() "Bang --"

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the dazzling golden light explodes from Meng Lei's body, which is dazzling and eye-catching.

At the same time, an overwhelming force of terror swept out, sweeping across Kyushu, rolling in all directions.

The dazzling golden light, the breath of cutting, and the familiar appearance of chicken head, swallow chin, snake neck, turtle back, fish tail

"This breath, this look..."

The demon emperor of the nether world glared round his eyes: "why is it so like the phoenix of the nether world?"

"No! It's not like it, it's the ghost Phoenix! " Three empresses stare at Meng Lei: "it is the same as you."

"No! impossible! How can the ghost Phoenix look like this The demon emperor shook his head hard, but he had a little guess in his heart.

"This is Jinyuan spirit body!"

The fallen emperor murmured to himself, "it's the ghost Phoenix with Jinyuan spirit body! I didn't expect to see such a rare deity in my lifetime

"Jinyuan shenti"

The demon emperor of the nether world was shocked.

"This This is... "

At the same time, the melon eating demons who watched the battle were also stunned. Looking at the huge things standing in the sky, their brains were short circuited.

It looks and smells like the phoenix of the nether world, but it is golden. Is this the phoenix of the nether world?

"See clearly, your majesty!"

Jinyuan Youming Shenfeng said: "I am also the Youming God Phoenix, my divine fire is also the Youming Shenhuo, so you can't burn me!"

"Good, good! Very good

After a short period of shock, the ghost emperor finally came back to his senses. His eyes were burning:

"I didn't expect that you are the ghost Phoenix with Jinyuan spirit body. If I destroy your spirit and take away your body, I will also have a Jinyuan ghost Phoenix

Speaking of this, the dark devil emperor's eyes became very hot: "boy, I want to thank you for coming, let me have such a good opportunity!"

"Take me away?"

As if he had heard the most funny joke in the universe, he burst out laughing: "Your Majesty, you look too high on yourself!"

"Is it?"

The demon emperor of the nether world snorted coldly, and the terrifying devil Kingdom swept out, imprisoning the void around Menglei in an instant.

"Kill --"

at the next moment, the ghost King appeared in front of Meng Lei like a ghost, and quietly took out a bloody dagger stained with blood.

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A dagger is more like a blade.

"Stab --"

the demon emperor of the nether world, holding a bloody blade, slashes Meng Lei's throat.

For the ordinary attack, Monroe did not pay attention to it at all. However, at the moment, he felt a strong crisis from this small blade!

"The blade Can kill me

Menglei only felt his scalp blow up, so he started blinking and disappeared in the same place, which made the blade of the nether devil king cut empty.

"How can you avoid it?"

The netherworld demon emperor is a little unbelievable. It takes time for Menglei to shake open its demon domain. This period of time is enough for it to attack Menglei.

The truth is Monlay dodged!!!

How did he escape?

"Your Majesty, what weapon is this?"

Menglei stares at the bloody blade in the dark devil emperor's hand and asks in a deep voice.

"It's a quick escape!"

The dark devil emperor did not answer the question of Menglei, but looked at the three queens and the fallen Emperor: "help me to take him down. We will not participate in this trip to the dark sky!"

The three queens and the fallen emperor all know what idea the dark devil emperor has made. Obviously, it is greedy for Menglei's body!

Like this kind of Jinyuan God body, they are equally greedy, not to mention the ghost God Phoenix but the Youming devil emperor. However, the Youming devil emperor is undoubtedly more demanding on this body!

Three queens said: "Isaiah, the other side is the ghost phoenix of Jinyuan God body, with infinite potential. We can help you win him, but your offer is too insincere!"

"Cangmang faces many crises. The probability of bringing out heavy treasure is too low. If you want us to help, you have to take out the same treasure!"

Said the fallen emperor.

"Two greedy guys!"

The great emperor of the nether world looked a little ugly and said in a cold voice, "take him down for me. I'll send you two bodies of high demons!"

Three queen eyelids move, but still shake her head: "not enough!"

"Two more high magic weapons!"

The devil emperor of the nether world continued to make an offer.

"Isaiah, whether it's the corpse or the artifact, it's just icing on the cake for you and me. It doesn't have much practical significance."

The fallen emperor shook his head and said, "your sincerity is too low. We can't help you!"


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The devil emperor of the nether world was angry and said, "Alec, you are too greedy!""Compared with a phoenix in the nether world of Jinyuan, the sincerity you give is not enough!" The fallen emperor sneered: "if you want us to help you, show us enough sincerity, Isaiah!"

"Damn it!"

The demon emperor of the nether world took a deep breath and pressed down the anger in his heart and said slowly: "the previous conditions are not counted. Are the two big round magic weapons enough?"



The eyes of the three empresses and the fallen emperor were slightly bright, and they agreed happily this time.

"Now that you've agreed, don't talk nonsense and help me take him down!" The demon emperor of the nether world felt that his heart was dripping blood, and his voice was stiff.

"No problem!"

