() Ambrose, as a great master of the later period of the upper gods and the elder of the Hyperion, has a very high status in the thunder kingdom!

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He is the only one who kills others. Who dares to kill him?

Now, however, his head was cut off and killed on the spot. His death was extremely miserable!

This scene is really like a super earthquake, which broke out in the hearts of many goddesses. The goddess who was shocked by the earthquake turned pale and was shocked!

What a bold man to dare not to kill Ambrose?



Hard to accept!

However, Meng Lei seems to have done a trivial thing. He picks out the divinity, destroys the spirit, looks at the space ring and recovers the Dragon corpse Calm insanity!!!

"Madman! He is a madman

A group of goddesses in the heart crazy cry, at this time, they suddenly see monray coming towards them, Qi Qi color change, instinctive retreat.

"You What do you want to do? "

Asked the sea goddess in a trembling voice.

"Don't be afraid, I want to talk to the fairy goddess!" Menglei motioned them to be calm, then looked at the fairy goddess and said with a smile, "under the goddess's crown, I'm glad to meet you here!"


Fairy goddess's eyes are complicated.

"I'm so sorry that I haven't had time to express my thanks to you for giving me the heart of the sky and the continent."

With a smile of apology, he took out a green armor and a green sword: "these two weapons are for you. Thank you very much."

The green armor is made of strange scales of exotic animals, which exudes a surging breath of life, while the long sword conveys a palpable chill.

Although the fairy goddess can not see the level of these two artifacts, she can feel that no matter which one is more precious than the artifact she has!

"No! It's too expensive! "

The fairy goddess shook her head again and again, and resolutely refused: "it's just a plane. It's not as good as these two artifacts. I can't afford it!"

Seeing her resolute face, there is no doubt that Menglei has no choice but to put away the two artifacts.

The fairy goddess sighed and asked, "Why are you here?"

"I found a space crack in the land of light, directly leading to a seat surface. When I came to that plane, I learned about the Cangmang plane, and then came here!"

Monley explained with a smile.

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"I see!"

The fairy goddess nodded slightly, her face a little complicated: "your progress is too fast, if I remember correctly, you are only 25 years old?"

25 years old???

Is there a mistake?

The other goddesses were shocked by the sound of ghosts on their faces. Which of them has not practiced for millions of years?

This guy Under 25?

You're kidding!

But to their dismay, monley admitted: "just 25 years old!"


A group of goddesses suddenly took a breath of cold air, especially the lava goddess, whose face turned red. I was defeated by a little ghost under 25 years old?

"Less than 25 years old to have the strength now, I really don't know how you practice!"

The fairy goddess grinned bitterly, and felt like a dog.

"To be honest, I haven't become a God yet." Monley touched his nose: "I'm just a little bit stronger in flesh."

"Not yet? How could that be possible? "

A group of goddesses are very fragile, but the fairy goddess said: "you have not become a God. I thought you would choose to be a God."


Monley shook his head.

A group of goddesses don't know what to say. They have such strength before they become gods. How the hell do you practice?

Cultivate spirit body?

Oh, my God!

Who doesn't know that it is thousands of times more difficult to cultivate the spirit body than to comprehend and integrate the law?

All in all, a group of goddesses were shocked and felt like a dream.

"When I noticed you, I knew you were a freak, but I didn't expect that you would be more abnormal than before!"

Fairy goddess wryly smile: "what do you plan to do next, wandering the surface of Cangmang?"

"I come to Cangmang to play!"

Menglei nodded with a smile, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "under the goddess crown, I have a heartless request, but also hope that the goddess crown down into!"

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Fairy goddess Leng Leng Leng: "you say!"

"I want a drop of your blood!"

Menglei's eyes were burning, and he looked forward to saying that the fairy goddess had the muyuan God body. Since she met today, of course, you can't miss it.

"What do you want my blood for?"

The fairy goddess was stunned."I have great use!"

"Don't worry, I don't want your blood for nothing!" he said with a fake mysterious smile

"All right."

Although the fairy goddess was puzzled, it was just a drop of blood. It was no big deal.

Menglei took the blood and took out three artifacts. In addition to the previous armor and sword, he also had a ring that radiated the fluctuation of spirits.

"These three artifact are a set of physical defense artifact, attack artifact, and spirit defense artifact, and they are all high-level artifact!"

Three matching high-level artifact!

A group of goddesses changed color, and their eyes were full of shock when they looked at the three artifacts. The matching high-level artifact was comparable to the big round one!


