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Ludwig was frozen in the same place. His eyes were filled with unwilling and despairing. He could never have imagined that he would die in such a place in such a way as the patriarch of the Bharat bimon, the powerful king of the Archaean bhimon!

How sad?

He doesn't like it!!!

"Dare to bark in front of me Monley picks out Ludwig's divinity and space ring and throws his body to the golden tree in the tower of time.

"Ding! Kill one king of Archaean bimon and obtain 920 million crystal The system prompts the sound.

920 million? pretty good!

Monterey satisfied with a smile, and then took out Ludwig's space ring, it is a search, and make * * billion God crystal, happiness!

After that, monray looked at the other bimouns and angels.

"Is there anyone else who wants a treasure now?"

Asked monley indifferently.

All bimon and the angels were so scared that they shook their heads like rattles.

"No! No more! "

"We don't want to treasure it! Just now we were blind and offended the adults. We hope there will be a large number of them, so we can have a way to live! "

"No? I have already prepared the heavy treasure, you unexpectedly don't want, wasted my painstaking effort, damn, you all die! "

With a cold snort, a myriad of golden and green flaming spears appeared out of thin air, and then turned into a torrent of arrows and shot them out.


"Forgive me, my lord..."

After a round of arrow rain, whether it was more than 20 beemons, or nearly 30 angels, they became sieves, even rod Gabriel, the first-class angel on the upper level.

Dig out the divinity.

Recover the body.

Destroy the spirit.

Search for rings.

A series of procedures, Menglei familiar with the road, Menglei net income 4 billion God crystal, and make a sum of money!


Meng Lei is very happy in his heart. He finds a group of people looking at him. His eyes are full of fear and horror. It is the fairy goddess and others.

Obviously, they are also attracted by the vision of "the birth of a treasure".

Monray smiles at the fairy goddess, and then leaves in a flash. Looking at the back of his departure, a group of goddesses have a long sigh of relief, all of them have lingering fear.

"Madman! This guy is a madman

"First kill 28 people of the Hyperion, and now kill 31 Angel gods of Gabriel and 29 Protoss of Bahamut bimon!"

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"Is he not afraid to become a public enemy of the divine world and attract crazy revenge from the major Protoss?"

"Bold! do what one wishes without restraint! become frenzied! This man is a madman... "

A group of goddesses were terrified.

Three Protoss!

That's a huge thing standing at the top of the pyramid of thunder Kingdom, with the LORD God sitting on it!

Who dares to offend?

No one dares!

Monlay not only offended, but also wantonly slaughtered the three Protoss pillars. How bold could he make such crazy moves?

"Diana, is he really only 25?"


Understanding of the law:

fusion of two lines:

Fusion of three systems

Fusion of four lineages

Five systems integration: thunder fire scenery dark (0.1%)

"system, improve the fusion degree of the five systems fusion rule of thunder fire scenery dark!"

"Ding! To increase the fusion degree of the five system rules by 1%, 120 million divine crystals are needed! " The system said coldly, "would you like to raise it?"

"In other words, it takes 12 billion Shenjing to upgrade to 100%? Don't talk about it. Promote

Shua -

wealth shrinks by 12 billion in an instant!

At the same time, a torrent of information, like the flood that broke the levee, poured into the brain of Menglei, frantically pounding the fire of the spirit of Menglei.

Fortunately, before, and the storage ability of thunder can't bear the impact.

Rao is so, Menglei also felt dizzy, as if he had been in the Internet bar for three days and nights, and his spirit was exhausted to the extreme.

"Damn it! The amount of information is so vast that I can't bear it! " "System, strengthen the spirit!" he exclaimed

"Ding! The current spirit of the host is comparable to that of the upper deity in the middle stage, and it will be comparable to the later stage of the upper level spirit after strengthening. The expected price for strengthening is: 900 million Shenjing! "

System cold channel: "is it strengthened?"


At an order, a golden energy poured into the sea of consciousness and poured into the fire of the spirit. When the two sides applied a touch, the fire of the spirit seemed to be poured with a bucket of gasoline, and the fire suddenly rose.

Double, double, triple

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At the same time, Monterey obviously felt that his fatigue was getting weaker and weaker, his consciousness became clearer and clearer, and his paste like brain gradually became clear"Hoo ~ ~"

Meng Lei rubbed his temple: "no wonder only the spirits of the great circle level can integrate the five principles. The amount of information is too large!"

Monray quiet rest, after a long time, waiting for the rest almost, just began to check the law information in his mind!

Don't let Monroe down, the five rules have been perfectly integrated together!

This is the real integration!

It is not as simple as five ropes twisted together, but without distinction between each other, you and me, no longer showing the perfect fusion of five colors!

Finally, a new kind of Gold, or the new golden rule!

This new golden rule is different from the golden rule, which is so dazzling, bright, publicized and sonorous. On the contrary, it is filled with a breath of eternity, immortality, indifference and nobility.