Three empresses and the fallen emperor's body flash, to the front of Menglei, for a time, the three people in the shape of a product surrounded by Menglei.

"Boy, let's go! If you can't escape, it's your destination to kill at the neck! "

"It's just a group fight? It's really in line with your demonic character

Monley one by one from the three people saw: "however, you still can't kill me?"

"Then try it!"

"Do it!"

"Devil's land!"

The demon emperor of the nether world roared, the three queens and the fallen emperor decisively released the devil Kingdom, obviously to suppress monray, and then take him down!

"Hum -"

the three high demons, with the superposition of the three magic realms, have an incomparable power of imprisonment. Meng Lei can feel this terrible power of imprisonment, which is enough to suppress any high demons!

"Die, reptile!"

The demon emperor of the nether world roared, and the bloody blade in his hand streaked a bloody light and took Menglei's throat directly. With the sharp degree of the bloody blade, once hit, he would be able to cut Menglei's throat.

One blow to kill!

"Weapons are good weapons, and the confinement power of the devil kingdom is also very strong, but it's a pity..."

Menglei slightly shook his head, an idea flashed, then disappeared in place, appeared again strange to the dark devil behind the emperor.

"Hello ~"

Meng Lei patted the ghost emperor on the shoulder and asked with a smile, "do you dare to look at me?"


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The demon emperor of the nether world was shocked. Without thinking about it, he threw an elbow at Meng Lei. Meng Lei dodged the elbow and continued to look at the demon emperor.

The demon turned and looked.

Four eyes on each other!

"You're dead!" monlay laughed

At the moment when the demon emperor of the nether world doubts, a golden pupil slowly emerges from the center of Meng Lei's eyebrows, and then opens it abruptly.

"Whew --"

a golden beam of light spurted out and instantly fell on the brow of the dark devil emperor.

"Bang --"

the demon emperor of the nether world, as if struck by lightning, was frozen in place.

"This is..."

Not far away, the three empresses and the fallen emperor saw this scene, and they couldn't help shaking, and cried out: "death The pupil of death

"Damn it! This is the pupil of death

"Stop him! Don't let him do it! "

The two emperors launched a fierce attack. As demon creatures, they were too aware of the horror of death's pupil. Once monray was given time, the dark devil emperor would surely die!

The ghost emperor is dead, they will never be better, so, we must stop Monroe!

"Stop me?"

Meng Lei laughs and grabs the ghost emperor and disappears in the same place. I don't know where to go!

"Where are the people?"

"Where are they?"

The three empresses and the fallen emperor threw themselves into the air, turned their heads and looked around, not to mention Menglei and the demon emperor of the nether world, not even a ghost shadow!

"Damn it! Where did that bastard take the dark devil emperor? " The two emperors were furious and their faces were gloomy to the extreme!

Since then, when have they been played like this?

What a shame!

"Look! Find it anyway

Looking for?

It's impossible to find it!

Because Menglei has moved tens of millions of kilometers away with the dark devil emperor!

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It has to be said that the magic power of blink is too powerful. With the enhancement of the spirit of Menglei, the scope of blink is also rising.

A blink, at least ten million kilometers!

Therefore, the three empresses and the fallen emperor want to find Meng Lei, it's a fool's dream, even can't eat fart, let alone find it!

However, Menglei also encountered difficulties, because he was violently resisted, and could not pull out the ghost of the demon emperor!

"Monray, your death pupil is not strong enough!" Dora yelled.

"Not strong enough?" Monley snorted, "system, strengthen the pupil of death!"

"Ding! The death pupil of the host belongs to the super talent magic power. After being strengthened, it will become the ultimate enhancement power. The enhancement price: 100 million crystalThe system said coldly, "is it strengthened?"


Shua -

the wealth instantly shrinks by 100 million!

Menglei felt a strange warm current into the eye of death, madly strengthening the pupil of death!

"Since we want to strengthen it, we should strengthen it thoroughly. Anyway, I have money!" "System, strengthen my spirit!" Murphy said coldly

"Ding! The spirit of the host is comparable to that of the upper deity in the initial stage, and will be comparable to that of the upper deity in the middle stage after strengthening. The enhancement price: 60 million divine crystals

System cold channel: "is it strengthened?"


Shua -

after a few minutes, the pupil and soul part of the God of death were strengthened, and Menglei began to pull away the ghost of the demon emperor again!

This time, the resistance is still strong, but it can not form a climate at all!

"Damn it!"

The demon emperor of the nether world uttered a sad cry, and the spirit flew uncontrollably to the pupil of death.

After being sucked into the pupil of the God of death, a terrible force of strangulation emerges and crazily strangles the spirit of the demon emperor of the nether world.

"Ah, ah ~ ~"

even though the ghost of the demon emperor was powerful, he could not bear the crazy strangulation of the pupil of death. Finally, he was crushed into pieces and became the purest power of the spirit to pour into the spirit of Menglei.


Monterey's nose blebs are coming out!

"I grass! You've killed the ghost king

Duola said in a strange voice: "the cattle are driving the cows! The walls don't obey you

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