"No! It's too expensive. Take it back! " Fairy goddess repeatedly declined.

"Your blood is very important to me. It is much more valuable than the three artifact."

There is no doubt that Menglei put the three artifact to the fairy goddess and left in a flash. It's time to plunder the muyuan God body!


The fairy goddess called twice. However, monray had already disappeared. She looked at the artifact, but she did not take it or throw it away. She was in a bit of a dilemma.

"Put it away first, Diana!"

The lava goddess sighed.

"All right."

The fairy goddess shook her head slightly and put away the three artifacts.

"Diana, who the hell is this guy?"

"Diana, is he really under 25?"

"Diana, is he interested in you when he is so kind to you..."

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A group of goddesses immediately surrounded the fairy goddess, chirping and asking.

"It's not what you think it is!"


Tens of thousands of kilometers away, Monroe has already issued the order of plunder.

"Ding! Plunder success, is it fusion? "


Shua -

a strong force of wood origin gushed out and spread to all parts of Meng Lei's body, all over the body, and even every corner

Half an hour later, the integration was over.

Menglei clenched his fist, his strength was stronger, his defense was stronger, his vitality was more surging, and his cells were more active.

Looking at the property panel, to Meng Lei's surprise, the two properties have changed.

The fusion degree of blood vessels of ancient life tree has increased from 26% to 36%, an increase of 10 percentage points, which is unexpected by Menglei.

But it's not hard to understand!

After all, the blood of the ancient tree of life is the blood of the plant. The fusion of the spirit of wood origin can enhance the fusion degree of this blood, which is reasonable.

The second change is physique.

Constitution: Jinyuan shenti (Dacheng), muyuan shenti (1%)

this change is not unexpected.

"1% integration? System, up to 100%! " Monroe gives orders.

Shua -

wealth shrinks by 100 million!

Menglei's whole body suddenly burst out a surging force of wood origin, sending out a strong vitality. The plant methods around him were like chicken blood and grew up crazily.

Looking at Menglei, the whole body is surrounded by green light, and the original force of wood is wildly integrated into the cells, into the four limbs, into every corner of the body.

This is the macro aspect.

If you look at the micro level, the golden cells, which are composed of the original force of the gold system, gradually give up half of the space and let the green replace it!

A cell, half gold, half green, like a billiard ball with two colors of gold and green!

Like gold not gold, like green but not green.

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It is full of cutting edge and cutting atmosphere, and exudes strong vitality.

Menglei stretched out his hand, and there were two flames in the palm, one golden and one green.

The former is sharp, while the latter is full of vitality and temperament!

What's more, with monray's mind moving, the two flames did not accidentally merge together, half gold, half green, both cutting edge and vigorous!

"It seems more powerful!"

Meng Lei snuffed out the ghost fire and looked at the attribute panel. The fusion degree of the ancient tree of life increased from 36% to 66%, a full 30% increase.

This promotion is amazing!

To know that the ancient tree blood of life as the ancient god blood, every 1% increase in the fusion degree requires 100 million Shenjing. Now it is increased by 30%, which means that Menglei has saved 3 billion Shenjing!

It's a bargain!

"I feel that my body has improved a lot. I don't know where I'm going?"

"System, how many crystals does it take to strengthen my body?"

"Ding! The host's current spirit body is comparable to the upper God in the later stage, and after strengthening, it will be comparable to the great perfect upper God. The price of strengthening: 4 billion God crystalSystem cold and cold return channel.

After listening to this, Meng Lei is a little disappointed. After the completion of muyuan's spirit body, his spirit body still hasn't reached the level of perfection!

However, the strengthening price has dropped from the previous 12 billion crystal to 4 billion crystal. It can be seen that the spirit of Menglei has been greatly improved!

As soon as monley was about to order strengthening, he suddenly caught a glimpse of 66% of the ancient tree blood fusion degree of life, and he couldn't help thinking: "if I raise the fusion degree of ancient life tree to 100%..."

"System, improve the blood fusion degree of ancient tree of life to 100%!" Monlay gave the order immediately.


The fortune instantly shrinks 3.4 billion God crystal!

"Boom -"

a surging green fog suddenly gushed out of Menglei's body, and the whole person of Menglei was uncontrollably transformed into the ancient tree form of life.

Then, monray is like sitting on a rocket general, crazy growth!

850000, 900000, 920000, 950000

Menglei soon broke through the one million Zhang barrier and became a towering giant tree with green fog rising, surrounded by golden green and shining for millions of miles.

"What a terrible smell!"

"There's a treasure over there. Get over there!"

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