() the power of origin is the most basic and essential force that constitutes the vast world. It complements the law and forms the vast world together.

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If the law is the rule and rule that all things must follow, then the power of origin is the thing that constitutes everything itself!

One is the invisible rules and regulations!

One is tangible energy material!

The two are relative, but equally powerful!

"Suddenly, such a surging force of the origin of the gold system suddenly broke out. Is it that Menglei's Jinyuan divine body has become a great success?" Dora's heart is full of trouble.

The original spirit body is very rare. There are billions of trillion living creatures in the vast world. How many creatures have the original spirit body? can be counted on one's fingers!

However, in addition to the rare, the original God body is also very difficult to practice, from awakening to small success, and then to great success, every step is more difficult than ascending to heaven!

Because in the whole process of cultivation, we need to constantly integrate the power of the source to strengthen ourselves. But how can there be so much original power for him to integrate?

However, it is difficult to return to the difficult. Once the cultivation is completed, the spirit body will be composed of the original power, which is extremely powerful!

Meng Lei was good, and he practiced Jinyuan shenti to a great extent without saying a word?

At the time of Duola's wild thoughts, Meng Lei's gold origin power is more and more surging, and his sharp and cutting spirit is becoming more and more strong.

At the end of the day, the whole man seemed to be made of gold, every cell, every organ, every muscle, every bone It's completely golden.

To be exact, it is the power of the origin of the gold system, and the whole person seems to be a unique weapon!

"This feeling How amazing

Monley thought, a dagger made of gold appeared in his hand.

This dagger is so plain that it looks like an ordinary gold dagger.

But monlay knew that the dagger he had made at will The sharpness is incomparable. The sharpness is not under the upper artifact!

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What's more, it's not a kind of material, it's not a material, it's not a metal.

"This is a dagger made of the original force of gold system!"

Dora stares at the golden dagger: "in my life, I saw the artifact formed by the pure power of origin for the first time."

"Gold is the source of power?"

"Dora, this magical substance is called the power of gold origin?" monray thought


Duola explained: "the power of the origin is a very terrible power. It is the most essential power that constitutes all things in the world. It is purer and more advanced than fighting spirit (Magic) and divine power (Magic Qi)! Of course, it's more destructive! "

"Have you ever seen the heart of the plane?"

Dora asked suddenly!

"Of course I have!"

Monley nodded again and again.

"The heart of plane is formed by 10 basic laws and 10 forces of origin. Therefore, the heart of plane is the most solid material in the vast world, and there is no one of them!" Duola explained.

"So my body is formed by the power of the gold system?" Asked monley.

"Of course! Your God body of gold source has been greatly completed. Of course, it is composed of the power of gold source! "

"Every gene, cell, organ, muscle, hair And so on, they are all made up of the original force of the gold system! "

"It's no exaggeration to say that you are a group of things made up of the original force of gold!"

"This It won't affect my blood supply, will it Asked monrellan.

"Why don't you understand?"

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Duola was a little worried: "forget it, I don't want to explain. You can mobilize those blood vessels in your body to have a look, and you will be surprised!"


Meng Lei didn't say much, but quietly mobilized the blood of the ghost Phoenix.

Hua -

Meng Lei has directly become a majestic giant god Phoenix, but unlike before, the God Phoenix is no longer black, but gold!

"I I am... "

Monley looked at what he was like, a little unbelievable.

"You see, all the cells in your body are made up of the original force of the gold system. Even if you transfer your blood to become the ghost Phoenix, you will have a different change from other ghost Phoenix!"

Duola laughed: "now you should be called" Jinyuan Youming Shenfeng "! If you don't say much, try other blood lines! "


Starting the bloodline of mice killing God, Menglei becomes a god killing mouse made of gold. Its mane is like a gold needle, and its roots stand upside down!

"This is Jinyuan God killing mouse!"

He stroked and sighed.

"Boom -"

activate the blood of the hundred armed giant, and Meng Lei directly incarnates into a golden giant, with every inch of skin, every muscle and every arm It seems to be made of gold!"This is the golden source giant!"

Dora laughed again.

Then, Menglei continued to mobilize the blood vessels of ancient life trees, frozen gods and death gods, and all turned into golden yellow.

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"Golden source ancient tree of life!"

"Jinyuan frozen gods!"

"Jinyuan death god!"

Dora was excited and inexplicable.

"Dora, is the blood vein in my body or the original one?" Montray was shocked.

"Blood vein is the original blood vein, but the things that form the blood vein become the force of the origin of gold, so your appearance changes with it!"

Dora was happy: "in fact, you are not the special case. Some other gods awaken the original gods, just like you!"

Menglei, like me?

"Like the fairy goddess!"

Dora laughed: "she is a elves, but she awakens the wood source body, so her skin is green, different from the normal elf!"

"For example, the Phoenix family of the nether God once had a great genius. It became red because it awakened the fire source God body!"

"And the angel of steel wings that you get from the golden source body!"

Dora continued: "the steel wing angel was originally silver, but the guy had the golden body, so he was golden, different from the normal steel wing angel!"

"Or that, blood vein is still the blood vein before, but the material that forms the blood vein has changed, so the appearance also changes!"

"That's what it was!" "Menglei slightly nodded:" the appearance changed, just do not know if the combat effectiveness has been improved? "

"I'm sure I've improved. I don't believe you try!"

Dora said with great certainty.


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Menglei is transformed into a human form state, slightly clenched and vigorously blew out.

"Roar" -

the fist force burst out, the sky tens of millions of kilometers ahead of the sky suddenly became a black hole, the space turbulence was raging, the vigorous wind was horizontal and horizontal, the demons on the earth looked at the void suddenly becoming black holes, and each became panicked.

"I'll go! So terrible? "

Menglei was frightened, the space of the nether continent is very stable, and the space to be broken is much more difficult than the sky continent. He blew out a fist before, breaking hundreds of thousands of miles at most!

But now, what is the power of hitting a black hole in tens of millions of miles?

"How many crystals do I need to strengthen my body with super reinforcement?"

Asked monley immediately.

"Ding! Host current God body is comparable to upper gods later stage, after strengthening, it will be comparable to the great success of upper gods. The expected price of strengthening is 12billion Shenjing The system responds immediately!

"It is comparable to the later stage of the upper gods!"

Menglei can't help but take a breath of cool air, he knows he made money.

The previous use of super strengthening to strengthen the body, is also from the upper gods to the upper gods later stage, which costs 900 million gods!

Because it is too expensive, Menglei chose to spend 100million Shenjing to improve the fusion degree of the gold source deities.

Originally thought that only pure golden source God body was great, but did not expect, the attached result is that the God body ascended to the upper god later stage!

It's too much!

But it has to be said that this wave, made a lot, the original need to spend 900million gods to achieve the goal, spend 100million Shenjing to achieve!

Even, the effect may be better!

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