With a team of millions of people from different camps, it is impossible for orders to be uniform, and the sphere of God is difficult to overlap perfectly.

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The consequences are disastrous!

Menglei has not started, the strong will each other to imprison in place, can not move, steal chicken not into erosion, rice, sad to the extreme!

"Kill --"

naturally, Menglei would not miss such a good opportunity. Holding the sickle of death, he began a one-sided massacre, and his heads shot up into the sky.

"Asshole! Put away the realm of God

The strong people yelled angrily. Fortunately, at the moment when life and death were at stake, the order was finally integrated, and the God's domain was withdrawn, and the imprisonment disappeared.

The body recovers to move, the strong people are angry to kill to monray, wants to vent the anger department.

"Damn it!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill this bastard!"

"The king's treasure is ours!"

"Now I think of the king's treasure!"

Meng Lei can't smile, slowly spit out three words "time is still!"

"Hum --"

a strange wave of time spread around the center of Monroe, covering a hundred thousand miles in the blink of an eye, and the time in this range is still.

All the strong are still!

The fallen body, the blood is still!

The broken void, the raging turbulence is still!

All things as if pressed the pause key, are still in place, pause!

"This is..."

The great prophet, Oreo and other people, as well as the fairy goddess who did not start, looked at the static void in dismay, and lost their voice in an instant.

"For a moment, he imprisons the whole void, a million strong people, and his God realm is so strong?"

"No! This is not a divine realm! "

"It's not God's land? What is that? "

"I don't know. It's not a God's land anyway!"

"Your destiny has been predestined!"

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Monroe slowly raised his right hand. He could have used mass destruction to kill everyone in an instant, but he didn't.

Monterey is to kill everyone with a knife. He likes to enjoy the fun of abusing food and the powerful feeling of controlling everything!

"Poof --"

"poof --"

"poof --"

one head flies.

A cavity of hot blood.

The people watching the war looked at the wanton killing of Menglei, cold all over, scared to the extreme.

The only excited person in the field was Dora, who cried and laughed with excitement.

"See? This is the law of time! This is the powerful law of time! Sobbing, the law of time is the most powerful... "

A minute passed.

The killing continues.

Ten minutes passed.

All of a sudden it continued.

Half an hour passed.

Monley finally stopped.

Millions of strong people died, turned into a headless body separated from the head.

The scene of a million headless corpses floating in the void is really shocking. Especially, this one million headless corpse is a super strong one, such as the middle stage of the upper God, the later stage of the upper God, the medium-sized and the high-level demon gods. The shock is incomparable.

The only thing to be thankful for is that at the last moment of life, the millions of strong people left without pain, fear, fear and silence.

When time is suspended, their thinking is also in a state of suspension. Naturally, there is no feeling to speak of, which is also a blessing in misfortune.

"Take it

With a big wave of his hand, Morley sends all headless corpses into the tower of time. As long as these corpses are swallowed up, the golden tree will surely have a long wave.

Then, monray took back a million heads, and later pulled out their gods, demons and soul boxes to kill their spirits and earn the reward they deserved.

With that done, monley went back to the top of the mountain.

"See the master!"

The great prophet and Oreo and others bowed down in a hurry. They looked at the eyes of Monroe full of shock and worship, killing millions of foreign demons. How powerful is this?

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You know, they have just led the public to fight against millions of foreign demons. They are well aware of the power and horror of extraterritorial demons. They thought it was dangerous today. Who would have thought that as soon as Meng Lei took action, he would kill all the million extraterritorial demons. It's really incredible!

"You guard outside. I want to refine the heart of Cangmang plane." With a command, Monroe went into the king's temple.

"Yes, master!"

The great prophet and others bowed, and then surrounded the king's temple. At the same time, they looked hostile at the only foreign demons!

Fairies and goddesses!

"I What should we do now? "

Asked a goddess in a trembling voice.

"What else? Find a place to stay for 20 years, wait for the door of space to open, and then leave this nightmare like place"Yes, yes! Leave

All the goddesses had no objection. They were scared. How could they have the courage? Now I just want to stay for 20 years and then leave safely.

As for the king's treasure Let it go to hell, they don't dare to think about this fatal thing any more, they don't want to die here!

"Sister ukana, thank you so much just now. If you hadn't told me the truth, we would have fallen by now!"

"Today, thanks to ukana, you..."

The goddess from other planes looked at lava goddess, fairy goddess and others with gratitude and happiness in their eyes.

"We are all natural gods. Of course we can't watch you die!"

The lava goddess sighed and looked at the king's temple and said, "however, this guy is really powerful. He is so strong

"Yes, that's a million strong men. Among them, there are not less than a thousand high-ranking gods in the later stage, and they are actually slaughtered by him alone..."

The eyes of the goddesses are complicated.

The fairy goddess is the same, but she is still worried about another thing. The origin of the millions of strong men is not bad. Monley slaughtered them all, which is considered to have offended many Protoss, demons and undead!

These monsters will never give up. It will be a storm of wild revenge to meet monray, and the revenge will not be too late.

