"Cangmang plane?"

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Gaia Zeus was surprised that "the Cangmang plane is not an ordinary medium plane. Why did the eighty eighth brother fall in that place?"

"The specific situation is not known yet!"

The elder shook his head. "But according to the information we have obtained, there is a super strong man on Cangmang plane. The fall of Lord gaianos should be related to him!"

"Super strong? Who? "

Gaia asked with a frown.

"The specific name of the super strong is not known yet, but it must be in the Cangmang plane!"

The great elder said slowly, "during your journey to the rebellious star sea, the door of space leading to Cangmang plane opens, and the clan sends elder Greg to Cangmang plane..."

In the end, he said, "not only Lord gaianos, but as far as I know, Lord Adolphus of dragon, Lord Marshall of angel, Lord Burnside of bimon So far, no one has come out alive after the seven big round men have entered the Cangmang plane! "

"Do you mean to say that all the seven great circles fall on the Cangmang plane?" Gaia Zeus was so shocked that he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, my Lord!"

"The patriarch of the clan

At this time, a man came into the hall in a hurry. "From the door of space, there is news that Lord Elune of the natural God, Lord Marshall of the angel God, Lord rolde of the fire phoenix God, and Lord Burnside of the bimon God are back!"


"How can the four of them come back alive? Didn't they fall like Lord gaianos? "

"Elder, the four great yuanmans have indeed come back!" Come back quickly!

"They came back

The elder murmured to himself!

Gaia Zeus's eyes flashed, and he said, "go down and prepare for the teleportation array immediately. I'll go to the bimon Protoss to make sure."

"Patriarch, send someone over. You don't have to go there in person." A long way to go.

"I've made up my mind. I don't need to say more!"

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The same thing happened to the Dragon Protoss and the giant elephant Protoss. The complete fall of the clan is absolutely a big event!

However, no matter how turbulent the outside world is, it has nothing to do with Meng Lei. He stays in the boundless plane and devotes himself to practicing the great breaking transmission.

His spirit is as good as the next God, and he also understands some space rules. It is not difficult for him to practice the great breakthrough transmission.

In less than half a year, you will be successful!

On that day, Menglei, who was on the top of the king's mountain, suddenly disappeared and disappeared. When it reappeared, it was already in the vast void beyond the boundless position.

The cold and dead outer void has nothing, only a large number of meteorites and floating continents make irregular circular motion around the Cangmang plane.

The next moment, monray disappeared, and came to a seat a few light years away.

This is a fire element plane, which is filled with only one element - fire element!

The scale of the plane is small, which is similar to the low plane, but the fire element is very rich!

Seeing this plane, monray can't help but think of the fire element life - Salomon snake.

This little guy he named "Wahaha" has been living in the 97th floor of the tower of time. At first, the strong fire element in the 97th layer is the paradise for it to live and grow.

However, with the continuous improvement of strength, 97 layers have been unable to meet the growth needs of Wahaha.

In short, the tower of time began to hinder its growth.

It is only for a long time that Monterey has no better place to stay in the tower of time.

Now seeing the fire element plane, monray thinks it's a good place. With this in mind, he releases Wahaha.

"Well? Where is this? "

Suddenly appeared in the dark outside of the void, Wahaha, a face of doubt, but when it saw Menglei, can't help but smile happily, "Menglei, how are you here?"

Monley pointed to the plane not far away and said, "ha ha, I just found a fire element plane, I think you will like it very much!"

Whoa ha ha, looking along the direction of Monroe, I was excited to run up and down. "What a rich fire element! That's the fire element plane

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"Go if you like."

"I'll stay in this seat and I'll come back to see you!" he said with a smile

"Mon ray, thank you!"

Wahaha couldn't help it for a long time. It directly turned into a flame streamer and shot at the fire element plane, and then it broke through the plane barrier and got into it.

"Ha ha!"

Monley laughed and left.

Wahaha, as the Salomon snake in fire element, has great potential. It may be a great help when it grows to a certain extent. But that day was too long for Monroe to wait that long.So, let it go, let it grow freely and see what it can live like!

In the next time, monley in the vast expanse of the void experiment to break the boundaries of transmission!

This thing is worthy of the top space magic, the transmission distance is very terrible.

