() Menglei collected the fusion fragments of the two systems, and only the three system rule fusion fragments and the four system rule fusion fragments were left in the box.

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Menglei first picked out the four system rule fusion fragments, a total of 11, and the color is different!

It means that the 11 pieces of four fusion laws are different, and are made of different four laws, and they are of great value!

Menglei carefully collected them, and later he had time to understand them.

The rest is the integration of three systems of laws, up to 300 pieces, Menglei still collected, left later slowly to understand.

Later, Menglei opened other boxes, one box of magic crystal, one box of magic lattice

"Ding! Found falling objects, pick up? " The system prompt sounds suddenly!


"Ding! Pick up successfully and obtain blood vessels of death. Are they integrated

"Blood of death?"

Menglei eyes show a startling color, death is one of the most frightening races in the world, although the number is rare, but they are very strong!


Monley didn't hesitate.

"Boom" -

a strange gray energy immediately flows into the thunder body, and spreads to the four parts and hundreds of human bodies, and then spreads through every corner of the body.

In a moment, a plume of gray smoke appeared on the surface of Menglei's body. It was like spontaneous combustion. He saw a little shock by pulling a lot:

what is wrong with Menglei

"Nothing, just once again awakened the blood of death, and now it is awakening!"

Menglei is forced to endure the sharp pain from all over the body, and he shows a reassuring smile at Duola. Although the process of integration is very painful, he can bear it now.

"Blood of death?"

"You awakened the blood of death again? What kind of freak are you when the God of time is on the top? "

"Hey, hey!"

Menglei grinned and smiled.

Thick gray smoke is coming out constantly, and the thunder body sends out the surging death breath, and the skin turns from yellow to gray

Ten minutes later, the blood of death finally fused, and Menglei's skin turned gray. Besides, there was no change!

No, there is one thing: Menglei's eyebrow heart has a gray vertical pupil!

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Besides, there is no other change!

"Dora, is this the death god?" Menglei was surprised!

If you merge other blood lines, you will become a different race. Kill rats, giant with arms, Phoenix, ancient tree of life, and frozen gods

But the blood vein of death is a special case. Except for the gray skin and the more pupils in the eyebrow, there is no other change. It is quite strange.

"The dead gods have no fixed look!"

Dora's face is complex: "the biggest sign is the grey skin and the pupil of death!"

"The pupil of death?"

Menglei waved with his hand, and a water mirror appeared in front of him, reflecting his present appearance: "what is my eyebrow and heart like this thing is the pupil of death? What's the use of this thing? "

"What's the use? Great use! "

"Generally, whether it's a deity or a demon, the attack you are good at is either physical or divine," Dola explained

"But the death gods, in addition to the two conventional attacks, have another very terrible attack method: the spirit attack!"

"This is the pupil of death!"

"The pupil of the dead can directly attack the enemy's spirits, and almost one strike and death can be achieved in the same level," Dora said! Moreover, the pupil of death can devour the soul of the enemy, to strengthen his own spirits, and has no side effects! "

"I'll go! This is a pervert! "

Menglei can not help but suck a breath of air, attack the spirit, and it is a blow to death, can also devour the enemy's spirit to strengthen their own spirits!

It's just Pervert!

"That's what it is!"

"The reason why the death god is called the death god is because of the pupil of the most abnormal God of death," Dola sighed

"Pervert! It's so perverted! "

Menglei scanned the attribute panel, the fusion degree of the blood vein of death god was only 32%, and Menglei did not hesitate to directly increase to 100%!

Consume 68 Shenjing!

Obviously, the blood of death is also a powerful blood of the true God, not the ancient god blood!

With him, Menglei continued to check, and a box of demons and beast remains appeared in front of him, including the heart of the devil, the eye of the demon, and the broken arm of the food paper of the powerful monster

"Ding! Found falling objects, pick up? "


"Ding! Pick up successfully, get the blood vein of the yellow spring ghost, is it integrated? "

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"Not fusion!"

"Ding! Pick up success, get... "

Menglei is not interested in the wreckage, and enters the tower of time to enjoy the golden tree.After eating the massive debris provided by Menglei, the little golden tree has grown a little higher, but the range is not large. It seems that Menglei is very worried. It will not grow until monkey years?

But there's no way. Take your time.

After collecting the remains of the box, there are boxes of weapons, including magic tools and artifact. The level is not low, and the worst is the middle artifact and magic weapon.

"I don't need the medium artifact and magic weapon, but the old Dean can!"

Menglei put away all the central artifact and magic weapon, leaving only a dozen upper artifact and upper magic weapon, each of which exudes surging power (Magic) fluctuation!

"These are mine!"


It's another crazy search. Meng Lei makes a lot of money. The treasure house of the ice devil mansion doesn't disappoint him. He makes a lot of money!

When he makes money, he has to consume naturally. This time, Meng Lei chooses to strengthen his spirit. Even if the master of ice demon mansion is killed by him, he knows that his hard power is still comparable to ordinary big demon gods. How can this be done?

