() the cold wind was strong and the smoke was rolling.

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In the sky above the towering volcano, monray and captor of Kato are facing each other at a distance, and not far away, other lords, princes and princes are closely watching the battle.

"Lords, who do you think will win?" A handsome young man with black hair and black pupils asked.

He is the great prince of the netherworld devil Kingdom, and the most pure phoenix of the nether world. His strength is not weaker than that of many masters present.

"The strength of cardo and Kato is equal. If this man really defeats him with his strength, he will surely win!"

A master of the mansion replied without thinking.


The other lords all nodded.

Everyone knows that cardo and Cato are brothers, and their strength is equal. If Monroe can defeat cardo, he will surely defeat Cato.

There is no doubt about that.


The master's words turned and his words were full of suspicion: "this new ice Demon Lord looks very strange. If I remember correctly, it seems that there has never been such a master in the nether world and even the whole nether world!"

"Lord Cyril, do you mean..."

The eldest prince raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"Cardo's master is also an old-fashioned medium-sized demon, and the rising star is not his opponent!"

Cyril's master said with a smile: "maybe the Lord Kato is right. This guy really used some improper means to defeat Lord cardo!"

"That's right!"

"This boy looks very tight. He should be the younger generation who has just taken the lead in recent years. Is a mere younger generation the opponent of cardo's mansion?"

"If you look at the whole nether world, there are only a few masters who can kill the Lord of cardo, not including this guy who comes out of nowhere!"

"According to all of you, this new master of ice devil mansion is not the opponent of master Kato?" The prince raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Ten have * *"

"He can kill the Lord of cardo's house. Most of the time, he used some improper means."

"It must be so..."

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Just at the time of the discussion of the Lords of the mansion, the battle between monley and the Lord Kato has started. I just heard the master of Kato yell and his anger gushed out:

"despicable little man, I want to avenge brother cardo, and I want you to pay a heavy price for your despicable behavior!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a flash of fire, and the master of Kato had already arrived at monray, and then there was a terrible blow.

"Die! Bastard

The void is directly pierced through a hole, and the fist is smashed into the head of Menglei along the hole, obviously to blow the head of Menglei with one punch.

"Can he stop it?"

At this moment, all the Lords, princes and princes, princes and ministers all look at Meng Lei and wonder if he can stop the blow?

"This power is trying to kill me? You think highly of yourself

Menglei slightly shook his head, stretched out his right hand and gently grasped it, "Bata --", and his fist was caught in his hand.


The head of Kato's mansion was shocked, and the prince and princess who watched the war were also shocked. Everyone was completely shocked!

Catch Kato's attack?

"It's my turn to attack!"

Meng Lei's body was in a flash, like a ghost, appeared behind the master of Kato's mansion. He bent his finger and flicked it gently on the back of the head of Kato mansion.

"Cacha --"

it is like a bullet penetrating a watermelon, and like a steel ball penetrating an egg. When you hear a crisp sound, there is a blood hole in the center of Kato's brow.

The master of Kato's mansion was frozen, his eyes were bigger than his cow's, and his face was unbelievable.

"Why How can But... "

Before he finished his words, the expression in his pupils gradually faded down, and then he fell straight to the ground.

With a wave of his hand, monray set the master of Kato's mansion in the air. Then, in front of many mansion masters, princesses, princesses and ministers, he dug out the master's magic lattice and killed its spirit.

"Ding! Kill one head of Yanmo and obtain 60 million crystal The system rings.

"Not bad!"

Monray smiles with satisfaction, and then takes off the space ring of Kato mansion master and looks at it.

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This look, the smile on Meng Lei's face is even more: "tut! You are worthy of being the master of the mansion. The treasures you carry with you are so rich

"System, collect everything that can be collected!"

A moment later, wealth soared 40 million crystal!

Add the 60 million Shenjing just now, which is just 100 million Shenjing. The 100 million Shenjing that was used to increase the fusion degree of Jinyuan God body was made up in an instant.


After that, monray threw the body of Kato mansion master to the golden tree. Then he looked at many mansion owners, princes, princes and ministers. However, they were shocked and looked at him like monsters.Scene Dead silence!

Obviously, everyone was scared!

"Mon ray, these guys are scared by you!" Duola laughs and laughs.

"I can't help it. It's all caused by too strong strength." Monley laughed and flew towards them.

"He's coming

There was a commotion among the demons.

"Ladies and gentlemen, no one should doubt my strength now?" Asked monley, smiling.

