() "master, these piglets are my children. When they are grown up, they can go out and start a family!" Bailey Yayu explained.

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"Are they your children?"

Meng Lei's expression is very wonderful. How many piglets are there in Tiankeng? If you don't have a million, do you? Is it the child of the ancient magic pig?

This NIMA is very fertile, isn't it?

Yes, master

Bailey's face complacent, "in our ancient magic pig clan, who can live more, the more face, represents the stronger ability!"

"Peculiar aesthetics!"

As he continues to move forward, Meng Lei sees a group of gorgeous women who are either strong in waist, fat in race, or win over Zhang Fei in five aspects

One by one, they looked ferocious, but they kept on winking at Bailey Yayu, making him sweat all over his body, and exclaimed that he couldn't stand it!

But Bailey didn't care, instead, he introduced to monray triumphantly: "master, they are all my mother-in-law!"

"Look I see it! "

Menglei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said against his heart: "you are very lucky!"

"That is! In zhutouling, who doesn't envy me? Do you envy me that I have 129600 beautiful women? " Bailey said with pride.

"Then you are so happy!"

At this time, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "pig head ridge Bailey devil God where?"

When Bailey heard this, his face suddenly became very ugly: "Damn it! These bastards again

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"Who is looking for you?"

Meng Lei raised his eyebrows.

"In addition to the ice devil mansion guard, who else can there be?"

Bailey gritted his teeth and explained: "our pig head mountain belongs to the ice devil house of the nether world. Every year, we have to pay tribute to the ice devil mansion, and it is the ice devil mansion guard who is responsible for collecting the tribute!"

"I see!"

Monley nodded slowly.

"These bastards are vampires. Half of the tributes I pay to ice devil's house every year are put into their pockets. They are just greedy. They represent the ice devil's house. We can only swallow our anger!" Bailey hated it.

"Let's go! Go out and have a look

When they came to the sky, they saw a group of demons with silver armor and double horns. They were ice demons!

The number of ice demons in this team is not much, about 20. It is almost the big demon king at the lower level. The first one is the strongest, and he is the demon God of the middle God level!

"Bailey, how are the tributes prepared this year?"

The ice demon, the head of the ice God, glanced at monray, and then ignored him. His eyes continued to fall on Bailey Yayu with a tone of high priority.

"It's all here!"

Bailey took a breath and threw out a space ring containing tributes.

Ice Warcraft caught the space ring and looked up. After a moment, his brow slightly frowned: "Bailey, you don't prepare enough tribute!"

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"Not enough?"

Bailey Yayu's face changed: "Isaiah demon, the tribute is prepared according to the standards of previous years. Why is it suddenly insufficient?"

"You see, my head should not have forgotten such an important thing!"

Isaiah slapped his forehead: "Bailey doesn't know something. The Lord of the mansion has an order. This year's tribute is double that of previous years."

"Double that?"

Bailey Yayu could no longer suppress his anger: "Isaiah demon, the amount of tribute has not changed for tens of thousands of years. Why does it suddenly increase? What's more, if the Lord of the mansion really increases the amount of tribute, please show me the official document of the Lord! "

"Bailey, are you questioning the Lord's orders? Be careful that I will sue the Lord of the mansion to punish you for your great disrespect

Isaiah's face turned cold and he cried angrily.

"Hum! I won't increase the tribute until I see the official document! " Bailey said coldly, "Isaiah, please come back!"


Isaiah roared: "Bailey, you dare to question the Lord's orders! Come on, take him down and take him back to the ice devil's mansion, and give it to the Lord of the mansion for decision! "

Speaking of this, he stares at Bailey coldly: "if you resist, you will be killed!"


A team of ice demon house guards shouts, and then pours on Bailey with fierce, provocative and fearless eyes.

Although they are the next gods, their strength is much weaker than Pele, but they are not afraid that Pele will do harm to them!

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Because they are the guards of the ice devil house, which represents the ice devil house. The devil God dares to resist, that is to challenge the ice devil house and make enemies with the ice devil house!

For the ice devil house as the enemy There is no doubt that you will die!


Bailey was trembling with anger, his fists clenched together, and his heart was filled with anger. He had an impulse to kill all these guys.

However, at the moment when the ice demon house Wei pounced on him, it was like a ball of venting gas, and the whole person completely gave up the resistance."Pele, offend!"

A team of ice demon house guards rushed up and directly took Bailey and detained him completely.

"Whatever your strength is, you have to bow down in front of my ice devil house guard!" Isaiah's eyes flashed with pride.

"Master, I'm sorry!"

Bailey said with a bitter smile: "I can't fight with the ice devil house, otherwise, not only will I die, but the whole family of Yayu will be destroyed!"

"Bailey, I understand your feelings! But sometimes, a vague retreat will only make the other party more severe, more vicious squeeze you

Monley shook his head slightly, warning: "appropriate resistance is very necessary!"

Hearing monray's words, Bailey grinned bitterly. Isaiah's face was cold, and there was a fierce light in his eyes: "who are you?"

"The one who killed you!"

Meng Lei faintly said this sentence, a breath of terror swept out in an instant, just like the mighty tsunami instantly pressed the past.

"Big The great devil

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Feeling the breath of monray, Isaiah's teeth trembled and his eyes showed a look of panic: "you are big The great devil


How could he be in the mood to talk nonsense with such a small minion? He clapped it out of thin air. The demon God of Isaiah was scared to crack his liver and roared: "no! You can't kill me! I'm the ice devil house guard. If you dare to kill me, the ice devil house will not release me... "

"Click -"

before he finished his words, monray's slap arrived. With a click, Isaiah was directly smashed into a pool of mud.

"Kill Kill

"The captain is killed!"

A group of ice demon house guards saw this, and immediately their faces were as pale as dust, shaking like chaff. They never dreamed that someone would dare to fight against the ice devil house guard and kill the leader of the ice demon house guard. They were so bold and crazy!

"Hand over all the tributes collected, and I won't kill you!" Monray looks at the ice demon house guard.

"The tribute department is in the captain's hands!"

An ice devil said in a trembling voice.

Meng Lei grabs it casually. As expected, he grabs dozens of space rings from the mud. With a sweep of his mind, he immediately finds a large number of tributes!

"Go away!"

Meng Lei light way.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

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