"After the perfect integration of the five laws of thunder, fire, scenery and darkness, a new law has been born. This golden law is the law of time?"

Monray thought a move, fingertip appeared a wisp of golden law chain, emitting the mysterious breath of time.

Dora always pays attention to Monroe. When she sees the golden rule chain on her fingertips, she flies out of the tower of time.

"The law of time!"

"This is the law of time!"

Duola could not suppress the surprise and happiness in her heart. She was so excited that she almost cried: "for many years, I finally see the law of time..."

"Dora, is that the law of time?"

Murley whispered in a low voice, and could not hide his excitement.

"Space for king, time for respect, life and death do not come out, destruction called emperor!"

Duola was so excited: "at that time, the master used to integrate the five rules of thunder, fire, scenery and dark, and the law of the time of successful birth, which is this kind of low-key and introverted eternal gold. I won't admit it wrong!"

"The law of time..."

Meng Lei whispered, looked at the attribute panel, and the column of law comprehension really changed.

Understanding of the law:

fusion of two lines:

Fusion of three systems

Fusion of four lineages

Integration of five systems: Thunder and fire, dark scenery (100%)

supreme law: the law of time (0.1%)

the attribute panel has more laws of time!

"System, how many crystals does it take to raise the law of time?" Asked Morley excitedly, the ancient gods who fully understand the supreme law will be comparable to the superior God!

Lord God!

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I can't stop thinking about it!

"Ding! To increase the time rule by 1%, you need 50 megabytes System cold and cold return channel.

““5…… 50 trillion? ""

Monley took a breath of air!

"1% needs 50 megabytes? God, it's not 5000 megabytes at 100%. "

Although he had already guessed that the highest law of krypton gold was a sky high price, he did not expect that the price would be so ridiculous!

1 trillion = 1 trillion!

5000 trillion is 5000 trillions!

5000 trillion crystal!

Monray now only 16.5 billion crystal, even 5000 trillion odd is not enough!

Krypton gold?

Krypton fart!

Make money!

"But I am satisfied now that I understand the law of time." Menglei vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas, and his eyes were full of joy.

"You didn't realize the law so soon Duola's eyes were complicated, but his joy could not be concealed: "however, Congratulations!"

"Haha, thanks to the law fragment left by the God of time!" "Thanks to the great God of time!"

"No thanks!" Duola shook his head: "I just hope you can do something for me after you understand the law of time in the future."

"Resurrect the God of time?"

Asked monley, raising his eyebrows.

"How do you know?"

Dora looked stunned. He never told monley about it!

"Guess!" "Don't worry, if I can revive the God of time, I will revive him!" he said

Thank you

Dora said sincerely.

"You're welcome."

Monley waved his hand.

"Don't you think it's time to be a God, monray?"

Duola suddenly asked, "take the time law that you understand as the nourishment, split a time God's body, which will have the strength to resist the next god!"

"Becoming a God?"

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Monray a stay, a long time to say: "realized the law of time, really should become a god!"

"With God's separation, I can transform the power of faith, but I don't think it's time to become a god!"

"You mean..."

Do a little frown.

"When I have mastered the law of time, I will be a God again." Monley has his own worries.What if time God can not enjoy the welfare of the system after the separation of time God? How about krypton gold?

So, wait!

Anyway, it doesn't matter!

"Whatever you want."

Duola did not persuade, monley has been better than it, has his own opinion!

"It's time to go out and make money!"

Monterey took a deep breath: "I'm poor now. I'm a poor man. I need Shenjing. Many, many Shenjing!"

He is really poor!

The terrible number of 5000 trillion Shenjing is like a mountain pressing on Meng Lei's mind. Now he just wants to make money and make a lot of money!


With this in mind, Menglei decisively came to the place where the door of space appeared, intending to hunt and kill the master who came from thunder god to Cangmang.

But sadly, the door of space has disappeared, which means that the people of thunder god world have entered the Cangmang plane, and I don't know where they are scattered.

"Damn it! It's late

Monray scolded, and then let out his mind to search for targets that could be hunted.

"Well? There's a scuffle in that place! "

Monroe immediately moved in the past, appeared in front of a huge volcano!

The towering volcano ejected hot lava and smoke.

And in the wanton tumbling over the magma, there is a fierce scuffle.

A group of dark phoenixes are besieging a red, unicorn like beast with eight horns on its head and six feet on its abdomen!

"This is the octagonal fire Lin, a kind of fire attribute divine beast. The adult nine horned fire Lin has the strength to compete with the high-level demon gods. It is very powerful!"

Dora explained.

"No wonder this group of ghosts and phoenixes will besiege the nine horned fire Lin. it turns out that they are fire animals!"

Monray nodded slightly, ready to hand, another group of people killed.

"Fire Phoenix Protoss?"

PS: 1 trillion = 1 trillion.

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