Some of the lords were embarrassed, especially the Cyril lords who had made a lot of comments on Monroe. They were eager to find a place to get in.

Rising star?

Improper means?


How many things can you do to kill the master of Kato's mansion in seconds?

Such a terrible strength, how can we use improper means?

"I didn't expect that the new master of ice devil mansion has such strength, which can be called the blessing of the devil kingdom. I believe the father and Emperor will be very happy when he knows it!"

The big prince's face showed a bright smile: "gentlemen, the father is about to be summoned, we'd better go back to the Council hall first!"


When they returned to the previous palace, Monroe intended to find a seat to sit down at random, but the prince arranged him at the top.

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The other lords didn't say much about this, and obviously all recognized the strength of Menglei.

The strong in the demon world are respected. Monroe is better than them, and their status is certainly higher than them.

Not long after the people sat down, the demon emperor of the nether world appeared. As soon as he sat there, he put great pressure on the Lord.

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't be too polite!"

The magic emperor motioned to all of them to take their seats. His eyes swept over them one by one, and soon fell to Meng Lei, who was sitting on the top of the next table. He was slightly surprised.

Seeing this, the eldest prince even approached him and whispered in a whisper. When the demon emperor heard this, the God in his eyes skyrocketed, and he said slowly, "kill the master of Kato's mansion in seconds. The new master of ice devil's mansion has good strength. I'm lucky to be in the dark devil kingdom!"

"The evil emperor praises me falsely!"

Monley nodded slightly.

"The dark curtain is about to open, so I hear this good news, which indicates that the dark sky of our country will have a great harvest this time!"

The magic emperor seemed really happy and looked at Meng Lei and said, "Lord of ice devil mansion, this trip to the dark sky curtain is for you and your lords!"

"The devil emperor is very kind. I will try my best."

Monley is a little modest.


The devil emperor encouraged again, and then led the people to the dark sky. Every time the dark sky was opened, the magic emperor and the other three powerful people would not enter. The reason was self-evident, for fear that the plane heart of the nether world would be refined.

Although they will not enter, the three emperors will never be soft hearted about the treasures brought out by the entrants.

That is to say, no matter what is brought out, the three emperors can take it first!


Then die!

Here, no one will reason with you!

Three days later, the party arrived in front of the dark sky.

The dark sky has not yet been opened, so what appears in front of you is a cliff 100 Zhang high. There are countless cliff wonders in the nether world. A hundred Zhang high cliff is nothing, but the cliff in front of us is not ordinary because it is the place where the dark curtain opens.

For countless years, I don't know how many powerful demons have come to see the splendor of the dark sky, especially when the dark curtain opens, there are demons gathering there.

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No, at a glance, they are all demons. They come from all over the netherworld. They want to see the next war!

"I'll go! A lot of demons

Duola sent out bursts of low cry: "and the strength is not weak, the most is the demon God!"

"The dark sky, which is opened every 30000 years, is a grand event sweeping the whole netherworld, attracting countless strong people!"

"They don't have the qualification to compete for places. They just want to watch the three empires compete for places!" he said with a smile

"All the strong men in the nether world should be gathered here? Tut Tut, there are so many medium-sized demons and ordinary big demons, and the number is amazing! "

DUOLA tut Zan said: "the secret of the nether world is indeed very strong, and it can definitely rank among the middle planes I have seen!"

"This has a great relationship with Cangmang plane!"

Meng Lei said with a smile: "although the vast plane is very dangerous, most of the 36 strong people who enter each time often die, but the things brought out are very rich! Accumulated for countless years, it has greatly enhanced the strength of the nether world! "

Just as they chatted, they were already in front of the cliff, and the person in charge of the nether devil Kingdom rushed to meet him!

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Get up!"

The demon emperor of the nether world waved his hand slightly and said faintly, "have the people of the other two countries come?""Return to your majesty, the Three Kingdoms of the fallen empire and hell have not arrived yet!"

The person in charge bowed back, but at this moment, bursts of exclamations were heard all around.

"Here it is! The other two empires are here! It's going to start at last. I'm so excited

Menglei turned his head and saw two groups of people shooting from the distance, and soon they were over the cliff.

"Isaiah, you came first."

"How about first? It depends on the strength! "

Monley followed the reputation of the first two.

A beautiful woman with red hair and a sexy and enchanting look; a fallen angel with eight wings on her back and a cold and dignified face.

It is the other two most powerful people in the mainland: eufemia foster, Queen of the Three Kingdoms of hell, and Alec Houdini, the emperor of the fallen empire!

"Here you are

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