Generally, the Lord of the mansion is a medium-sized demon God. How can he fall behind others?

"Ding! The host's current constitution is comparable to that of the upper deity in the initial stage, and it will be comparable to that of the upper deity in the middle stage after strengthening. The expected strengthening price is: 60 million Shenjing! " System cold and cold return channel.

"Strengthen now!"

Menglei hummed, before I had no money, now I have money, only 60 million crystal God, I can afford it!

Shua -

wealth instantly shrunk by 60 million Shenjing. At the same time, Meng Lei felt that his spirit was riding a rocket and began a new round of strengthening.

One time, two times, three times

10 times, 20 times, 30 times

After strengthening, Menglei felt that his divine body was more than 100 times of the previous one, and endless power poured out from his body. He had never felt so strong!

"Now if the master of ice demon house stands in front of my eyes, I can definitely meet the hard one!"

After leaving the ice element plane, the two return to the ice devil temple. The nine you tuntian Python is still frozen in the nine hell ice. Meng Lei unties the ice and releases it.

"Roar --"

as soon as Jiuyou tuntian Python got out of difficulty, it bit Menglei directly. Jiuyou xuanbing iced its body, but did not freeze its spirit and consciousness. Its thinking has always been active.

During this period of being frozen, instead of being frightened, it hated Meng Lei and vowed to kill him and avenge his master!

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"How dare you attack me?"

Monroe snorted and punched out.

"Boom -"

the iron fist hits the nose of Jiuyou Tuntian python, and with a click, the nose of Jiuyou tuntian Python is directly depressed.

Meng Lei's body flashed and appeared on the top of Jiuyou Tuntian python. He stepped on his right foot heavily and roared. A huge pit was trampled on the huge head of Jiuyou Tuntian python.

"Ouwu --"

Jiuyou tuntian Python uttered a sad cry, blood gushed from its seven orifices, and then fell to the ground. Its head was directly trampled and exploded by Menglei.

From the heart of the snake, the snake takes out one of the magic's moves.

"Ding! Kill one python of Jiuyou tuntian and obtain 4.9 million crystal of gods

"I can't help myself!"

Meng Lei humming, and then he killed the nine Python's corpse in the tower of time and threw it to the golden little tree to enjoy it. Now he sees it, rather than relying on the essence of life to enhance the body, it is better to use super reinforcement.

although Super Intensive cost, but the best results, and no sequelae, than phagocytosis of the essence of life is much more effective.

"Dora, let's go back."


The two return to the original road, and return to ice city one day later.

From leaving to returning, plus the delay, it took exactly three days.

However, when monray came back, he found that there was no jubilant movement in ice magic city.

"Where is your birthday party, monray?"

Duola looked at the silent Ice Magic City, forced to smile and said: "they didn't take you the new Lord seriously at all!"

"Isn't that exactly what I want?"

Menglei youyou said, not much anger, 25 years old? He just said it casually in order to make an excuse to get angry!

As expected, the development of the matter was in the direction of his expectation. More than ten big demons in ice devil city didn't take his words seriously.

A birthday party?

They obviously didn't care!

"Go to meet these bold demons, and I'll see what they say!"

Monray spoke directly: "all the big demons in the ice devil City, roll out to me!"

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"Boom -"

the voice of Menglei spread all over the ice devil city in an instant, and then caused a great sensation. The demons who had just experienced the disaster and had not recovered were like birds in terror, and they ran out of their houses one after another, looking at Meng Lei in the sky in horror."Sex -" br > br > more than ten gods responded to the call of Menglei and quickly reached Menglei.

"It turns out that the Lord of the government has come back!"

"I have seen the Lord of the government!"

These gods are very polite on the surface, and they are very polite and respectful, and they are thoughtful.

"You are very good! It's great! "

"How did you do it when I farted?" montray was angry

"What do you mean by your Lord?"

The gods were so surprised.

"I don't know? I'll remind you! "

"When I left ice demon city three days ago, it seems that I have explained something," he said coldly? Why is ice demon city not moving at all

"Lord of the government means "A birthday feast?"


"Lord of the mansion, you should find the Fu Wei for the birthday feast, not us, but we don't care about it," explained one of the magic gods

"Lord of the mansion, Lord cardo will not ask us to do this when he is in office. We are the great demon God, but we are not the walking dog of the Lord!"

"That's it..."

Ten great gods are respectful, but the disdain and ridicule in their eyes have been revealed.

You beat cardo and become the new Lord, but don't want to call us!

Our great demon God, is not your dog, will you do this?

"Good! very nice! "

Menglei looked at more than ten magic gods with a smile:" since you dare to violate the orders of the Lord of the government, don't blame me for being mad! "

"Ha ha ha!"

Hearing Menglei's words, a group of big magic gods laughed: "Lord of the mansion said a laugh!"

"Lord of the mansion is a joke!"

"Joking? Who's talking to you? Since you don't put my Lord in your eyes, you don't have to exist! "

Menglei is furious decisively!

In his eyes, these big gods are treasure houses of walking, how can we let go?

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