The day when the door of space reopens in 20 years will be the day of revenge.

"Well, I hope you take care of yourself."


"Ding! Kill one angel with eight wings and get 61 million crystal

"Ding! Kill 1 Golden bimon and obtain 9.2 billion crystal

"Ding! Kill one hellhound and get 60.5 million crystal


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The system's prompt sound is constantly ringing. Meng Lei, as if listening to the sounds of nature, is more powerful in killing the spirits. The pupil of death keeps opening, pulling away and killing

More than an hour later, the million gods and the Ministry of demons were killed. Meng Lei looked at the bright number on the attribute panel. It was as sour as eating honey!

Host Menglei

wealth 64 trillion crystal

"this wave of earning basin full bowl full

"It's still the fastest way to earn wealth."

Of course, Monterey did not forget the strong people's space ring. Although many people did not bring their own wealth for the sake of safety before they came to the Cangmang plane, there were always exceptions.

A search down, Menglei earned 6 trillion crystal God, the total wealth reached an amazing 70 trillion, that is, 70 trillion!

"The wealth of 70 trillion is enough to improve the law of time by 1! However, the law of time is not in a hurry for the time being! " Monray's eyes fell on many blood vessels. "It's time to raise many blood vessels!"

"System, enhance the awakening degree of Archean blood!" Monlay gave the first order.

"Ding! The Archean blood awakening level of ascension 1 requires 100 million divine crystals. Is it increased? " Cold channel of the system.

"Up to 100!"

Monlay did not hesitate.

Shua -

wealth instantly shrinks by 10 billion!

10 billion Shenjing is a huge sum of money. Normally, Menglei will be extremely distressed. However, now, Menglei is not moved.

"Boom -"

a huge roar sounded from the deepest part of his blood. Meng Lei felt a huge, inclusive and soft energy enveloping him, and his whole person was emitting dense and mysterious light.

At this moment, Meng Lei felt warm, as if he was back in his mother's arms. He was warm, comfortable, warm and peaceful

This is a kind of comfortable feeling from head to foot, from inside to outside, from the deepest part of the blood. This experience is unprecedented. Monterey does not know how to describe it, but it is absolutely hearty.

The whole process didn't last long before it was over. Monley slowly opened his eyes. His pupils were dark, as pure as a baby's eyes.

If you look at the body, your skin is as white and delicate as a baby. You can't see a trace of pores. Your body is extremely pure and has no trace of dirt. Even the cream fresh meat and delicate little Huadan, which are very popular in the past, can not be compared with it.

However, Meng Lei can feel that, despite his delicate skin and tender flesh, his skin is extremely tough. Even if Da Yuanman attacks wantonly, he can't hurt a cent.

And muscles.

The muscle is not strong, not like the bodybuilding champion that piece of bulge, selling full, but enough symmetry, clear lines, and contains endless strength, more powerful than before!

"The blood of the Archean people has been awakened!"

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"Now I should be a complete Archaean people, right?"

"Boy, you're getting stronger again!"

Dora appeared on monray's shoulder. "And this God body is so perfect. Tut Tut, your boy is very handsome now. If I were a mother, I would kneel and lick your toes!""Handsome?"

With a wave of his hand, a glass of ice appeared in front of him. Looking at the people in the mirror, he understood the meaning of Duola's words.

He is 1.8 meters tall, well proportioned, handsome, white skin, perfect. He is really saipan'an, better than Song Yu, and is as beautiful as God!

"If I go back to earth now, I can definitely use this face to capture a lot of brain disabled fans!"

He then gave the command "system, strengthen the bloodline of godkiller mouse!"

"Ding! The blood of the God killing mouse belongs to the true God blood. After strengthening, it will become the ancient god blood vein - Archaean God killing mouse blood vein. It is estimated that the strengthening price is 10 billion! " Is the cooling channel of the system strengthened


"Bang --"

"system, strengthen the blood of the ghost Phoenix!"

"Ding! The blood of Youming God Phoenix belongs to the true God blood. After strengthening, it will become the ancient god's blood vein - Youming ancestor Phoenix blood. It is estimated that the strengthening price is 10 billion! " Is the cooling channel of the system strengthened


"Boom -"

"system, strengthen the blood of hundred arm giant!"

"Ding! The hundred armed giant's blood belongs to the true God's blood. After strengthening, it will become the ancient god's blood vein - the hundred arm giant king's blood. The strengthening price is expected to be 10 billion! " Is the cooling channel of the system strengthened


"Boom --"

"system, strengthen the blood of death!"

"Ding! The blood of the God of death belongs to the blood of the true God. After strengthening, it will become the blood of the ancient god - the blood of the king of death. It is estimated that the strengthening price is 10 billion! " Is the cooling channel of the system strengthened


"Boom -"

"system, strengthen frozen Protoss blood!"

"Ding! Frozen Protoss blood belongs to the true God blood. After strengthening, it will become the ancient god blood, the frozen King blood. It is estimated that the strengthening price is 10 billion! " Is the cooling channel of the system strengthened


"Boom -"


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