After some attempts, monray was pleased to find that the longest distance he could transmit was 10 light years, which meant that he could run 10 light years away in a flash, which was extremely abnormal!

Later, Menglei returned to the Cangmang plane, and then to the nether world!

Before refining the plane heart of the nether world, Menglei went back to the bright land.

It's time for me to leave.

The bright land is still the same as before!

It can be seen that in the past 20 years since he left, the belief of the old Dean has spread to every corner of the mainland, deep into the hearts of every intelligent creature, and has continuously provided the power of belief.

"Strange! Where's the old Dean? "

Menglei glanced across the bright continent, but he did not find the old Dean. His mind crossed the endless deep sea and came to the sky. Finally, he found the old Dean's figure.

"The others are here too!"

Monley smiles and passes.


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The domed continent, the palace of the Monroe empire.

At the moment, the Council hall is full of people.

The old Dean and his sister, emolyn, are here.

Puhaman, Sanir, babus, Mervyn, the pursuer, nagiya, cecia, Galen, the spider goddess, the queen of the dark elves, Salas and other Monroe's men were also present.

What's amazing is that even the fat man is here!

A group of people get together and argue about something. It seems that no one can convince anyone and argue with each other.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to lose! This is a great opportunity to open up our territory. If we seize this opportunity, we will have a large territory! " "If the master is here, he will support me!" he said

"It's good to open up territory, but don't forget it!"

The spider goddess coldly said, "the opposite is the earth God, one of the ten deities. How powerful is the earth God? Although we are superior gods, but this strength is not even fart in the earth god world! To speak well is to open up territory, but to speak badly is to deliver food! "

"Rose, I don't agree with you!"

Galen, the master of flying snow sword, retorted, "although the earth God is as strong as clouds, it is also vast and boundless. If it is scattered, the strong one of the earth gods must be very thin. Although our strength is not top-notch, we can do it by occupying several mountains!"

"Galen has a point!"

"A mountain in the demon kingdom is bigger than all the planes we currently occupy. I think the earth and the divine world are the same! As long as we can occupy a mountain range in the earth, it will be enough for us to spread our faith! "

"The strong in the earth and the divine world are like clouds. If they enter it rashly, they may put themselves in danger." The queen of the dark elves sighed.

"If you don't go into the tiger's den, what will you get?"? There is a great opportunity to enter the earth god world. If you miss it, you will miss it forever

"All of you have become high gods," puhaman said in a deep voice? Now, there is a great opportunity to spread faith, which can never be missed! "

Hear this, spider goddess also don't know how to refute, divine power emptiness? It's not only emptiness, it's absolute scarcity!

Although the success of refining the superior deity given by Menglei and becoming a powerful superior deity, this is a happy thing, but the beauty is that there is no deity, but there is no abundant divine power, and the strength is greatly reduced!

This is equivalent to equipped with tanks, Italian guns, but not enough ammunition, empty weapons in hand, but can not be used!

It's torture to death!

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Therefore, everyone wants to change this situation, and the best way to supplement the divine power is to spread faith and collect the power of faith!

It's a pity that the existing seats are not enough. Even if the immigration work of 48 seat seats has been finished long ago, the population of 48 seat seats has been increasing rapidly every year, it is still not enough!

The supernatural power needed by a superior God is too terrible. The belief territory of 100 seats can barely provide the consumption of the supernatural power needed by the upper God!

With so many gods, how can 48 planes be enough? Therefore, we need to expand our territory and expand outward. The problem is

"What are you arguing about, so hard?"

In a group of people fighting hard, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the hall, all of them were shocked.




Menglei quietly appeared in the hall, smiling at the big guy.

"See the master!"

They were overjoyed, and even the old man stroked his beard."Get up!"

"What have you just argued?" montrey waved and smiled? What earth God? "

"Master, it's like this!"

"Just half a month ago, a space crack appeared in the sky over the black cloud continent. After our exploration, the space crack led to one of the ten gods of the earth god world!"

"The earth God?"

Menglei was surprised that the black cloud continent was one of the 48 seats he had previously occupied. He knew the black cloud continent naturally, but he didn't expect that the space cracks of the black cloud continent led to the earth God!

"Yes, master!"

"After our investigation, that space crack really leads to the earth God, and we have already handed over with some powerful people in the earth god world..."

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