"Do you think I'm afraid of the four masters?"

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Monterey looked at the LORD God of bados, as if looking at an idiot, "there is no fool who can cultivate to our level! Of course, except for you, the main gods. After all, you are just a group of lucky people who integrate the God's status! "

"Can you fight against the Lord?" he exclaimed

With a faint smile, Menglei gently pinched his fingers and picked out the master deity of baduosi. Looking at the irregular crystal with shining crystal, he laughed.

"It seems that I have all the 11 main deities in the earth god world! Monroe, you say If I now merge these 11 main deities, will I become the Supreme God directly

"Theoretically, it is possible!"

"However, you are not a God, and you can't merge with the God! So, you'd better try to be a God first

"You can be a God at any time!" He nodded slightly. "What I care about is whether the integration of God's status will affect my understanding of the law of creation?"

"Of course it will, but it will be positive."

"Once you become a God, your spirit will become incomparably powerful. When the spirit is strong, the difficulty of understanding the law of creation will naturally be reduced. There is no doubt about this."

"If so, be a God."

Menglei smile, eyes suddenly flash, mouth hook up a touch of light smile "however, now seems to have no time!"


Monroe raised his eyebrows.

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"The great master Here we are

Menglei's voice has not yet fallen, a breath of incomparable terror comes from the distance, the void slightly shakes, a person stops in a hundred meters away.

The man was wearing a bright silver robe, which was embroidered with the supreme law rune. His eyes were cold and indifferent without any emotion. He looked at the corpses of the God scattered around him. His brows suddenly wrinkled, and he was still a little late after all?

Then, his eyes fell on the hand of Monroe, which is the main god of bados.

"The great master of space, save Help me! Help me There was a cry for help from the LORD God.

"The LORD God is padus!"

The face of the master of space suddenly became gloomy and incomparable. Even the LORD God of baduosi was killed. What about other gods in the world of gods?

What about the other gods?


As soon as the master of space sinks, he certainly knows what will happen to all the main deities in a divine world. That is what he never wants to see or want to see!

Why is there the covenant of God?

On the surface, it is to prevent the main gods from killing each other. Its main purpose is to prevent the birth of super gods. In case of the birth of super gods, even The legendary supreme God will definitely threaten the status of the four masters!

This is what the four masters do not want to see, so there is the covenant of God!

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Now, however, what the four masters are most worried about is happening!

"He must be killed before he merges all the master deities! Otherwise, when he merges all the gods of the earth, the consequences will be unimaginable! "

The space master's eyes are sharp as a knife, staring at Meng Lei coldly, "mole ant, do you know the crime?"


"I want to know what kind of crime I have committed. If it's a crime to hunt the LORD God, I'd rather have a crime in the end!" he said


The master of space was furious. "As a great perfectionist, he wantonly slaughtered the LORD God. Now he will be arrested, otherwise..."

Meng Lei ha ha "great master of space, needless to say unnecessary nonsense. See the real chapter under your hand. Let me see, how can you rank among the four masters and overlook the gods?"

"If you are so obstinate, then go to death!" Space dominator's eyes are indifferent, coldly spit out four words "space confinement!"

"Hum -"

the law of space came in an instant and fell on Meng Lei, imprisoning the space around him. It seemed that even Menglei was also imprisoned in the same place.

"Blade of space!"

With a finger of the master of space, there is a broken blade shining with bright silver light in the void, which shoots out sharply and takes Meng Lei's head directly.

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"Attack me with the laws of space?"

Meng Lei almost laughs and stares at him. The edge of the space that originally shot at him suddenly dissipates into the invisible, as if he had never appeared before.

Then, monray gently shook his shoulder, and the void of confinement was also scattered.

The master of space frowned slightly. "How deep is your understanding of the laws of space?"

He only learned from the master of life that monlay understood the laws of time and space, but he did not know to what extent he realized.

However, just after a brief confrontation, the master of space has noticed that monley has a deep understanding of the laws of space, at least more than 50!

Menglei light way "you understand I understand, you do not understand I also understand, so, do not in front of me master axe!""Do you know what to do?"

As soon as the space master's face sank, the silver light flashed to Menglei, and his right hand became a space blade, which suddenly crossed Menglei's neck.

"How dare you come?"

Monley snorted, "space is gone!"

"Boom -"

as soon as the voice fell, the void in front of Meng Lei suddenly disappeared into a black hole, and the air, magic elements, basic laws and even space itself were all twisted into paste and became a black hole.

The master of space is so lucky that he plunges into the black hole and sends out a scream.

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Then, he quickly body explosive retreat, and so on back to a few kilometers away, just stopped.

I can see that the robe of the master of space has disappeared, and even his eyebrows and hair have been damaged to a certain extent. If he was not the master of space, his body was extremely powerful, and he would definitely have an accident.


The master of space spurts fire with his eyes. A robe quickly appears on his body to cover himself. Looking at Meng Lei's eyes, he is full of endless killing intention. "For many years, you are the first person to make Ben master so embarrassed. I will tear you into pieces!"

"Boom -"

an extremely violent breath burst out from the master of space, and the surrounding empty space seemed like a fragile mirror to break apart one after another. For a time, with the space master as the center, the empty space of tens of thousands of kilometers around was completely reduced to a black hole.

The master of space is in the center of the black hole. His body emits bright silver light, and the whole person turns into bright silver. This is the external manifestation of the materialization of space law.

"Humble mole ant, next you will understand how foolish it is to enrage a master!"

With the roar of the master of space and the grasp of his right hand, a huge bright silver sword composed of the laws of space appears quietly. The surface of the sword is engraved with mysterious space law runes.

"Sword of space, chop!"

The sword of space roared, and the bright silver sword suddenly disappeared. The next moment, it was less than three inches away from Menglei's head.

Giant sword It's a blink of an eye!

"I said, this kind of attack is useless to me!"

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