but at the moment, all of them look frightened and desperate.

On top of these orcs is a multi armed bimon, which is Saras, monray's pet.

"Listen up

As he flew, Salas comforted the orcs, "the new home you've taken you to is a new continent. It's a vast land, rich in resources, and a perfect habitat."

"There, no one competes with you, no one competes with you for food, and no fierce Warcraft attacks you! You can breed freely and make it your home

The orcs are skeptical, vast and abundant? Rich in resources? No natural enemies?

Is there such a good place?

In doubt, people soon came to the transport array of the Arctic ice field. Salas led the orcs through the transmission array and came to the land of magic dragon.

"See, this is your new home!"

Salas pointed to the vast land of magic dragon, and said with enthusiasm, "here are rich grasslands, dense forests, clear rivers, and fertile land."

The orcs opened their eyes and looked at the new world. Sure enough, they saw the boundless green grassland, the lush forests like the ocean, and the rivers and rivers shuttling through the earth like silver snakes


No Warcraft!

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Not a human being!

I didn't see a dragon!

"Here, you can cultivate, graze, fish, pick fruits and enjoy your life."

Now, I'll take you to your new home

After a while, they came to the junction of a grassland and a forest. Salas put the orcs down, and at the same time released a lot of food and seeds

"Welcome to the new home, people!"


Similar things happen on all planes.

The black dragon Sanir, the fallen Titan babus, the squid mage Mervin, the alchemist pursuer, the Panther goddess nagiya, the thunder queen cecia, the snow sword Saint Galen, the spider goddess rose, the dark elf queen nagaros, and the dark turtle King Antoine were all busy migrating.

All of them took pains to transfer in person.

Everyone was happy and expectant.

Before suffering from no territory, many of them can only hide in the underground world and work hard!

But now, with such good resources in front of us, will they let go?

They can't wait to see the day when believers fill 48 seats and provide them with massive faith power!

With faith, we can transform the divine power!

With faith, we can strengthen the spirit!

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It was a wonderful day to think about!

One word is beautiful!

After settling the orcs, Salas returned to the Arctic ice sheet by the teleportation array. At this time, he saw a surprising scene. Suddenly, a huge black hole appeared in the sky, like a black hole in the sky. It is not clear how big it is.

But standing in the far Arctic ice field, see this black hole at least 100 meters away!

So far, 100 meters in diameter, you can imagine how big the black hole is!

"Boom -"

a black light beam suddenly ejects from the black hole and lands on the earth, forming a black light column!

A mighty force spread from the black light and spread like a tsunami across the sky.

"Putong --"

everywhere the pressure passed, both the ordinary people and the strongmen of the Holy Land fell down on their knees uncontrollably, as if they had pressed a huge stone in their hearts, making it difficult to breathe.

"The great God of Monroe! This What's going on here? "

"Is there an extraterrestrial devil coming?"

"Blessed by the great God of Monroe! With the help of Mengda Lei

People were terrified, frightened, and prayed devoutly.

"Something's wrong!"

Salas's face changed dramatically, turned into a streamer and flew toward the imperial palace of monrai. Sanir, najiya and others were no exception.

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"Oh -"

a loud and clear chant of the Dragon sounded. People looked up and saw a ferocious dragon head squeezed in from the black hole.

Then the dragon body, the Dragon Wing, the dragon tail

This is a dark dragon with a body length of more than 100000 Zhang, which is dark and looks extremely ferocious. It exudes the monstrous spirit."Dragon! It's a dragon

"My God! The dragon is back

"The dragon is back again..."

Not long after the collapse of the Dragon God Empire, the belief in Dragon God has not been completely dispersed. How can people not remember the ferocious dragon people?

For a time, hatred, anger, fear, fear and other negative emotions swept across the sky, and people fell into a huge panic.

"Oh -"

"what a terrible magic power!"

"This is a dark dragon!"

"The boss's conjecture is right indeed!"

As he galloped, Salas gazed at the dark dragon that came out of the black hole. "But just a dark dragon with a middle God level wants to go wild? It's just looking for death... "

"Aw --"

just as Salas sneered, another huge and ferocious head came out of the black hole, and it also sent out the monstrous magic power!

Dragon body A hundred thousand feet!

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"Another Diablo dragon!" "But it doesn't matter. The boss is the master of the plane. What about the gods in both ends?"

"Ow --"

it's a pity that after the second dark dragon, one after the other came out, as if stabbing the hornet's nest endlessly.

In less than a minute, there were 50 dark dragon out of the black hole, each 100, 000 Zhang long, each exuding a monstrous magic power.

This time, Salas was not calm at all, his eyes showed a touch of panic

"Damn it! Where are so many Diablo dragons? Where did they come from

No one answers Saras!

No one answers sanier and others!

No one answers the masses!

"Ao -"

"ow --"

"ow --"

50 dark dragon hovered in the sky, roared up to the sky and sent out the earth shaking dragon chant, just like thousands of horses were silent and ten thousand guns were roaring.

"Boom -"

the rolling sound waves are mixed together to form earth shaking shock waves, and the void is broken and a paste is exploded.

For a time, the blue sky turned into a dark hell, and a series of terrible space cracks flashed, just like the end of the world.

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